UPenn or Georgetown


When you guys have to decide? Have you guys paid tghe April 1st deposit for UPenn?

When you guys have to decide? Have you guys paid tghe April 1st deposit for UPenn?

I was given (upon request) an extension until April 15 by Penn and my deadline for GULC is April 17.

I was given (upon request) an extension until April 15 by Penn and my deadline for GULC is April 17.

Again personal, but I'd go for Penn Law for corporate.

Again personal, but I'd go for Penn Law for corporate.

i am facing the same problem. i guess i would select Georgetown in the end.

i am facing the same problem. i guess i would select Georgetown in the end.

I also got acceptance from both universities. Actually I've chosen upenn over gulc without hesitation although gulc is more wellknown in my country.

I also got acceptance from both universities. Actually I've chosen upenn over gulc without hesitation although gulc is more wellknown in my country.

Penn, but that's because I work with M&A. Although I do understand that there are many law firms in Washington, corporate law *tends* to be out of their expertise and, therefore, I ended up choosing Penn. But that depends on what one is willing to do: I talked to people from my firm and they told me that Georgetown as a very good externship program (SEC, in the case).

Penn, but that's because I work with M&A. Although I do understand that there are many law firms in Washington, corporate law *tends* to be out of their expertise and, therefore, I ended up choosing Penn. But that depends on what one is willing to do: I talked to people from my firm and they told me that Georgetown as a very good externship program (SEC, in the case).

I chose Penn too. It was a hard decision because Georgetowm seemed more appealing overall, and seemed to give more opportunities after graduating. In fact I know some classmates of mine who are going to choose Georgetown because they want to live and work abroad. I am not that interested in International Law, I have been working at a law firm for the past two years doing corporate law, so I think that Penn was the right choice (plus my instinct told me so too, if there is such thing...)
Good luck with your decisions, I think that you can't go wrong either way!

I chose Penn too. It was a hard decision because Georgetowm seemed more appealing overall, and seemed to give more opportunities after graduating. In fact I know some classmates of mine who are going to choose Georgetown because they want to live and work abroad. I am not that interested in International Law, I have been working at a law firm for the past two years doing corporate law, so I think that Penn was the right choice (plus my instinct told me so too, if there is such thing...)
Good luck with your decisions, I think that you can't go wrong either way!

Thank you for your comment, ascese and ipink!!

Thank you for your comment, ascese and ipink!!

Georgetown for sure!!

Course selection is much better. It seemed to be a lot more organized than UPenn or any programs in the area. Not to mention, the neighborhood of Georgetown is among the best in the country.

Georgetown for sure!!

Course selection is much better. It seemed to be a lot more organized than UPenn or any programs in the area. Not to mention, the neighborhood of Georgetown is among the best in the country.

Well, I don't know about their organization because I have not been there, and again, it depends on which field one wishes to concentrate, as mentioned by many in this thread.
Fyi, Georgetown Law Centre is located at the Capitol Hill area, not at the Georgetown neighborhood, it is not near the other schools of Georgetown University.

Well, I don't know about their organization because I have not been there, and again, it depends on which field one wishes to concentrate, as mentioned by many in this thread.
Fyi, Georgetown Law Centre is located at the Capitol Hill area, not at the Georgetown neighborhood, it is not near the other schools of Georgetown University.

Thank you for your information.

Do you agree that course selection is better? And GULC seemed to be taking the LLM problem more seriously then other schools.

Thank you for your information.

Do you agree that course selection is better? And GULC seemed to be taking the LLM problem more seriously then other schools.

To the OP: to find a job in the US in this economy (assuming no prior US JD), the only reasonable bets are Stanford and Yale. Not even Harvard would guarantee it.
Anywhere else, it's a matter of luck and networking, period. Neither UPenn nor Georgetown will make a difference.
That said, if you're interested in international law, Georgetown is the place to be, more than ever.

To the others: UPenn's LLM/Wharton would be more beneficial for anyone interested in American corporate law and/or in house counsel.
Though, if you're not admitted in the Wharton program, the usefulness and appeal of that curriculum for practicing abroad become somewhat lower. In that perspective, a WTO Certificate at Georgetown may prove more useful, whichever country you end up working in.

To the OP: to find a job in the US in this economy (assuming no prior US JD), the only reasonable bets are Stanford and Yale. Not even Harvard would guarantee it.
Anywhere else, it's a matter of luck and networking, period. Neither UPenn nor Georgetown will make a difference.
That said, if you're interested in international law, Georgetown is the place to be, more than ever.

To the others: UPenn's LLM/Wharton would be more beneficial for anyone interested in American corporate law and/or in house counsel.
Though, if you're not admitted in the Wharton program, the usefulness and appeal of that curriculum for practicing abroad become somewhat lower. In that perspective, a WTO Certificate at Georgetown may prove more useful, whichever country you end up working in.

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