Yale or HLS


everyone says that Yale should be better for those interested in academia, as I am, but still cannot decide. I will be grateful for comments on this issue

everyone says that Yale should be better for those interested in academia, as I am, but still cannot decide. I will be grateful for comments on this issue

OPSA...can you share your credentials

OPSA...can you share your credentials

PhD, several publications, some teaching experience

PhD, several publications, some teaching experience

Congrats...maybe I contact you by PM on nationality and one question. Yale's selection I have no doubt is bizzare or seriously flawed. I sent PM to two posters here (including Destiny09 with incredible credentials) and we can't believe it. Congrats again.

Congrats...maybe I contact you by PM on nationality and one question. Yale's selection I have no doubt is bizzare or seriously flawed. I sent PM to two posters here (including Destiny09 with incredible credentials) and we can't believe it. Congrats again.

Sorry for intruding into this thread but I think Yale is the one you should be going for!

Sorry for intruding into this thread but I think Yale is the one you should be going for!

thanks ; )

thanks ; )

Yale is better. Period.

Yale is better. Period.


did you get in?


did you get in?

it seems so clear for everybody that Yale is just better... could you give me some reasons? some comments about New Haven?

it seems so clear for everybody that Yale is just better... could you give me some reasons? some comments about New Haven?

Depends on your specialization. If you are looking at legal philosophy, constitutional law or international law, Yale would be the better choice. For business and commercial law, corporate law, taxation, law and economics, I believe Harvard provides more options. Faced with that choice last year, I choose Harvard over Yale because HLS offered more tax subjects (about 10) than YLS (3).

Aside from subjects offered, I would look at location, prestige and scholarships. Boston is a more active place than idyllic New Haven. In terms of prestige, Yale seems to be a winner if you are looking at the US market. Internationally, I think Harvard has a lot more name recall. For scholarship grants, from my experience Yale is more generous in view of the limited LLM class size.

But you can't go wrong with either.

Depends on your specialization. If you are looking at legal philosophy, constitutional law or international law, Yale would be the better choice. For business and commercial law, corporate law, taxation, law and economics, I believe Harvard provides more options. Faced with that choice last year, I choose Harvard over Yale because HLS offered more tax subjects (about 10) than YLS (3).

Aside from subjects offered, I would look at location, prestige and scholarships. Boston is a more active place than idyllic New Haven. In terms of prestige, Yale seems to be a winner if you are looking at the US market. Internationally, I think Harvard has a lot more name recall. For scholarship grants, from my experience Yale is more generous in view of the limited LLM class size.

But you can't go wrong with either.

If you are looking at a career in academia, then you cannot go wrong with Yale. HLS is better for networking (larger class size and alumni), which is ideal for practitioners.

As for New Haven v Boston, I guess Boston has the edge, but if it was simply down to location we'd all just head off to NYU wouldn't we ;)

If you are looking at a career in academia, then you cannot go wrong with Yale. HLS is better for networking (larger class size and alumni), which is ideal for practitioners.

As for New Haven v Boston, I guess Boston has the edge, but if it was simply down to location we'd all just head off to NYU wouldn't we ;)

Thank you Ekchi and Mercury Man,

I am interested in international and comparative law for academic purposes, and I would like to work in Europe (... but who knows!). I also had an interesting offer from the NYU , and of course, living in New York is very tempting... I have been thinking that maybe Harvard would be a good option taking into account all the factors (courses, scholarship, reputation and the city),
I know it is a sweet problem to decide between this two but still, It is hard to take a decision

Thank you Ekchi and Mercury Man,

I am interested in international and comparative law for academic purposes, and I would like to work in Europe (... but who knows!). I also had an interesting offer from the NYU , and of course, living in New York is very tempting... I have been thinking that maybe Harvard would be a good option taking into account all the factors (courses, scholarship, reputation and the city),
I know it is a sweet problem to decide between this two but still, It is hard to take a decision

An interesting statistic: 80% of JDs admitted to both HLS and YLS choose YLS. Anyway, if you choose to go to HLS, please feel free to contact me for any questions.

An interesting statistic: 80% of JDs admitted to both HLS and YLS choose YLS. Anyway, if you choose to go to HLS, please feel free to contact me for any questions.

Here is what I wrote in an email to Caroline Curtis and Maria Dino (YLS Admissions):

"I was admitted to Stanford Law School (SPILS) on Saturday, and I've just received my admission to Harvard Law School LLM-ITP Program.
Since HLS and SLS are my first choices, I would like to formally withdraw my Yale Law School application."

I had not received any info. from YLS (acceptance, rejection or W/L) when I sent it... Yale was my 3rd or 4th choice.

Here is what I wrote in an email to Caroline Curtis and Maria Dino (YLS Admissions):

"I was admitted to Stanford Law School (SPILS) on Saturday, and I've just received my admission to Harvard Law School LLM-ITP Program.
Since HLS and SLS are my first choices, I would like to formally withdraw my Yale Law School application."

I had not received any info. from YLS (acceptance, rejection or W/L) when I sent it... Yale was my 3rd or 4th choice.

What a luxury franziskaner! I congratulate you! :D

What a luxury franziskaner! I congratulate you! :D

If you are looking at a career in academia, then you cannot go wrong with Yale. HLS is better for networking (larger class size and alumni), which is ideal for practitioners.

As for New Haven v Boston, I guess Boston has the edge, but if it was simply down to location we'd all just head off to NYU wouldn't we ;)

NO, we wouldn't. NYC would be one of my last choices to spend any substantial amount of time in. I would go to lesser schools just to avoid the goddam place. Pardon my french.

<blockquote>If you are looking at a career in academia, then you cannot go wrong with Yale. HLS is better for networking (larger class size and alumni), which is ideal for practitioners.

As for New Haven v Boston, I guess Boston has the edge, but if it was simply down to location we'd all just head off to NYU wouldn't we ;)</blockquote>

NO, we wouldn't. NYC would be one of my last choices to spend any substantial amount of time in. I would go to lesser schools just to avoid the goddam place. Pardon my french.

Humilhasses a raça paulista!!!! Parabéns!

Poor translation: Okydokey Mr. from Sao Paulo. Congrats!

Humilhasses a raça paulista!!!! Parabéns!

Poor translation: Okydokey Mr. from Sao Paulo. Congrats!

I think in choosing between these 2 schools, you should always follow the US Presidency. Choose the school whose alumni is the latest-elected president of the united states. So if this were last year, definitely Yale. Now? You get my drift.

I think in choosing between these 2 schools, you should always follow the US Presidency. Choose the school whose alumni is the latest-elected president of the united states. So if this were last year, definitely Yale. Now? You get my drift.

Yale is the best law school of the world, and it has better faculty and students than HLS.

Yale is the best law school of the world, and it has better faculty and students than HLS.

Yale is the best law school of the world, and it has better faculty and students than HLS.

Can you provide one single evidence to back up your claim? And don't tell me US News either. I could start a newspaper tomorrow and name golden gate law school the number one law school in the country by using some twisted methodology.

Allow me to give you a few clues to where you can locate those evidence. Do yale graduates earn more than HLS? Do Yale students have higher average IQ scores than HLS? Do Yale faculty produce better legal writing? Are yale professors more eloquent in class? Do more yale graduates sit on the US Supreme Court? Do more presidents and governors who came from Yale? If you can say yes to any of the above questions, then I will admit Yale is a better law school than HLS.

<blockquote>Yale is the best law school of the world, and it has better faculty and students than HLS.</blockquote>

Can you provide one single evidence to back up your claim? And don't tell me US News either. I could start a newspaper tomorrow and name golden gate law school the number one law school in the country by using some twisted methodology.

Allow me to give you a few clues to where you can locate those evidence. Do yale graduates earn more than HLS? Do Yale students have higher average IQ scores than HLS? Do Yale faculty produce better legal writing? Are yale professors more eloquent in class? Do more yale graduates sit on the US Supreme Court? Do more presidents and governors who came from Yale? If you can say yes to any of the above questions, then I will admit Yale is a better law school than HLS.

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