China LLM


Is there anybody here who knows something about this LLM Programs in Chine or maybe even a person that has made his LLM in China? What is the language like,are lessons in English or Chinese etc..
Thank you for your help!

Is there anybody here who knows something about this LLM Programs in Chine or maybe even a person that has made his LLM in China? What is the language like,are lessons in English or Chinese etc..
Thank you for your help!

hi Juliette,
i am a Chinese law student, in my last year in doing my LLB. I don't think there is any LLM programme taught in English offered by the universities in the mainland. I am studying in Beijing, which has the best universities. Plus Chinese LLM is different from the international standard.

hi Juliette,
i am a Chinese law student, in my last year in doing my LLB. I don't think there is any LLM programme taught in English offered by the universities in the mainland. I am studying in Beijing, which has the best universities. Plus Chinese LLM is different from the international standard.

hi star!
thank you for the information! You know anything about this Temple University LLM program in Beijing at Tsinghua University?

hi star!
thank you for the information! You know anything about this Temple University LLM program in Beijing at Tsinghua University?

Hi Juliette,
I havent heard of that programme before. But I had a search in google, and find some info that might be useful for you. Here is a link in Chinese: their contact info could be found. But it looks like it is designed for Chinese law students or legal practitioners who will get involved in foreign legal affairs...

Hi Juliette,
I havent heard of that programme before. But I had a search in google, and find some info that might be useful for you. Here is a link in Chinese: their contact info could be found. But it looks like it is designed for Chinese law students or legal practitioners who will get involved in foreign legal affairs...

Thank you for this inside information Star, That#s very intersesting!
When you say that Chinese LLM is very different from LLM in other countries what do you mean? The duration or content of the program?

Thank you for this inside information Star, That#s very intersesting!
When you say that Chinese LLM is very different from LLM in other countries what do you mean? The duration or content of the program?

sorry. i might be wrong because i didnt know that chinese universities offer LLM programmes in co-operation with unis abroad. If they do, i guess they should normal LLM programmes. But you should contact them to make sure you are eligible for these programmes because it is said that they are designed for chinese law students to enhance their professional qualifications....
have a nice weekend

sorry. i might be wrong because i didnt know that chinese universities offer LLM programmes in co-operation with unis abroad. If they do, i guess they should normal LLM programmes. But you should contact them to make sure you are eligible for these programmes because it is said that they are designed for chinese law students to enhance their professional qualifications....
have a nice weekend

Thank´you star! Wish you a good end of weekend as well!

Thank´you star! Wish you a good end of weekend as well!

Hello Juliette,
i'm also interested in doing a master in law in china...
I haven't been able to find any clear information.. but apparentely there is foreigners university in shnaghai.... but the sie doesn't work verywell and i haven't been able to get it wll...
where are u from? and wherewould u liek to study and hat exactely???
did u have a look at the university on honk kong? they surely have courses in english..

Hello Juliette,
i'm also interested in doing a master in law in china...
I haven't been able to find any clear information.. but apparentely there is foreigners university in shnaghai.... but the sie doesn't work verywell and i haven't been able to get it wll...
where are u from? and wherewould u liek to study and hat exactely???
did u have a look at the university on honk kong? they surely have courses in english..

Hi kikko! Yes I ahve seen the Shanghai program but you are right, the website looks a little unprofessionsal and also the Program is said to be lasting for 3 years! I have had a look at several of the Chinese sites, as you say, the 2 LLMs in Hong Kong are apparantly comparable to western LLMs and designed for international students. Apart from that, I only found the Temple LLM in Beijing (Tsinghua Univ.), which is a US style LLM as far as I can see. But I amnot sure if its designed for Chinese students rather than for international ones.
I am from France, how about you?

Hi kikko! Yes I ahve seen the Shanghai program but you are right, the website looks a little unprofessionsal and also the Program is said to be lasting for 3 years! I have had a look at several of the Chinese sites, as you say, the 2 LLMs in Hong Kong are apparantly comparable to western LLMs and designed for international students. Apart from that, I only found the Temple LLM in Beijing (Tsinghua Univ.), which is a US style LLM as far as I can see. But I amnot sure if its designed for Chinese students rather than for international ones.
I am from France, how about you?

hello Juliette!
i'm from italy....
Personaly i'm really undecided.. it's really hard to understand what's the best place to study in china (or asia in general). I've been to hong kong, singapore, shanghai, beijin and many other chinse city (as a tourist).... and if i should choose a city where i'de like to live for a year..uhmm well maybe i'de choose shanghai or honk kong.. beijing is nice too.. maybe there are more foreigners then shanghai becouse of the embassies.. but shanghai is the financial center of china
Honk kong is great.... but looks like everything is moving to shnaghai right now.. so i'm scared to go to the wrong place.. u can see i'm kinda lost and undecided..
i was even thinking on doing a master in australia..or the sates... but i i really like asia and i think it's a good moment to understand how things works over there...
well.. let me know more about u.. what did u study exactely , how old are u? and what do u want to study ?
i'm gradiated in law and i'm practicing as a lawyer.. but i'm looking for something different..that's why i want to do a manster....
my email is
write soon

hello Juliette!
i'm from italy....
Personaly i'm really undecided.. it's really hard to understand what's the best place to study in china (or asia in general). I've been to hong kong, singapore, shanghai, beijin and many other chinse city (as a tourist).... and if i should choose a city where i'de like to live for a year..uhmm well maybe i'de choose shanghai or honk kong.. beijing is nice too.. maybe there are more foreigners then shanghai becouse of the embassies.. but shanghai is the financial center of china
Honk kong is great.... but looks like everything is moving to shnaghai right now.. so i'm scared to go to the wrong place.. u can see i'm kinda lost and undecided..
i was even thinking on doing a master in australia..or the sates... but i i really like asia and i think it's a good moment to understand how things works over there...
well.. let me know more about u.. what did u study exactely , how old are u? and what do u want to study ?
i'm gradiated in law and i'm practicing as a lawyer.. but i'm looking for something different..that's why i want to do a manster....
my email is
write soon

Hi kikki!
I also liked Shanghai and Hong Kong very much, but I think you really have to bear in mind that Hong Kong is still like a different country and very western. As you people probably witnessed yourself people there all speak English and are in general very weestern-orientated. I therefore think that the programs in Hong Kong are better for foreigners, actually I do not really think that any foreigners participate in the other programs in Shanghai and Beijing at all, at least thats what a Chinese girl in another board said. Singapore is also very western as you will remember so right now I am undecided between HK an Sing.
I have recently graduated and would like to work in an international law firm or company with strong China links, after all its the market of the future...

Hi kikki!
I also liked Shanghai and Hong Kong very much, but I think you really have to bear in mind that Hong Kong is still like a different country and very western. As you people probably witnessed yourself people there all speak English and are in general very weestern-orientated. I therefore think that the programs in Hong Kong are better for foreigners, actually I do not really think that any foreigners participate in the other programs in Shanghai and Beijing at all, at least thats what a Chinese girl in another board said. Singapore is also very western as you will remember so right now I am undecided between HK an Sing.
I have recently graduated and would like to work in an international law firm or company with strong China links, after all its the market of the future...

Sorry, with the 'other girl' I meant of course 'Star' from this very board...

Sorry, with the 'other girl' I meant of course 'Star' from this very board...

yes i also belive taht china is the biggest market in the wolrd. And u don't need to look at the future.. already now it's a huuuge market. I don't understand why people is so scared of china..
I want to do it becosue i think that not many people knows how things works like in china....
About sing and hkk... i donno wich one would i choos.e..
i think honk kong is probabily better.. becosue it's part of china anyway..even if it has a special status.
Singapore is an indipendent state.... but on one side i think it would be very nice to live there too...
so i donno...
have u msn? we could try to chat sometimes and talk about it in a better way...
by the way.. u ddin't tell me how oldu are...

yes i also belive taht china is the biggest market in the wolrd. And u don't need to look at the future.. already now it's a huuuge market. I don't understand why people is so scared of china..
I want to do it becosue i think that not many people knows how things works like in china....
About sing and hkk... i donno wich one would i choos.e..
i think honk kong is probabily better.. becosue it's part of china anyway..even if it has a special status.
Singapore is an indipendent state.... but on one side i think it would be very nice to live there too...
so i donno...
have u msn? we could try to chat sometimes and talk about it in a better way...
by the way.. u ddin't tell me how oldu are...

i just had a look at the University of Hong Kong site.. they also have masters in lkaw tought in english...
unfortunately the dead line for monday 28 february.....
THe city university of hong kong looks good too, but the University of hing kong sounds more like the official leading univerity in hong kong...
what do u think? got any information about it?
my msn is

i want to confront with u my informations and ideas.. i need to make a decision and it's helpful to confront with someone else.

i just had a look at the University of Hong Kong site.. they also have masters in lkaw tought in english...
unfortunately the dead line for monday 28 february.....
THe city university of hong kong looks good too, but the University of hing kong sounds more like the official leading univerity in hong kong...
what do u think? got any information about it?
my msn is

i want to confront with u my informations and ideas.. i need to make a decision and it's helpful to confront with someone else.

did u apply to any llm yet?
could u live your email , if u don't mind?? or just send me an we can easly communicate

did u apply to any llm yet?
could u live your email , if u don't mind?? or just send me an we can easly communicate

Hi kikko, sorry for the delay. No, so far I still have not applied, you? I am 26 to answer you rquestion and I dont have mns or yahoo but I think if we continue on this board its also nice and helpful for other people who also want to do a China LLM. I also heard that the University of Hong Kong has a very good reputation but I think both are quite good. I havent checked the application deadline, did you mean that the deadline for the LLM is at the end of Feb or for another master? That would mean a lot of hurry! :-( I hope we can still make it..
Have you checked the fees by the way? Are both unis the same?

Hi kikko, sorry for the delay. No, so far I still have not applied, you? I am 26 to answer you rquestion and I dont have mns or yahoo but I think if we continue on this board its also nice and helpful for other people who also want to do a China LLM. I also heard that the University of Hong Kong has a very good reputation but I think both are quite good. I havent checked the application deadline, did you mean that the deadline for the LLM is at the end of Feb or for another master? That would mean a lot of hurry! :-( I hope we can still make it..
Have you checked the fees by the way? Are both unis the same?

Hello Juliette,

i also think that both the universities are good (hong kong university and hong kong city university). The dead line for the HKU is 28 febryary!!! so we need to hurry up... the dead line for the HKCU is 25 june if i'm not wrong.. though, they have a "prior in tempore ,potior in jure" system.. wich means,, that the first u apply more possibilites u have to be enrolled in....
About the singapore uni.. wlel..the dead line was 31 we already missed it!!!
I haven't applyed to any university yet...
I really hope i'll be able to send all the papers in time for the hku.. i don't have a toefl certification..though i will do it as soon as possible... i have no problem in getting 2 letters of reference... i think we still need other papers..but i don't rememebr wich once...
Of course we can talk here.... but i thought it was more effective if we could chat in real time... anyway.. this is not a problem.
It's good to know that u are same age as me....
And it's good to know u are a french too.. becosue our the legal systems are very similars... and i was wondering how it would be to study in a common law system...
By the way.. i read on the uni site that if we didn't study in a common law country.. we need to take a special course in common law... but i'm not sure if this is obbligatory or not..
i sent them an email last fryday.. but they didn't answer yet...
Where do u think to apply??? only hong kong?
are u working right now?

Hello Juliette,

i also think that both the universities are good (hong kong university and hong kong city university). The dead line for the HKU is 28 febryary!!! so we need to hurry up... the dead line for the HKCU is 25 june if i'm not wrong.. though, they have a "prior in tempore ,potior in jure" system.. wich means,, that the first u apply more possibilites u have to be enrolled in....
About the singapore uni.. wlel..the dead line was 31 we already missed it!!!
I haven't applyed to any university yet...
I really hope i'll be able to send all the papers in time for the hku.. i don't have a toefl certification..though i will do it as soon as possible... i have no problem in getting 2 letters of reference... i think we still need other papers..but i don't rememebr wich once...
Of course we can talk here.... but i thought it was more effective if we could chat in real time... anyway.. this is not a problem.
It's good to know that u are same age as me....
And it's good to know u are a french too.. becosue our the legal systems are very similars... and i was wondering how it would be to study in a common law system...
By the way.. i read on the uni site that if we didn't study in a common law country.. we need to take a special course in common law... but i'm not sure if this is obbligatory or not..
i sent them an email last fryday.. but they didn't answer yet...
Where do u think to apply??? only hong kong?
are u working right now?

they didn't answer my email yet...
Did u choose wich LLm apply for?
I'm not sure if i want to do the chinese law one or the financial and corporate llm... they are both based on chinse\asian legal system.... and u can choose to do courses from other llm.....
wich one are u thinking to apply for?
have u a toefl or ielst certification??

they didn't answer my email yet...
Did u choose wich LLm apply for?
I'm not sure if i want to do the chinese law one or the financial and corporate llm... they are both based on chinse\asian legal system.... and u can choose to do courses from other llm.....
wich one are u thinking to apply for?
have u a toefl or ielst certification??

Hi kikko, hm thats bad nwes, we really have to hurry with the applications. I have decided to aplly to both City and Univ o HK, Singapore is already gone as you said so no use. Yes, I have got a TOEFL test but I think you shouldn't worry about the applications, I think if you send enything in time that will be fine, after all they are not Harvard and they earn money with their LLM students so I am sure they will accept late documents. So what I will do is send the documents I have now and send the missing stuff later. I havent decided on the specialization yet, what are you gonna do?

Hi kikko, hm thats bad nwes, we really have to hurry with the applications. I have decided to aplly to both City and Univ o HK, Singapore is already gone as you said so no use. Yes, I have got a TOEFL test but I think you shouldn't worry about the applications, I think if you send enything in time that will be fine, after all they are not Harvard and they earn money with their LLM students so I am sure they will accept late documents. So what I will do is send the documents I have now and send the missing stuff later. I havent decided on the specialization yet, what are you gonna do?

i donno yet....
if i got it right... the have 5 specialization... and u have to choose 8 modules... at least 6 from the specified track..and the other 2 , if u want, from the other tracks..
Or u can do the llmwith a general specialization..wich means u can choose the 8 modules from all the llm they have....
I donno yet wich one to choose....
i'm reading the specifications of each module... and i really have to hurry up.. .. what about the reference letters?? are u gonna apply on line? what will u exactely send ?

i donno yet....
if i got it right... the have 5 specialization... and u have to choose 8 modules... at least 6 from the specified track..and the other 2 , if u want, from the other tracks..
Or u can do the llmwith a general specialization..wich means u can choose the 8 modules from all the llm they have....
I donno yet wich one to choose....
i'm reading the specifications of each module... and i really have to hurry up.. .. what about the reference letters?? are u gonna apply on line? what will u exactely send ?

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