Duke, Michigan, or UPenn


I'm admitted to the three law schools. Considering career perspectives, which one would you prefer?

Thanks !

I'm admitted to the three law schools. Considering career perspectives, which one would you prefer?

Thanks !

I'd go for Michigan or UPenn, and probably UPenn because it's ranked better and has Wharton and stuff. But that's because I'm into corporate :)

I'd go for Michigan or UPenn, and probably UPenn because it's ranked better and has Wharton and stuff. But that's because I'm into corporate :)

I'd go for Michigan or UPenn, and probably UPenn because it's ranked better and has Wharton and stuff. But that's because I'm into corporate :)

Thank you for your answer!

<blockquote>I'd go for Michigan or UPenn, and probably UPenn because it's ranked better and has Wharton and stuff. But that's because I'm into corporate :)</blockquote>

Thank you for your answer!


Hi funghou! I will choose Duke for many reasons that I sumarized in another thread and now I am posting here:

- Duke has better name and reputation in South America.

- It has one of the strongest (or maybe the strongest) alumni network in South America. In part this is because the self Law School (Duke) encourages alumni to join or form networks in their home countries, and is supervising the activities that in every country are made.

- The LLM program is better: Remember that we will going to do an LLM, not a JD. In most universities, LLM students dont have an special treatment, so, basically, nobody care about them; on the other hand in Duke LLM have an special treatment, activities, lunches etc. Besides Yale and Standford that have very small and selective programs, and as someone said in this thread, at Duke LLMs are very well regarded.

- LLM Staff: If you have been selected, then you know how they care about us. They send us a lot of personalized emails and are eager to answer any of ours concerns. For me is very important to not feel adrift in Law School, specially when it comes to find a job, since I dont have any contact with American law firm.

- Better job perspectives (if any) as an LLM at USA

- About the location, I think that Durham is great! Is not as expensive as Philadelphia an it has better wheater. In adittion, Duke's offers many activities like parties and sport games against other universities (Duke Blue Devils are among the best sport teams in USA, in fact, they have won many times tha NCAA championship), so I believe that in this item (location) Duke beat Penn too!

Hi funghou! I will choose Duke for many reasons that I sumarized in another thread and now I am posting here:

- Duke has better name and reputation in South America.

- It has one of the strongest (or maybe the strongest) alumni network in South America. In part this is because the self Law School (Duke) encourages alumni to join or form networks in their home countries, and is supervising the activities that in every country are made.

- The LLM program is better: Remember that we will going to do an LLM, not a JD. In most universities, LLM students don’t have an special treatment, so, basically, nobody care about them; on the other hand in Duke LLM have an special treatment, activities, lunches etc. Besides Yale and Standford that have very small and selective programs, and as someone said in this thread, at Duke LLMs are very well regarded.

- LLM Staff: If you have been selected, then you know how they care about us. They send us a lot of personalized emails and are eager to answer any of ours concerns. For me is very important to not feel “adrift” in Law School, specially when it comes to find a job, since I don’t have any contact with American law firm.

- Better job perspectives (if any) as an LLM at USA

- About the location, I think that Durham is great! Is not as expensive as Philadelphia an it has better wheater. In adittion, Duke's offers many activities like parties and sport games against other universities (Duke Blue Devils are among the best sport teams in USA, in fact, they have won many times tha NCAA championship), so I believe that in this item (location) Duke beat Penn too!

I would go for michigan. I know that upenn is better ranked but I believe michigan is a far better school. I never heard nobody saying good things about upenn that are not from upenn!! in addition, I don't believe Upenn has a good reputation outside US (I know WHARTON has, but not the law school).
I do not know anything about Duke, even though I am from south america I haven't heard about it having that strong alumni network, but maybe it is because I am from Sao Paulo, perhaps it has a good reputation in other places that I do not know.
About Michigan, I believe it is a great school, I know some people from Umich in my country thus I know they have some alumni network but do not know if it is huge or not. I am just in love with umich and think their program is amazing and the attention they give to llm students is fairly rare! They have a special llm office, there are just 40 llms and they already know everybody by name there.

well, concluding, I would go to Umich over upenn, but it is just my opinion!
good luck.

I would go for michigan. I know that upenn is better ranked but I believe michigan is a far better school. I never heard nobody saying good things about upenn that are not from upenn!! in addition, I don't believe Upenn has a good reputation outside US (I know WHARTON has, but not the law school).
I do not know anything about Duke, even though I am from south america I haven't heard about it having that strong alumni network, but maybe it is because I am from Sao Paulo, perhaps it has a good reputation in other places that I do not know.
About Michigan, I believe it is a great school, I know some people from Umich in my country thus I know they have some alumni network but do not know if it is huge or not. I am just in love with umich and think their program is amazing and the attention they give to llm students is fairly rare! They have a special llm office, there are just 40 llms and they already know everybody by name there.

well, concluding, I would go to Umich over upenn, but it is just my opinion!
good luck.

I don´t think so. UPEN is one of the best law school of the world. On the other hand, it is and ivy league school and UMICH is not. You can think whatever you want, but in my understanding law firms and comapny take care of that things...

I don´t think so. UPEN is one of the best law school of the world. On the other hand, it is and ivy league school and UMICH is not. You can think whatever you want, but in my understanding law firms and comapny take care of that things...

If all you want is the highest rank, UPenn is the place for you,
if you like personal attention, small classes, cheaper town and great great great campus you should take Duke or UMich. There are more reasons to consider them over UPenn, but that's in a short.

If all you want is the highest rank, UPenn is the place for you,
if you like personal attention, small classes, cheaper town and great great great campus you should take Duke or UMich. There are more reasons to consider them over UPenn, but that's in a short.

If all you want is the highest rank, UPenn is the place for you,
if you like personal attention, small classes, cheaper town and great great great campus you should take Duke or UMich. There are more reasons to consider them over UPenn, but that's in a short.

Agree with you isradv, and dont forget that ranking changes (in fact, UPenn was 13º a couple of years ago)!

<blockquote>If all you want is the highest rank, UPenn is the place for you,
if you like personal attention, small classes, cheaper town and great great great campus you should take Duke or UMich. There are more reasons to consider them over UPenn, but that's in a short.</blockquote>

Agree with you isradv, and don’t forget that ranking changes (in fact, UPenn was 13º a couple of years ago)!

I was admitted too to both Duke and Upenn and I chose UPenn. Upenn is near both D.C. and NYC, it's an Ivy League school and Pennsylvannia is pretty big, which makes itculturally diverse and hence far more interesting.
I've also consulted this with my co workers at a very prestigious law firm I worked at during the summer in NYC and Upenn won unanimously.
Hope this helps.

I was admitted too to both Duke and Upenn and I chose UPenn. Upenn is near both D.C. and NYC, it's an Ivy League school and Pennsylvannia is pretty big, which makes itculturally diverse and hence far more interesting.
I've also consulted this with my co workers at a very prestigious law firm I worked at during the summer in NYC and Upenn won unanimously.
Hope this helps.

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