Beware of frauds ("Kay" is not an HLS student)


Family obligations (for example) can sometimes be compelling even with a "full scholarship"...

dont you think ?

And, believe it or not, Harvard Law School is not a universal dream... There's life outside Langdell Hall...

C'mon... stop! You're triggering another spiral...

I want to clarify what I meant (Ivan is right in his reply, btw):

I think that the image of a huge institution like HLS chasing a person who posted stupid and false stuff about the school in the internet is both unrealistic and brutal. But maybe I am just not institutionally correct enough to acknowledge that all sins must be punished coldly and with no mercy to protect the institution... I juts find this implausible.

<blockquote>Family “obligations” (for example) can sometimes be compelling… even with a "full scholarship"...

don’t you think ?

And, believe it or not, Harvard Law School is not a universal dream... There's life outside Langdell Hall...</blockquote>

C'mon... stop! You're triggering another spiral...

I want to clarify what I meant (Ivan is right in his reply, btw):

I think that the image of a huge institution like HLS chasing a person who posted stupid and false stuff about the school in the internet is both unrealistic and brutal. But maybe I am just not institutionally correct enough to acknowledge that all sins must be punished coldly and with no mercy to protect the institution... I juts find this implausible.

Wow, this is nuts. I think I actually ended up agreeing with Kay at one point since I didn't think it was as easy to get a job as josepidal said. Have I lost credibilty too?

Although I am not from U of Alaska, I must confess that I fudged my country of origin just because I don't want to be identified.

I have also noticed some lies on this forum mainly to psyche people out (typical law school behaviour - the students with the worst grades always seemed the most confident). I am not sure about the HLS scholarship one though - you can get offered admission and the Frank Knox, for example, on the same day.

Wow, this is nuts. I think I actually ended up agreeing with Kay at one point since I didn't think it was as easy to get a job as josepidal said. Have I lost credibilty too?

Although I am not from U of Alaska, I must confess that I fudged my country of origin just because I don't want to be identified.

I have also noticed some lies on this forum mainly to psyche people out (typical law school behaviour - the students with the worst grades always seemed the most confident). I am not sure about the HLS scholarship one though - you can get offered admission and the Frank Knox, for example, on the same day.

Although I am not from U of Alaska, I must confess that I fudged my country of origin just because I don't want to be identified.

Were you impersonating a Kenyan doing Tax Law in HLS?

I haven't spoken to the REAL Kenya Tax LLM, but I imagine she is not happy about being impersonated, flygirl (good you changed back).

<blockquote>Although I am not from U of Alaska, I must confess that I fudged my country of origin just because I don't want to be identified.</blockquote>
Were you impersonating a Kenyan doing Tax Law in HLS?

I haven't spoken to the REAL Kenya Tax LLM, but I imagine she is not happy about being impersonated, flygirl (good you changed back).


Inactive User

i agree, though i would delete the reference to Kenya as unnecessary to make the point.

It was to Kenya because Kay is from Kenya and that's far enough. Substitute Kenya for Portugal, France or Brazil however. I didn't mean at all to discriminate against Kenya!!

ok! am suitably rebuked:) its my neighbour to the East so feelings are tender. you can take a shot at Alaska though:-))

<blockquote><blockquote>i agree, though i would delete the reference to Kenya as unnecessary to make the point.</blockquote>

It was to Kenya because Kay is from Kenya and that's far enough. Substitute Kenya for Portugal, France or Brazil however. I didn't mean at all to discriminate against Kenya!!</blockquote>

ok! am suitably rebuked:) its my neighbour to the East so feelings are tender. you can take a shot at Alaska though:-))

Heh, no I definitely wasn't impersonating Kay.

It is funny, I remember thinking at the time that it was weird to see a Harvard LLM with such bad punctuation etc but then admonished myself for buying into stereotypes.

Heh, no I definitely wasn't impersonating Kay.

It is funny, I remember thinking at the time that it was weird to see a Harvard LLM with such bad punctuation etc but then admonished myself for buying into stereotypes.

This post is totally unuseful.
Ok Kay lied, end of the story - that being said, can we go back to something else now? Like some other interesting subjects that may actually help us instead of losing our time with this...
I feel like we're back in the XIIc. hunting some witches. Please Jose, thanks for the info, but Im sure there's no need to go that far, like transferring someone's screenname to HLS office in order to check if she or he lying, I cant believe there are actually some people who have time for that kind of stuff ! Everybody reads the posts here but I do hope that no one takes his or her decision based ONLY with the information available here: THIS IS INTERNET for God Sake!
And dont worry Jose: no need to check who I am, I'm not a liar !

This post is totally unuseful.
Ok Kay lied, end of the story - that being said, can we go back to something else now? Like some other interesting subjects that may actually help us instead of losing our time with this...
I feel like we're back in the XIIc. hunting some witches. Please Jose, thanks for the info, but Im sure there's no need to go that far, like transferring someone's screenname to HLS office in order to check if she or he lying, I cant believe there are actually some people who have time for that kind of stuff ! Everybody reads the posts here but I do hope that no one takes his or her decision based ONLY with the information available here: THIS IS INTERNET for God Sake!
And dont worry Jose: no need to check who I am, I'm not a liar !

I tend to agree with Lucinda. I find what Kay did amusing more than anything and imagine it might have provided a welcome distraction from study for josepidal to have hunted her down.
The internet is often a source of misinformation but I guess that is the price we pay for free and easy access to information. We take the good with the bad.
I do worry about contacting Kay's school in Kenya. It seems disproportionate to me. After all, I didn't think her comments were particularly damning about Harvard (I even agreed with her based on my own experience) and noone relied on her advice to their detriment as far as I can tell.
I think I would think more badly about Harvard than Kay if they punish her for this. It would seem kinda petty.

I tend to agree with Lucinda. I find what Kay did amusing more than anything and imagine it might have provided a welcome distraction from study for josepidal to have hunted her down.
The internet is often a source of misinformation but I guess that is the price we pay for free and easy access to information. We take the good with the bad.
I do worry about contacting Kay's school in Kenya. It seems disproportionate to me. After all, I didn't think her comments were particularly damning about Harvard (I even agreed with her based on my own experience) and noone relied on her advice to their detriment as far as I can tell.
I think I would think more badly about Harvard than Kay if they punish her for this. It would seem kinda petty.
equity's d...

I haven't been following the Kay contorversy set out in the pages above (too lazy). However, assuming that she is a fraud, and assuming that there is some discussion above about contacting her school in Kenya to notify them about this incident, I must say that I think such a measure is uncalled for. I agree with flygirl: everyonbe knows the internet is unreliable and anybody who'd rely exclusively on an anonomous poster for such important informartion deserves what they get.

I haven't been following the Kay contorversy set out in the pages above (too lazy). However, assuming that she is a fraud, and assuming that there is some discussion above about contacting her school in Kenya to notify them about this incident, I must say that I think such a measure is uncalled for. I agree with flygirl: everyonbe knows the internet is unreliable and anybody who'd rely exclusively on an anonomous poster for such important informartion deserves what they get.

I´m not Jose´s lawyer, but I think he just said that to scare Kay... I´m sure nobody will do anything against anybody...

Moving on - and coming back to the employment issue - I wanted to you to watch a funny video made by some NYU grads (JDs, not LLMs):


P.D. After the international party incident at HLS, I was not surprised that Kay did not use punctuation signs...

I´m not Jose´s lawyer, but I think he just said that to scare Kay... I´m sure nobody will do anything against anybody...

Moving on - and coming back to the employment issue - I wanted to you to watch a funny video made by some NYU grads (JDs, not LLMs):


P.D. After the international party incident at HLS, I was not surprised that Kay did not use punctuation signs...

Yeah, intenet is unreliable... Have you seen the wacko who wrote an entry in the blog section?

Yeah, intenet is unreliable... Have you seen the wacko who wrote an entry in the blog section?

Moving on - and coming back to the employment issue - I wanted to you to watch a funny video made by some NYU grads (JDs, not LLMs):


P.D. After the international party incident at HLS, I was not surprised that Kay did not use punctuation signs...

this one is quite ok:

Respect for the NYU boys


Moving on - and coming back to the employment issue - I wanted to you to watch a funny video made by some NYU grads (JDs, not LLMs):


P.D. After the international party incident at HLS, I was not surprised that Kay did not use punctuation signs... </blockquote>

this one is quite ok:

Respect for the NYU boys


Check this other one:


Check this other one:


Check this other one:


Check this out! The beginning is really funny


Check this other one: </blockquote>


Check this out! The beginning is really funny
Inactive User

And since we are going on about cyber possibilities(spell check not done am afraid....wooo):

And since we are going on about cyber possibilities(spell check not done am afraid....wooo):

Heh, no I definitely wasn't impersonating Kay.

It is funny, I remember thinking at the time that it was weird to see a Harvard LLM with such bad punctuation etc but then admonished myself for buying into stereotypes.

No, flygirl, you misunderstand me.

"Kay" was impersonating a real Kenyan who really goes to HLS and is really taking Tax subjects and is really going to work at the World Bank. Thus, for example, it's particularly annoying that "Kay" was making negative statements about the Bank.

As stated above, everyone can indulge in their Internet fantasies, but do leave my classmates, my school, and future HLS applicants out of the bitter frustrations with life.

<blockquote>Heh, no I definitely wasn't impersonating Kay.

It is funny, I remember thinking at the time that it was weird to see a Harvard LLM with such bad punctuation etc but then admonished myself for buying into stereotypes.</blockquote>
No, flygirl, you misunderstand me.

"Kay" was impersonating a real Kenyan who really goes to HLS and is really taking Tax subjects and is really going to work at the World Bank. Thus, for example, it's particularly annoying that "Kay" was making negative statements about the Bank.

As stated above, everyone can indulge in their Internet fantasies, but do leave my classmates, my school, and future HLS applicants out of the bitter frustrations with life.

I don't want to beat a dead horse here but I just went back over Kay's posts and I really don't think they are that bad. She disgrees with you (josepidal) for sure and perhaps her information is incorrect but I thought her views were relatively balanced and harmless and didn't involve any defamation of HLS classmates or the like. By contrast, I have been personally insulted in quite a pathetic and nasty way by the anonymous "YLS" (a Harvard LLM apparently) who brings Harvard into more disrepute than any of Kay's posts. Could I be bothered tracking him down and informing the Harvard Dean to confirm his authenticity? Definitely not.

Some of the comments on this forum regarding bringing HLS' reputation into disrepute and so on are a little precious. I mean surely HLS is big enough to hold its own against a small puff of wind. Hunting this girl down and contacting her law school seems wildly disproportionate.

I don't want to beat a dead horse here but I just went back over Kay's posts and I really don't think they are that bad. She disgrees with you (josepidal) for sure and perhaps her information is incorrect but I thought her views were relatively balanced and harmless and didn't involve any defamation of HLS classmates or the like. By contrast, I have been personally insulted in quite a pathetic and nasty way by the anonymous "YLS" (a Harvard LLM apparently) who brings Harvard into more disrepute than any of Kay's posts. Could I be bothered tracking him down and informing the Harvard Dean to confirm his authenticity? Definitely not.

Some of the comments on this forum regarding bringing HLS' reputation into disrepute and so on are a little precious. I mean surely HLS is big enough to hold its own against a small puff of wind. Hunting this girl down and contacting her law school seems wildly disproportionate.

Amen to that.

Amen to that.

For a while I thought it was all an April Fool's joke - considering the dt this thread originated - and that josepidal, Ivan2006 and Kay were in fact the best of mates, putting on this show --- but naah doesnt seem like it now.. Anyway, though Kay shouldn't have impersonated a real life person, I agree with some of the posters above that the reaction was a bit extreme - come guys, I am sure Kay isn't as bad as he/she is being made out to be, with or without a Harvard degree

For a while I thought it was all an April Fool's joke - considering the dt this thread originated - and that josepidal, Ivan2006 and Kay were in fact the best of mates, putting on this show --- but naah doesnt seem like it now.. Anyway, though Kay shouldn't have impersonated a real life person, I agree with some of the posters above that the reaction was a bit extreme - come guys, I am sure Kay isn't as bad as he/she is being made out to be, with or without a Harvard degree

Kay´s story sounds harmless at a first glance, but impersonating a real person - this Kenyan tax LLM that will work at the World Bank -, is something dangerous... Can you think what you would feel if anybody impersonated you? I´d go nuts.

Personally, I don´t think anybody will take action against her - but I think it is fine that she is aware that she screwed up and she could be even more screwed.

I don´t think she said anything offensive or false per se. If she had not said she was a HLS LLM that wanted to share her experience with other people, her statements would be ok. I even agreed with her in the beginning, when the controversy about the employment rate popped up.

Whatever. Let´s turn this page.

Kay´s story sounds harmless at a first glance, but impersonating a real person - this Kenyan tax LLM that will work at the World Bank -, is something dangerous... Can you think what you would feel if anybody impersonated you? I´d go nuts.

Personally, I don´t think anybody will take action against her - but I think it is fine that she is aware that she screwed up and she could be even more screwed.

I don´t think she said anything offensive or false per se. If she had not said she was a HLS LLM that wanted to share her experience with other people, her statements would be ok. I even agreed with her in the beginning, when the controversy about the employment rate popped up.

Whatever. Let´s turn this page.

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