
Good morning everyone....I've a question for you.
I'm going to apply for several american universities and I was wondering whether enter the Lsac system is compulsory or not....
I'm kinda bored of spending money in order to send a few applications

Good morning everyone....I've a question for you.
I'm going to apply for several american universities and I was wondering whether enter the Lsac system is compulsory or not....
I'm kinda bored of spending money in order to send a few applications

It's not mandatory but it really helps to spend less money; you'll be sending all your original papers once (and without official translations). LSAC is not perfect, but it works ok, if you have any problem you can reach them and they'll solve it..
Regarding the grading system, it depends on each country. In my case, where the scale is from 0 to 20, they do apply a reasonble standard to qualify you as a "superior", "above average", etc.. student.

Good luck!

It's not mandatory but it really helps to spend less money; you'll be sending all your original papers once (and without official translations). LSAC is not perfect, but it works ok, if you have any problem you can reach them and they'll solve it..
Regarding the grading system, it depends on each country. In my case, where the scale is from 0 to 20, they do apply a reasonble standard to qualify you as a "superior", "above average", etc.. student.

Good luck!

PS: sorry.. it's not mandatory for most universities.. some do requiere it. LSAC page provides the list..

PS: sorry.. it's not mandatory for most universities.. some do requiere it. LSAC page provides the list..

do they really help to spend less money ?!?!?
what do you mean when you don't need official translation ?! can I translate all the documents by myself ? can I send them copies of the originals ?!?

thanks :D

do they really help to spend less money ?!?!?
what do you mean when you don't need official translation ?! can I translate all the documents by myself ? can I send them copies of the originals ?!?

thanks :D

You can translate them by yourself and send it with the originals. LSAC asks for 1 single set of originals (not copies).

So, instead of sending for example 5 original, legalized and translated sets of documents to 5 unis.. you only send 1 original set to LSAC and that's it.

In my case every extra set of original documents from my university cost, and every extra translation and legalization also costs... so by avoiding such extra sets of documents, translations and legalizations I REALLY spent less money!

I don't know how it works in your country though..

You can translate them by yourself and send it with the originals. LSAC asks for 1 single set of originals (not copies).

So, instead of sending for example 5 original, legalized and translated sets of documents to 5 unis.. you only send 1 original set to LSAC and that's it.

In my case every extra set of original documents from my university cost, and every extra translation and legalization also costs... so by avoiding such extra sets of documents, translations and legalizations I REALLY spent less money!

I don't know how it works in your country though..

you've been very helpful ringsgirl!!!

you've been very helpful ringsgirl!!!

To the question "Is LSAC worth it" ?

Well :
1 to 3 applications : No need for LSAC, you can do it yourself
4, 5 or more : LSAC very useful !

(In my case : 12 applications, couldn't do that without LSAC)

To the question "Is LSAC worth it" ?

Well :
1 to 3 applications : No need for LSAC, you can do it yourself
4, 5 or more : LSAC very useful !

(In my case : 12 applications, couldn't do that without LSAC)

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