Dear fellow lawyers,
In order to write an article for my post graduation studies here in Brazil, I am trying to collect as much information as I can about the BAR examination all over the world.
Would you be so kind as to provide me with the answers to the following questions?

a) What's your name and in what university did you graduate?
b) In which country did you take the BAR exam?
c) In your country, what are the requirements to take the examination?
d) How is the examination (how many stages, what are the stages ...)?
e) What's the average approval rate?
e) In your country, if you graduate in law, but haven´t managed to pass in the examination yet , what can you do? Can you practice law? Can you teach at universities?

I would appreciate any additional information you have about the BAR examination in your country.

Thank you in advance for your time and invaluable help,
kind regards,
Joao Pedro Scalzilli.