I have been reading the theories about the test emails.and as much as I would love to disbelieve in them or stay aloof from themI am inextricably sucked in the vortex of the entire test email conundrum and cant resist but offer my analysis .
Well I feel that the empirical evidence at hand suggests that all those whom we are aware of being admitted received the test email a day before the rest. analysis till here: When you send a general email to a mass groupyou send it to a group rather than individually address it. When only a few receive this email and others dont, it suggests that the mail was sent to a selected lot which means that THERE WAS A SELECTED LOT. What followed were admission letters to this lot.
Now after this batch of admission letters, we started receiving the second lot and what is pertinent to note is that the first batch guys also received the same, which means that the second mail was sent generally to everyone. Now the fact that this was generally sent to everyone ( or a lot of them) basically emphasizes that this was not a SELECTIVE LOT which means that the RECIPIENTS HAVENT BEEN SELECTED for anything particular.
One possibility though is that the second batch was also sent to the first batch recepients who have been admitted which could suggest say addition to the list.
To further agonize the entire proceeding is the fact that the recipients of the 2nd email are not going to receive any further emails till the weekend gets over which means that ther has to be WAITING. And as is said, what can wait is perhaps not AS IMPORTANT, which is strongly indicative of the ominous.
I wish the ones who havent received the admission, luck and my sympathies for their well founded anxiety. I hope that this theory as well as the others which were propounded do not come true, irrespective of the strong reasoning that they are based on. If they come true i wish HARVARD reads all these amazing theories and gives us admission just for that.
All said and done, I can but HOPE and exhort others to follow suit, because as I said in my earlier posts HOPE IS THE QUINTESSENCE OF HUMAN EXISTENCE.