where do I apply?


I was wondering which uni's are the most famous for an LLM in the area of commercial and economic law? I really have no idea how to find information about that.
furthermore, I wanted to know if it is hard to get accepted in unis as Kings, Queen Mary, Oxford,... if you don t have outstanding marks.

I was wondering which uni's are the most famous for an LLM in the area of commercial and economic law? I really have no idea how to find information about that.
furthermore, I wanted to know if it is hard to get accepted in unis as Kings, Queen Mary, Oxford,... if you don t have outstanding marks.

With "outstanding" being a subjective phrase, it's not easy to answer. Most UK LL.Ms require a 2:1 at honours level. Your work experience may also be taken into consideration, or any papers you have had published or conference and seminar talks and presentations would likely count in your favour also.

Commercial Law? Edinburgh University has a very popular Commercial Law LL.M programme. But you are required to hold a 2:1 honours certificate as a minimum.

With "outstanding" being a subjective phrase, it's not easy to answer. Most UK LL.Ms require a 2:1 at honours level. Your work experience may also be taken into consideration, or any papers you have had published or conference and seminar talks and presentations would likely count in your favour also.

Commercial Law? Edinburgh University has a very popular Commercial Law LL.M programme. But you are required to hold a 2:1 honours certificate as a minimum.


Thanks for the information C.Miller. Sorry to ask but what is 2:1? I m a student in Belgium and we get grated on 100. So I don t know the equivalent of a 2:1. Do you mind explaining me the system of grading in England?

Thanks for the information C.Miller. Sorry to ask but what is 2:1? I m a student in Belgium and we get grated on 100. So I don t know the equivalent of a 2:1. Do you mind explaining me the system of grading in England?


whats is your overall grade?


whats is your overall grade?

hi sabine

these information i received from an english student i hope that what u are looking for:

Generally, the degree classes are something like this in a typical UK university:
- First Class Honours - overall marks of 70% and above; generally, about 3-8% of students graduate with this.
- Upper Second Class Honours (2.1) - overall marks of 60% - 69%; about 50-70% of students graduate with this.
- Lower Second Class Honours (2.2) - overall marks of 50% - 59%; about 10-30% of students graduate with this.
- Third Class Honours - overall marks of 45% - 49%
- Pass (General Degree without honours) - overall marks of 40% - 44%

Do bear in mind that traditionally, English law schools mark out of a maximum of 80%, so any law student who scores something like 75% in a traditional university is considered outstandingly brilliant.

In the UK legal profession, a 2.1 is increasingly becoming a requirement, especially for the leading firms. No employer would demand a first class honours LLB because in any UK university, only a small handful will obtain this in each graduating year

hi sabine

these information i received from an english student i hope that what u are looking for:

Generally, the degree classes are something like this in a typical UK university:
- First Class Honours - overall marks of 70% and above; generally, about 3-8% of students graduate with this.
- Upper Second Class Honours (2.1) - overall marks of 60% - 69%; about 50-70% of students graduate with this.
- Lower Second Class Honours (2.2) - overall marks of 50% - 59%; about 10-30% of students graduate with this.
- Third Class Honours - overall marks of 45% - 49%
- Pass (General Degree without honours) - overall marks of 40% - 44%

Do bear in mind that traditionally, English law schools mark out of a maximum of 80%, so any law student who scores something like 75% in a traditional university is considered outstandingly brilliant.

In the UK legal profession, a 2.1 is increasingly becoming a requirement, especially for the leading firms. No employer would demand a first class honours LLB because in any UK university, only a small handful will obtain this in each graduating year

In terms of LLMs it is worth noting however that Oxford offer on a 1st class and Cambridge on at least 67% but often a 1st. If you are looking for a good commercial LLM London would probably be the best best they offer a really wide range of subjects.

In terms of LLMs it is worth noting however that Oxford offer on a 1st class and Cambridge on at least 67% but often a 1st. If you are looking for a good commercial LLM London would probably be the best best they offer a really wide range of subjects.

thanks for all your help!! I ll have a look for the universities.

thanks for all your help!! I ll have a look for the universities.

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