The information concerning CESL in this web site is suprisingly misleading in more than one aspect:

1. The Master of European and International Law prog. operated in Beijing is a part of LLM of University of Hamburg(UHH), which is just outsourced to CUPL but under the dormain of UHH. It can not be defined as a CESL degree program.

2. From 2013-14 academic year, all LLM programs in English in CUPL have been merged into a single one and under a centralized management by College of International Student in CUPL and CESL has no authorization to set up another LLM in CUPL, see:

3. According to information publicized by China's Ministry Education, CESL is no longer to have authorization to recruit any students, see:

I am just writting to draw your attention to these basic facts of CESL.