Yale 12th? Stanford not even top 20?


In the US, keep in mind that (unfortunately) the US News is The Ranking and it really works when you are trying to find a job. It is stupid, but its the truth...
Here's a ranking I like:
1. Newsweek
2. Time Magazine
3. People Magazine
4. TV Guide
5. My Weekly Reader

Third Tier: U.S. News and World Report

Source: http://www.rankingusnews.com/

<blockquote>In the US, keep in mind that (unfortunately) the US News is The Ranking and it really works when you are trying to find a job. It is stupid, but its the truth...</blockquote>Here's a ranking I like:
1. Newsweek
2. Time Magazine
3. People Magazine
4. TV Guide
5. My Weekly Reader

Third Tier: U.S. News and World Report

Source: http://www.rankingusnews.com/

Unfortunately, employers in the US dont think the same... the cut is clear when you are interviewing. Depending on the school ranking in the US News, law firms ask for higher grades and, in some cases, you need to be top 10% or even 5% of the class (even when you study with the JDs)... I have a friend from Mexico that went to Northwestern and could not find a job because he was not in the top 10%. Considering the current economic crisis, this will matter even more... if you are from Europe, it may not matter that much, because you may work in a US law firm in your country. So lots of other issue will be considered (your home country background) and the school is only a plus.

Unfortunately, employers in the US dont think the same... the cut is clear when you are interviewing. Depending on the school ranking in the US News, law firms ask for higher grades and, in some cases, you need to be top 10% or even 5% of the class (even when you study with the JDs)... I have a friend from Mexico that went to Northwestern and could not find a job because he was not in the top 10%. Considering the current economic crisis, this will matter even more... if you are from Europe, it may not matter that much, because you may work in a US law firm in your country. So lots of other issue will be considered (your home country background) and the school is only a plus.

Here's a ranking I like:
1. Newsweek
2. Time Magazine
3. People Magazine
4. TV Guide
5. My Weekly Reader
Third Tier: U.S. News and World Report
Source: http://www.rankingusnews.com/

I agree 100% with Hedek's ranking!!!!

As an American lawyer (and partner in a law firm), I can honestly state that the best lawyers I have met earned their JD's from non-top-20 law schools. They could run circles around the Ivy League graduates I've worked with over the years. The practice of law, ultimately, has no resemblence to law school. It is what you make of it. I've observed several "top" grads fizzle out because they could not handle the pressure of law practice; indeed, they were brilliant, but their brilliance did not translate into the ability to be a successful practitioner.

<blockquote>Here's a ranking I like:
1. Newsweek
2. Time Magazine
3. People Magazine
4. TV Guide
5. My Weekly Reader
Third Tier: U.S. News and World Report
Source: http://www.rankingusnews.com/

I agree 100% with Hedek's ranking!!!!

As an American lawyer (and partner in a law firm), I can honestly state that the best lawyers I have met earned their JD's from non-top-20 law schools. They could run circles around the Ivy League graduates I've worked with over the years. The practice of law, ultimately, has no resemblence to law school. It is what you make of it. I've observed several "top" grads fizzle out because they could not handle the pressure of law practice; indeed, they were brilliant, but their brilliance did not translate into the ability to be a successful practitioner.

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