NYU vs Georgetown


I know NYU is better ranked than Georgetown, yet I'm not quite sure as to which school I should choose...
My first choice is CLS but I havent heard from them yet...
I'm interested in international law and it's a tough choice considering both schools are highly regarded in the field...
Any comments or advice I should take into account? Thanks.

I know NYU is better ranked than Georgetown, yet I'm not quite sure as to which school I should choose...
My first choice is CLS but I havent heard from them yet...
I'm interested in international law and it's a tough choice considering both schools are highly regarded in the field...
Any comments or advice I should take into account? Thanks.


I am in a very similar situation. I have been accepted from both law schools. Despite there are big differences between the rankings I believe that is important to weight some other things like for example the cost of living, which is substantially lower in DC.

I would like, as well as anushka, some advice regarding this issue.


I am in a very similar situation. I have been accepted from both law schools. Despite there are big differences between the rankings I believe that is important to weight some other things like for example the cost of living, which is substantially lower in DC.

I would like, as well as anushka, some advice regarding this issue.

I also heard that NY is "considerably" expensive than DC. But how far is it expensive? SInce I have been and will be a practicing attorney rather than a scholar, and many of my acquaintances, both private and business, are in NY, I would definitely prefer NY...

I also heard that NY is "considerably" expensive than DC. But how far is it expensive? SInce I have been and will be a practicing attorney rather than a scholar, and many of my acquaintances, both private and business, are in NY, I would definitely prefer NY...

Well, definitely as far as accommodation is concerned DC is much cheaper than NY. In DC you can find accommodation (studio, maybe a one bedroom) for under $1000/month in nice areas. In NY you would be very lucky to find something nice in a nice area not too far from NYU for under $1500. What is nice in NY is also very different to what is nice in DC - apartments in DC are much larger for one thing - in NY you'll often have a little cupboard passing for a studio.
Obviously the social aspects of NY are better than in DC, as DC can be a bit quiet at night as a lot of people who work there commute from Maryland/Virginia, although that could also make your time in NY more expensive!

Well, definitely as far as accommodation is concerned DC is much cheaper than NY. In DC you can find accommodation (studio, maybe a one bedroom) for under $1000/month in nice areas. In NY you would be very lucky to find something nice in a nice area not too far from NYU for under $1500. What is nice in NY is also very different to what is nice in DC - apartments in DC are much larger for one thing - in NY you'll often have a little cupboard passing for a studio.
Obviously the social aspects of NY are better than in DC, as DC can be a bit quiet at night as a lot of people who work there commute from Maryland/Virginia, although that could also make your time in NY more expensive!

thanks for your answers...

i dont have too much time left to enroll to Georgetown, and at the same time im not sure if NYU would be the right choice for me regardless of the "ranking"...
Nothing from CLS yet and more waiting for HLS...
I think I'll choose GULC.

thanks again for info regarding the cost of living...thats an important factor too...

thanks for your answers...

i dont have too much time left to enroll to Georgetown, and at the same time im not sure if NYU would be the right choice for me regardless of the "ranking"...
Nothing from CLS yet and more waiting for HLS...
I think I'll choose GULC.

thanks again for info regarding the cost of living...thats an important factor too...

I am facing a similar dilemma. I am going to puruse my LLM in International Law and have narrowed my choices down to Georgetown and NYU. I have been accepted as an Institute of International Economic Law Fellow at Georgetown (which has no associated funding, but has a lot of other benefits), and have simply been accepted into the NYU International Legal Studies LLM at NYU (without any scholarships/fellowships).

Any advice on where I should go would be very much appreciated. I am currently leaning towards NYU, but I am wondering if the fellowship is enough to make Georgetown a better choice.

Thanks in advance!

I am facing a similar dilemma. I am going to puruse my LLM in International Law and have narrowed my choices down to Georgetown and NYU. I have been accepted as an Institute of International Economic Law Fellow at Georgetown (which has no associated funding, but has a lot of other benefits), and have simply been accepted into the NYU International Legal Studies LLM at NYU (without any scholarships/fellowships).

Any advice on where I should go would be very much appreciated. I am currently leaning towards NYU, but I am wondering if the fellowship is enough to make Georgetown a better choice.

Thanks in advance!

If I were you, and considering the "other" benefits of a fellowship, I would choose GULC...

I don't quite understand the ranking though...is NYU that much better?

If I were you, and considering the "other" benefits of a fellowship, I would choose GULC...

I don't quite understand the ranking though...is NYU that much better?

In International Law I think NYU is better than GULC. Rankings aside, the LLM in ILS program at NYU only has about 50 students in it and has access to quite a few "International Law" internships/jobs available to that relatively small group of students.

Of course, the fellowship at Georgetown would probably provide significant networking opportunities....especially with potential employers aswell.....hence the dilemma.

After having thought about it though I think I am about 80% sure that I will attend NYU. Hope I'm making the right call!

In International Law I think NYU is better than GULC. Rankings aside, the LLM in ILS program at NYU only has about 50 students in it and has access to quite a few "International Law" internships/jobs available to that relatively small group of students.

Of course, the fellowship at Georgetown would probably provide significant networking opportunities....especially with potential employers aswell.....hence the dilemma.

After having thought about it though I think I am about 80% sure that I will attend NYU. Hope I'm making the right call!

rah23, thanks a lot for teh info it was helpful in solving my confusion, I also think in all probability I will go to NYU...which country are you from and what about finances?

rah23, thanks a lot for teh info it was helpful in solving my confusion, I also think in all probability I will go to NYU...which country are you from and what about finances?


I am from Canada. I have applied for a couple Canadian scholarships for students studying abroad that I am waiting to hear back from. The firm I am currently working for has also offered some assistance. Other than that I suspect that I will be going into further debt! From speaking with some NYU LLM alumni though, they say that it was definately worth it (both professionally and personally)....especially considering that they were able to pay off their debt within a couple years of returning to Canada.


I am from Canada. I have applied for a couple Canadian scholarships for students studying abroad that I am waiting to hear back from. The firm I am currently working for has also offered some assistance. Other than that I suspect that I will be going into further debt! From speaking with some NYU LLM alumni though, they say that it was definately worth it (both professionally and personally)....especially considering that they were able to pay off their debt within a couple years of returning to Canada.

hey guys, i need help here too. i ve been admitted to international trade law in nyu and also to the international law at gwu and i am at a lost over which course and universuty to choose. my heart is with nyu and trade, but what with the noise and warning about not ''overspecialising"
and the talk about gwu being a better school and a smaller class i am at a loss. guys pls can u help me in analysing my problem. thanks

hey guys, i need help here too. i ve been admitted to international trade law in nyu and also to the international law at gwu and i am at a lost over which course and universuty to choose. my heart is with nyu and trade, but what with the noise and warning about not ''overspecialising"
and the talk about gwu being a better school and a smaller class i am at a loss. guys pls can u help me in analysing my problem. thanks


"Follow your heart"......otherwise you will likely regret your decision down the road.

I would go to NYU, and if you are worried about overspecializing, then mybe switch to the General LLM or the International Legal Studies LLM.

I have decided to attend NYU over Georgetown, Duke, Penn University College London and LSE.....if that provides any affirmation.


"Follow your heart"......otherwise you will likely regret your decision down the road.

I would go to NYU, and if you are worried about overspecializing, then mybe switch to the General LLM or the International Legal Studies LLM.

I have decided to attend NYU over Georgetown, Duke, Penn University College London and LSE.....if that provides any affirmation.

Hi guys,

I'm an LLM at NYU, I'm in the General Studies program, so I can't really tell you much about the International program. However, there are a number of things you should all consider. First of all, if you will want to work in international law after finishing your llm, it would probably be easier to get a job in DC than in NY, since here most of the jobs are in law firms for corporate practices. Also, living in NY is very expensive (housing at NYU starts at $1,300, a drink at a bar can start at $7 and go to $12, food, transportation and entertainment is just crazy expensive). Also, if you are looking for a good llm in terms of academic standards, but also want some time to explore and enjoy, NYU will not provide that, the work load is insane and you will have very little free time. I know from friends that is not as bad in Georgetown. Most international llms have complained that they haven't seen the city as they thought they would.
However, it is a great school, if you want to work in NY afterwards this is your best bet.

Good luck to you all!

Hi guys,

I'm an LLM at NYU, I'm in the General Studies program, so I can't really tell you much about the International program. However, there are a number of things you should all consider. First of all, if you will want to work in international law after finishing your llm, it would probably be easier to get a job in DC than in NY, since here most of the jobs are in law firms for corporate practices. Also, living in NY is very expensive (housing at NYU starts at $1,300, a drink at a bar can start at $7 and go to $12, food, transportation and entertainment is just crazy expensive). Also, if you are looking for a good llm in terms of academic standards, but also want some time to explore and enjoy, NYU will not provide that, the work load is insane and you will have very little free time. I know from friends that is not as bad in Georgetown. Most international llms have complained that they haven't seen the city as they thought they would.
However, it is a great school, if you want to work in NY afterwards this is your best bet.

Good luck to you all!

Hi guys,

I also have been admitted to NYU and Georgetown, and decided to go to NYU. Of course, I know that NYU LLM is a very tough course and I will be very busy in NYU. But, the most important factor is what I want to do. In addition, we "can & have to" make time to enjoy NYC while we are very busy to study. Again, "Follow your heart !" Good luck to everybody.

Hi guys,

I also have been admitted to NYU and Georgetown, and decided to go to NYU. Of course, I know that NYU LLM is a very tough course and I will be very busy in NYU. But, the most important factor is what I want to do. In addition, we "can & have to" make time to enjoy NYC while we are very busy to study. Again, "Follow your heart !" Good luck to everybody.

I'm currently attending NYU (well, actually almost finishing.. sad..) Don't worry, just follow you heart.. I was accepted at g-town,gw, cornell, berkeley, and chose NYU.. and I'm happy that I made the decision, never regret it..
NYU has been great!! Yes, the program is huge, but hey, you'll meet a lot of friends from diff. parts of the world.. it's like the UN here.. It's not true that the classes are separated from the JDs, the only class that is LL.M. exclusive is: US Legal Methodology, which is a practical training for foreign lawyers on how US lawyers research, write, etc.. very interesting class, I must say.
The workload is indeed Heavy!! Most weekend we spend on studying, the library is like our 2nd home (I went to see the library of _ university; and I think it's nothing compare to NYU's)
Ok, as for the Trade Reg program, I think it's v. good, esp if you like the subject, I've seen many job postings from NYU career office asking for students concentrating in IP law..
Job competition is surely tough. The best thing is to study hard and get the best grades ever; and that's very difficult for LL.M.s coz we're competing w/ the JDs..
Hmm.. I think I should stop here.. just want to say congrats on your acceptance; and enjoy your upcoming studies at NYU and enjoy NYC =) .. My friends and I are a bit sad coz the program is ending soon.. and also the exam is getting nearer (again already??...) We're surely going to miss the city, the sushi at 2am after study group, the late nite drinks, the "just walking" around downtown... sigh..
Good Luck.. and Congrats!!!

I'm currently attending NYU (well, actually almost finishing.. sad..) Don't worry, just follow you heart.. I was accepted at g-town,gw, cornell, berkeley, and chose NYU.. and I'm happy that I made the decision, never regret it..
NYU has been great!! Yes, the program is huge, but hey, you'll meet a lot of friends from diff. parts of the world.. it's like the UN here.. It's not true that the classes are separated from the JDs, the only class that is LL.M. exclusive is: US Legal Methodology, which is a practical training for foreign lawyers on how US lawyers research, write, etc.. very interesting class, I must say.
The workload is indeed Heavy!! Most weekend we spend on studying, the library is like our 2nd home (I went to see the library of _ university; and I think it's nothing compare to NYU's)
Ok, as for the Trade Reg program, I think it's v. good, esp if you like the subject, I've seen many job postings from NYU career office asking for students concentrating in IP law..
Job competition is surely tough. The best thing is to study hard and get the best grades ever; and that's very difficult for LL.M.s coz we're competing w/ the JDs..
Hmm.. I think I should stop here.. just want to say congrats on your acceptance; and enjoy your upcoming studies at NYU and enjoy NYC =) .. My friends and I are a bit sad coz the program is ending soon.. and also the exam is getting nearer (again already??...) We're surely going to miss the city, the sushi at 2am after study group, the late nite drinks, the "just walking" around downtown... sigh..
Good Luck.. and Congrats!!!

Hi Jasmin,
The information you have provided is very useful, as for me i have also deicded to accept NYU but dont have Scholarship so will be taking student loans, I have been accepted for teh International legal Studies, am looking at working for some International Organisation after my LLM, can you please advise on that? Also I was told that there are late opening for RA and Tas at NYU, how does that work? is there any possibility of on campus jobs with decent pay once we land there? Sorry about bombarding you with questions.

Hi Jasmin,
The information you have provided is very useful, as for me i have also deicded to accept NYU but dont have Scholarship so will be taking student loans, I have been accepted for teh International legal Studies, am looking at working for some International Organisation after my LLM, can you please advise on that? Also I was told that there are late opening for RA and Tas at NYU, how does that work? is there any possibility of on campus jobs with decent pay once we land there? Sorry about bombarding you with questions.

I was admitted to the Intl. Legal Studies program as well...
late openings for RA and TA? I'd love to know more about that too...
It's great to get infor from current students there so that we can choose where to enroll and not regret it...
I havent sent the enrollment form yet, but I'm quite sure I'll choose NYU too...Any more info would be very muhc appreciated. Thanks.

I was admitted to the Intl. Legal Studies program as well...
late openings for RA and TA? I'd love to know more about that too...
It's great to get infor from current students there so that we can choose where to enroll and not regret it...
I havent sent the enrollment form yet, but I'm quite sure I'll choose NYU too...Any more info would be very muhc appreciated. Thanks.

RE: NYU & New York City.

The year I spent at NYU was one of the best years of my life (academically, job-wise, socially and culturally). I like D.C. .. lot of interesting things to see there; seat of U.S. gov. and lot of history, etc.

However, I've traveled extensively and there is just no other city like New York City. It has virtually everything and everybody to do and see and get exposed to.

Is the workload such that you can't visit the city? The workload is heavy at NYU ... that is why its graduates come out with such expertise that causes it to be so top ranked in more specialities than any other law school and always in top 6 for J.D. and top LL.M. programs! That is what you want ... not an "easier ride/load".

Notwithstanding the workload, NYC is very compact and so much is within just so many blocks from the law school (in Greenwich Village/Washington Square Park) and walking and transportation is so good and easy that it make so much accessible in under 15 minutes! You need and will take breaks and can dash to places and see and do for a few hours and get back to the studies and do fine if you put your time to good use for studies and are a good, serious student.

Of couse, I am not totally unbiased, but I have a J.D. from another great law school and another LL.M. from another excellent program. NYU is a great law school and a year spent in NYC is an opportuntiy and experience of a life time!


RE: NYU & New York City.

The year I spent at NYU was one of the best years of my life (academically, job-wise, socially and culturally). I like D.C. .. lot of interesting things to see there; seat of U.S. gov. and lot of history, etc.

However, I've traveled extensively and there is just no other city like New York City. It has virtually everything and everybody to do and see and get exposed to.

Is the workload such that you can't visit the city? The workload is heavy at NYU ... that is why its graduates come out with such expertise that causes it to be so top ranked in more specialities than any other law school and always in top 6 for J.D. and top LL.M. programs! That is what you want ... not an "easier ride/load".

Notwithstanding the workload, NYC is very compact and so much is within just so many blocks from the law school (in Greenwich Village/Washington Square Park) and walking and transportation is so good and easy that it make so much accessible in under 15 minutes! You need and will take breaks and can dash to places and see and do for a few hours and get back to the studies and do fine if you put your time to good use for studies and are a good, serious student.

Of couse, I am not totally unbiased, but I have a J.D. from another great law school and another LL.M. from another excellent program. NYU is a great law school and a year spent in NYC is an opportuntiy and experience of a life time!


i love nyu... it is awesome... great school gr8 city, diversity... and i would say not the toughest school to get into. However georgetown is a different league altogether BUT only for international law, well arguably its the BEST school for intl. law along with cambridge(I THINK), plus its more traditional as well. SO ITS ALL ABOUT UR PRIORITIES I GUESS...

i love nyu... it is awesome... great school gr8 city, diversity... and i would say not the toughest school to get into. However georgetown is a different league altogether BUT only for international law, well arguably its the BEST school for intl. law along with cambridge(I THINK), plus its more traditional as well. SO ITS ALL ABOUT UR PRIORITIES I GUESS...

Hey guys! I have been admitted to NYU and Georgetown in International Economic law. I was wondering what would you advise?

Georgetown as a great and diverse program, with possibilities of doing externships etc but NYU is better ranked and situated in NY...

Hey guys! I have been admitted to NYU and Georgetown in International Economic law. I was wondering what would you advise?

Georgetown as a great and diverse program, with possibilities of doing externships etc but NYU is better ranked and situated in NY...


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