
They answered yesterday to my email request saying that they would have sent my application to the admissions commission for review, and received the email just before posting. I don't know if they had already started reviewing my application before my email. I did not apply for financial aid

Thanks. Are you accepting your place?

<blockquote>They answered yesterday to my email request saying that they would have sent my application to the admissions commission for review, and received the email just before posting. I don't know if they had already started reviewing my application before my email. I did not apply for financial aid </blockquote>

Thanks. Are you accepting your place?
Inactive User



Not sure yet!

Not sure yet!

Not sure yet!

big congrats!

Did you send them any correspondence regarding other approaching deadlines?

That's really good news!

I have sent them a letter of continued interest, but haven't heard back. No acknowledgement of the email either! Really suffers!

<blockquote>Not sure yet! </blockquote>

big congrats!

Did you send them any correspondence regarding other approaching deadlines?

That's really good news!

I have sent them a letter of continued interest, but haven't heard back. No acknowledgement of the email either! Really suffers!

I also requested an expedited review, explaining the reasons and attaching other offer. They answered that they will make every effort to have a decision by the date of my other deadline.

I also requested an expedited review, explaining the reasons and attaching other offer. They answered that they will make every effort to have a decision by the date of my other deadline.

I was also asked to do that but I decided that it is not a good decision from a strategic point of view since my other offers are from universities which are less prestigious than Columbia and the scholarships are in range that won't work for me in the light of the standard of living in NYC. It's not like I have 50 k scholarship from Harvard or NYU.
So I decided to ask for deadline extension of the other offers and hope that Columbia would review the financial aid app within the new time-limits...

I was also asked to do that but I decided that it is not a good decision from a strategic point of view since my other offers are from universities which are less prestigious than Columbia and the scholarships are in range that won't work for me in the light of the standard of living in NYC. It's not like I have 50 k scholarship from Harvard or NYU.
So I decided to ask for deadline extension of the other offers and hope that Columbia would review the financial aid app within the new time-limits...

Not sure yet!

big congrats!

Did you send them any correspondence regarding other approaching deadlines?

That's really good news!

I have sent them a letter of continued interest, but haven't heard back. No acknowledgement of the email either! Really suffers!


Yes I did, I forwarded them two other admissions with deadlines Apr 1

Not sure yet!

big congrats!

Did you send them any correspondence regarding other approaching deadlines?

That's really good news!

I have sent them a letter of continued interest, but haven't heard back. No acknowledgement of the email either! Really suffers!


Yes I did, I forwarded them two other admissions with deadlines Apr 1

I just wanted to share my experience with the members here. My experience, I believe, isn't typical for a LLM applicant.

As a way of background, I am an Indian lawyer currently based in NYC. I am not qualified here in the United States and that partly inspired my decision to apply to the LLM program. I had completed my application towards the end of the deadline and did not hear back from Columbia until the 2nd of Feb when they said that my application was complete. I was getting worried reading some of the comments here about the waitlist theory. About a couple of days back, a member of the Admissions Committee reached out to me. I was told that my application was under review and given that I am based locally, they would like for me to come down to Columbia and meet several of the Committee Members. Obviously, I freaked out. Mainly because it is completely unheard of that LLM Applicants are called in for an interview. But also because I had managed to convince myself that delay meant "bad news"......
I met the Admissions Committee earlier today. It was a very casual chat where I was asked a little bit about my background, motivations and work. They also gave me enough opportunity to ask questions/ discuss concerns that I had. In this meeting, I was assured that the delay did not imply bad news or a "waitlist" of sorts but merely that the Committee hasn't had a chance to review your application yet. As far as calling me in was concerned, I think it was solely because I live in the city and they wanted to put a face to the name- not something they get to do with majority of the LLM applications. Within a few hours of my meeting with the Committee, I received my offer email. No financial aid though.

Also, during my discussions with the Committee earlier today, I was told it is not a big deal if you request an expedited decision in light of upcoming deadlines. It does not affect your application negatively.

I hope this helps some of you who are yet to hear from Columbia or who are debating whether you should send the request for ED/ ER. All the very best.

I just wanted to share my experience with the members here. My experience, I believe, isn't typical for a LLM applicant.

As a way of background, I am an Indian lawyer currently based in NYC. I am not qualified here in the United States and that partly inspired my decision to apply to the LLM program. I had completed my application towards the end of the deadline and did not hear back from Columbia until the 2nd of Feb when they said that my application was complete. I was getting worried reading some of the comments here about the waitlist theory. About a couple of days back, a member of the Admissions Committee reached out to me. I was told that my application was under review and given that I am based locally, they would like for me to come down to Columbia and meet several of the Committee Members. Obviously, I freaked out. Mainly because it is completely unheard of that LLM Applicants are called in for an interview. But also because I had managed to convince myself that delay meant "bad news"......
I met the Admissions Committee earlier today. It was a very casual chat where I was asked a little bit about my background, motivations and work. They also gave me enough opportunity to ask questions/ discuss concerns that I had. In this meeting, I was assured that the delay did not imply bad news or a "waitlist" of sorts but merely that the Committee hasn't had a chance to review your application yet. As far as calling me in was concerned, I think it was solely because I live in the city and they wanted to put a face to the name- not something they get to do with majority of the LLM applications. Within a few hours of my meeting with the Committee, I received my offer email. No financial aid though.

Also, during my discussions with the Committee earlier today, I was told it is not a big deal if you request an expedited decision in light of upcoming deadlines. It does not affect your application negatively.

I hope this helps some of you who are yet to hear from Columbia or who are debating whether you should send the request for ED/ ER. All the very best.

I got rejected!!

I got rejected!!
Inactive User

I'm in ! Just received the email.

I'm in ! Just received the email.

Hi guys

I feel like I'm one of the very few who are still waiting. I've got upcoming deadlines in April 1 and April 13, should I request ER on Monday? It's more likely that I'll take the later offer but I need to start organizing the next few months for a big move abroad so im a bit frustrated to wait.

I'm afraid that rushing them would affect my app negatively. Last year, most people got rejected on March 31 but some got in on early April. What do you think?

Hi guys

I feel like I'm one of the very few who are still waiting. I've got upcoming deadlines in April 1 and April 13, should I request ER on Monday? It's more likely that I'll take the later offer but I need to start organizing the next few months for a big move abroad so im a bit frustrated to wait.

I'm afraid that rushing them would affect my app negatively. Last year, most people got rejected on March 31 but some got in on early April. What do you think?

Hi I believe requesting an expedited review would not affect your application negatively.

Congratulations to all those who are in...

Hi guys

I feel like I'm one of the very few who are still waiting. I've got upcoming deadlines in April 1 and April 13, should I request ER on Monday? It's more likely that I'll take the later offer but I need to start organizing the next few months for a big move abroad so im a bit frustrated to wait.

I'm afraid that rushing them would affect my app negatively. Last year, most people got rejected on March 31 but some got

Hi I believe requesting an expedited review would not affect your application negatively.

Congratulations to all those who are in...
<blockquote>Hi guys

I feel like I'm one of the very few who are still waiting. I've got upcoming deadlines in April 1 and April 13, should I request ER on Monday? It's more likely that I'll take the later offer but I need to start organizing the next few months for a big move abroad so im a bit frustrated to wait.

I'm afraid that rushing them would affect my app negatively. Last year, most people got rejected on March 31 but some got

Has anyone heard from Columbia lately? Has anyone else been placed on the waitlist? I'm still waiting to hear their final decision on my application.

Has anyone heard from Columbia lately? Has anyone else been placed on the waitlist? I'm still waiting to hear their final decision on my application.

Is anybody still waiting to hear back from Columbia? Also do they still even give out any acceptance offers in April? Getting worried.

Is anybody still waiting to hear back from Columbia? Also do they still even give out any acceptance offers in April? Getting worried.

Is anybody still waiting to hear back from Columbia? Also do they still even give out any acceptance offers in April? Getting worried.

Yeah im still waiting too.

<blockquote>Is anybody still waiting to hear back from Columbia? Also do they still even give out any acceptance offers in April? Getting worried. </blockquote>
Yeah im still waiting too.
Inactive User

Still waiting. Given that they have put some people on a waitlist, I'm not very hopeful.

Still waiting. Given that they have put some people on a waitlist, I'm not very hopeful.


I had requested for an ER 2 days ago. I got an acceptance last night, so clearly, they're still making decisions.

Hope this helps!


I had requested for an ER 2 days ago. I got an acceptance last night, so clearly, they're still making decisions.

Hope this helps!


I had requested for an ER 2 days ago. I got an acceptance last night, so clearly, they're still making decisions.

Hope this helps!

Congrats thats great news!

Whats the process of applying for an ER? thanks


I had requested for an ER 2 days ago. I got an acceptance last night, so clearly, they're still making decisions.

Hope this helps!</blockquote>

Congrats thats great news!

Whats the process of applying for an ER? thanks

Just requested ER, anyone else still waiting like me?

Just requested ER, anyone else still waiting like me?

Just requested ER, anyone else still waiting like me?

I'm also waiting, how exactly did you request ER?

<blockquote>Just requested ER, anyone else still waiting like me?</blockquote>

I'm also waiting, how exactly did you request ER?

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