LLM 2010-2011


Dear all,

I am a banking lawyer from the Benelux and considering to apply for a LLM for the academic year 2010-2011.

My main criteria for shortlisting a university are:

- specialisation in finance and corporate law;
- strong networking between students and students and professors (i.e. getting to know people, experiences,...);
- strong preparation for a PhD when I return to Europe;
- preferable in smaller groups.

I have shortlisted the following universities (random order):

1) LLM/Kellog Northwestern;
2) Harvard: International Finance Program (if this still exists??)
3) Duke;
4) University of Virginia;
5) Yale;
6) Stanford: SPILS-program

I will probably apply for only 5 universities, so the above list must become shorter...

Background: currently working as finance lawyer in a magic circle firm, master in law and master in economics degree (ranking in both masters between , 2 publications and 1% and 5%), assistant teacher at a university.

Anyone who could help me shorten the above list or give any other suggestions considering the mentioned criteria? Many thanks.

Dear all,

I am a banking lawyer from the Benelux and considering to apply for a LLM for the academic year 2010-2011.

My main criteria for shortlisting a university are:

- specialisation in finance and corporate law;
- strong networking between students and students and professors (i.e. getting to know people, experiences,...);
- strong preparation for a PhD when I return to Europe;
- preferable in smaller groups.

I have shortlisted the following universities (random order):

1) LLM/Kellog Northwestern;
2) Harvard: International Finance Program (if this still exists??)
3) Duke;
4) University of Virginia;
5) Yale;
6) Stanford: SPILS-program

I will probably apply for only 5 universities, so the above list must become shorter...

Background: currently working as finance lawyer in a magic circle firm, master in law and master in economics degree (ranking in both masters between , 2 publications and 1% and 5%), assistant teacher at a university.

Anyone who could help me shorten the above list or give any other suggestions considering the mentioned criteria? Many thanks.



I am also applying for an llm in 2010-2011. Even though my area of interest is slightly different than yours (securities regulation) I have chosen the following schools:
HLS, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown,

Regarding your criteria, I would deffinitely apply to Yale and Stanford.

Regards and good luck


I am also applying for an llm in 2010-2011. Even though my area of interest is slightly different than yours (securities regulation) I have chosen the following schools:
HLS, Berkeley, Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown,

Regarding your criteria, I would deffinitely apply to Yale and Stanford.

Regards and good luck

Pedro, Thanks for your reply.

Any particular reason why you choose Georgetown? To be honest, I do not know the reputation of Georgetown very well (although I've heard that they are very popular for the public law field).

Pedro, Thanks for your reply.

Any particular reason why you choose Georgetown? To be honest, I do not know the reputation of Georgetown very well (although I've heard that they are very popular for the public law field).

I've chosen GTown for two reasons:

Its location, in Washington DC, where the SEC, World Bank, IMF are located, is an asset considering future job prospects;

Its program in securities regulation is very specific, with many relevant courses, and considering the lecturers and subjects it seems to be of a great quality.

I've chosen GTown for two reasons:

Its location, in Washington DC, where the SEC, World Bank, IMF are located, is an asset considering future job prospects;

Its program in securities regulation is very specific, with many relevant courses, and considering the lecturers and subjects it seems to be of a great quality.

I'm currently a LL.M. at Northwestern. Although I'm taking completely different courses for those you're interested in, I can tell you that my fellows from the LL.M./K program are enthusiastic of their choice. This year the class counts only 22 students, thus allowing you to get the best from your professors. Not to forget, Kellogg School brand is something you won't find very easily, and it can really weigh on your resume once you go back to europe. Lastly, I can ensure you that the school here is great, and NU is located in the best part of chicago. Hope you choose NU!

I'm currently a LL.M. at Northwestern. Although I'm taking completely different courses for those you're interested in, I can tell you that my fellows from the LL.M./K program are enthusiastic of their choice. This year the class counts only 22 students, thus allowing you to get the best from your professors. Not to forget, Kellogg School brand is something you won't find very easily, and it can really weigh on your resume once you go back to europe. Lastly, I can ensure you that the school here is great, and NU is located in the best part of chicago. Hope you choose NU!

I am considering applying for LLM/Kellogg and LLM at NYU, commencing in 2010.

Which is better for job prospects in the U.S., and why?

I am considering applying for LLM/Kellogg and LLM at NYU, commencing in 2010.

Which is better for job prospects in the U.S., and why?

Northwestern without hesitation. I heard it ranked 1st in carreer perspectives in USA. NYU is overrated

Northwestern without hesitation. I heard it ranked 1st in carreer perspectives in USA. NYU is overrated

My list:
and of course
6) NU

I have a doubt concerning USC and Cornell in particular, the reason is that I am little familiar with both programs, can any one comment these both schools?

My list:
and of course
6) NU

I have a doubt concerning USC and Cornell in particular, the reason is that I am little familiar with both programs, can any one comment these both schools?

I have no clue for USC, but I can say that Cornell is highly regarded here in the US, and thus an excellent brand to spend when searching for jobs afterwards. Besides, Cornell is an Ivy Leauge, which is something you may consider when it comes to what school to attend. Location is not the best, at least in my personal opinion. Ythaca is a small city in the middle of nowhere (north of NY State actually), but is strongly school-oriented. Another school you may consider, aside from those listed therein, shall be Duke (another personal opinion of course).

I have no clue for USC, but I can say that Cornell is highly regarded here in the US, and thus an excellent brand to spend when searching for jobs afterwards. Besides, Cornell is an Ivy Leauge, which is something you may consider when it comes to what school to attend. Location is not the best, at least in my personal opinion. Ythaca is a small city in the middle of nowhere (north of NY State actually), but is strongly school-oriented. Another school you may consider, aside from those listed therein, shall be Duke (another personal opinion of course).

Thank you for the responce! Can you briefly explain the peculiarities of LLL/Kellog and Duke? in what fileds they are strong?

Thank you for the responce! Can you briefly explain the peculiarities of LLL/Kellog and Duke? in what fileds they are strong?

the NU program is more focused on Kellogg courses rather than law courses, with a strong focus on corporations, M&A, contracts. Duke is a leading school for IPR and, more recently, environmental law. They should have some sort of joint degree with the Fuqua school of business, but you better check it out on their website

the NU program is more focused on Kellogg courses rather than law courses, with a strong focus on corporations, M&A, contracts. Duke is a leading school for IPR and, more recently, environmental law. They should have some sort of joint degree with the Fuqua school of business, but you better check it out on their website

Thank you all for your comments.My last application has just been sent to Duke. The frustrating period of waiting has begun...

Good luck to everyone

Thank you all for your comments.My last application has just been sent to Duke. The frustrating period of waiting has begun...

Good luck to everyone

usually Duke is the first to let you know (not taking into account the schools that offer early review or other similar procedures). Best of luck

usually Duke is the first to let you know (not taking into account the schools that offer early review or other similar procedures). Best of luck

Yay - just got my email acceptance to Duke for 2010.. anyone else?

Yay - just got my email acceptance to Duke for 2010.. anyone else?

FM2010, do you mean you have received the admission from Duke? When did you send your application package?

FM2010, do you mean you have received the admission from Duke? When did you send your application package?

I also recieved an admission letter from Duke a couple of weeks ago! I applied in september. Still waiting for other application results.

I also recieved an admission letter from Duke a couple of weeks ago! I applied in september. Still waiting for other application results.

Apply to UVA. The LLM is great. This year we're 38, so everybody knows each other very well. Professors are VERY open and always welcome interaction/questions/personal contact. The JDs are very open and friendly. I already know a lot of JDs :)

Moreover there is a very good Law & Business track where you can pick courses from. These are regular Business Law courses, but with an emphasis on the business side. Currently I am taking Corporations (Law & Business) and it is VERY good!

I'm biased ofcourse= )

Apply to UVA. The LLM is great. This year we're 38, so everybody knows each other very well. Professors are VERY open and always welcome interaction/questions/personal contact. The JDs are very open and friendly. I already know a lot of JDs :)

Moreover there is a very good Law & Business track where you can pick courses from. These are regular Business Law courses, but with an emphasis on the business side. Currently I am taking Corporations (Law & Business) and it is VERY good!

I'm biased ofcourse= )

Got accepted in Georgetown. Did particpate in the early application.

This is kind of a relief. Now wait and see for the other ones.

Good luck to everyone.

Got accepted in Georgetown. Did particpate in the early application.

This is kind of a relief. Now wait and see for the other ones.

Good luck to everyone.

Wow, congrats, man!
My situation is not so bright...I'll have my TOEFL exam on December 20 and than only apply! Nice to hear about such results=)

Wow, congrats, man!
My situation is not so bright...I'll have my TOEFL exam on December 20 and than only apply! Nice to hear about such results=)

Wow admissions already! Congrats to all of you with offers!

Wow admissions already! Congrats to all of you with offers!

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