What to study in QMUL?


Need help!

I got an offer to LL.M. at QMUL. I am selecting the specialization. I need your comment about what is good at QMUL.

I heard that QMUL has IP Law as one of the best in country. How about other area?

Of course, studying what I am interested in would be the best. But I am concern about the reputation after graduation.

Thanks in advance.

Need help!

I got an offer to LL.M. at QMUL. I am selecting the specialization. I need your comment about what is good at QMUL.

I heard that QMUL has IP Law as one of the best in country. How about other area?

Of course, studying what I am interested in would be the best. But I am concern about the reputation after graduation.

Thanks in advance.

I am going to study at CCLS of QMUL this Sep.
Besides IP law, international arbitration is another edge of QM, I heart that its school of international arbitration is one of the best in EU. Additionally, competition law is also seeing
rapid development.

QMUL is a emerging top universtiy in UK. It is ranked 11th in 2008 RAE, but before that, it is only known for its 5* law school (there are only 8 5* law school) and its dentistry and medicine.

CCLS is reknowned, but frankly speaking it is not as prestigeous as UCL, LSE and maybe King's. Maybe it is because CCLS is still too young(founded in 1985), compared with the above three.

I am going to study at CCLS of QMUL this Sep.
Besides IP law, international arbitration is another edge of QM, I heart that its school of international arbitration is one of the best in EU. Additionally, competition law is also seeing
rapid development.

QMUL is a emerging top universtiy in UK. It is ranked 11th in 2008 RAE, but before that, it is only known for its 5* law school (there are only 8 5* law school) and its dentistry and medicine.

CCLS is reknowned, but frankly speaking it is not as prestigeous as UCL, LSE and maybe King's. Maybe it is because CCLS is still too young(founded in 1985), compared with the above three.

true that CCLS is a too young...but that does not mean that the studies not as good as UCL or KCL...! (I don't know much about LSE)

Yes true QMUL is known for its IPR Law and IT Law..! Possibly (not sure) it is one of the best for International Arbitration also.

Apart from that I think the "International Commercial Law" and the "Company Law" module of QMUL is one of the best (strictly in my opinion).

And you have correctly marked....the ranking of QMUL is getting higher every year. I remember that in 2007 QMUL was ranked 15th...and this year it is within the top 8 Law Colleges in the times Ranking.At the same time considering the RAE ranking (as mentioned above) 11th in RAE 2008....so it is a very impressive progress that QMUL is making.
Admittedly it has a long way to go...but I feel sooner or later it will definitely come in league with the Top 5...!

true that CCLS is a too young...but that does not mean that the studies not as good as UCL or KCL...! (I don't know much about LSE)

Yes true QMUL is known for its IPR Law and IT Law..! Possibly (not sure) it is one of the best for International Arbitration also.

Apart from that I think the "International Commercial Law" and the "Company Law" module of QMUL is one of the best (strictly in my opinion).

And you have correctly marked....the ranking of QMUL is getting higher every year. I remember that in 2007 QMUL was ranked 15th...and this year it is within the top 8 Law Colleges in the times Ranking.At the same time considering the RAE ranking (as mentioned above) 11th in RAE 2008....so it is a very impressive progress that QMUL is making.
Admittedly it has a long way to go...but I feel sooner or later it will definitely come in league with the Top 5...!

Need help!

I got an offer to LL.M. at QMUL. I am selecting the specialization. I need your comment about what is good at QMUL.

I heard that QMUL has IP Law as one of the best in country. How about other area?

Of course, studying what I am interested in would be the best. But I am concern about the reputation after graduation.

Thanks in advance.

You do not need to select your specialization until the induction week

<blockquote>Need help!

I got an offer to LL.M. at QMUL. I am selecting the specialization. I need your comment about what is good at QMUL.

I heard that QMUL has IP Law as one of the best in country. How about other area?

Of course, studying what I am interested in would be the best. But I am concern about the reputation after graduation.

Thanks in advance.</blockquote>

You do not need to select your specialization until the induction week

Why are you so keen to promote QMUL's reputation?
I saw your other posts.
You r defending QM against a bunch of guys who take QM as nothing.

Why are you so keen to promote QMUL's reputation?
I saw your other posts.
You r defending QM against a bunch of guys who take QM as nothing.

Napoleon, I might be partly guilty here....I believe that it is a very admirable quality in any young person to defend a reputation of its school...Hence, Legal India is correct here..But she is also biased for the very same reason...QM is a GOOD school, do not get me wrong - it is still in the top 10 in the country...It is not number 101 or 345....Going to a top-10 school cannot be a bad thing...However, it depends what you want and where you want to work...Fileds, such as PE law, M & A law and corporate real estate law, in top 10 law firms (aka Clifford Chance, Linklaters, Freshfields, Allen & Overy, Ashurst, White & Case) are notoriously competitive and it will be very difficult for you to get in unless you are from Oxbridge, Edinburgh, LSE or Kings...However, if you want to get to less competitive areas (tax, private law etc) you might be with a good chance in the above firms with degrees from UCL, QM, Durham, etc...There is nothing stopping you getting into these areas and, if you are any good, get a posting in your preferred areas. Alternatively you can apply to good smaller (but still huge firms) such as Nabarro, Lovells, Cameron McKenna etc...So I was probably wrong by thinking only about the top 5 firms, there are still plenty of fantastic smaller firms...Some of which have a much better reputations in certain areas than major firms...Once I mentioned Swiss Klein Law (RKS) in to Legal India (though I bet she was so defensive that she did not bother checking it out)...This firm has an outstanding reputation in funds/trusts structuring, real estate and oil/gas transactions among major corporations while most students would not know it...There was a case where I was represented by Clifford Chance and our partner was represented by Klein...Guess which lawyer was better and guess which law firm I hired next time? To cut the story short, QM is good and will make it possible to get in a good firm, just might not be the top 10 firm immediately upon gradiuation on the strength of your degree alone...Though one never knows...

Napoleon, I might be partly guilty here....I believe that it is a very admirable quality in any young person to defend a reputation of its school...Hence, Legal India is correct here..But she is also biased for the very same reason...QM is a GOOD school, do not get me wrong - it is still in the top 10 in the country...It is not number 101 or 345....Going to a top-10 school cannot be a bad thing...However, it depends what you want and where you want to work...Fileds, such as PE law, M & A law and corporate real estate law, in top 10 law firms (aka Clifford Chance, Linklaters, Freshfields, Allen & Overy, Ashurst, White & Case) are notoriously competitive and it will be very difficult for you to get in unless you are from Oxbridge, Edinburgh, LSE or Kings...However, if you want to get to less competitive areas (tax, private law etc) you might be with a good chance in the above firms with degrees from UCL, QM, Durham, etc...There is nothing stopping you getting into these areas and, if you are any good, get a posting in your preferred areas. Alternatively you can apply to good smaller (but still huge firms) such as Nabarro, Lovells, Cameron McKenna etc...So I was probably wrong by thinking only about the top 5 firms, there are still plenty of fantastic smaller firms...Some of which have a much better reputations in certain areas than major firms...Once I mentioned Swiss Klein Law (RKS) in to Legal India (though I bet she was so defensive that she did not bother checking it out)...This firm has an outstanding reputation in funds/trusts structuring, real estate and oil/gas transactions among major corporations while most students would not know it...There was a case where I was represented by Clifford Chance and our partner was represented by Klein...Guess which lawyer was better and guess which law firm I hired next time? To cut the story short, QM is good and will make it possible to get in a good firm, just might not be the top 10 firm immediately upon gradiuation on the strength of your degree alone...Though one never knows...

Why are you so keen to promote QMUL's reputation?
I saw your other posts.
You r defending QM against a bunch of guys who take QM as nothing.

I am sorry I am not so keen to promote QMUL's Reputation. If you haven't noticed I have been doing the same thing for UoE as well as for Aberdeen and City University. I don't think I any specific reason to do that. But I feel that these universities are way too underestimated. Just because a student gets into LSE he does not get the license to say that QMUL is not a good school....and you won't find a job...and you should do your LLM from LSE,UCL and KCL...it is the best...! I am sorry to break your heart but it is not true.
And in the same way if a student has got into QMUL he does not get the license to say that City University or Aberdeen or Cardiff...etc are not so good university. and QMUL is the best. ...I am sorry to break your heart...!

And you'll are missing an important point...I am not only supporting QMUL...but any person who in my view is mis-guided. And I have tried to make a point that QMUL is not counted out of the league when best colleges are mentioned.

Why are you so keen to promote QMUL's reputation?
I saw your other posts.
You r defending QM against a bunch of guys who take QM as nothing.</blockquote>

I am sorry I am not so keen to promote QMUL's Reputation. If you haven't noticed I have been doing the same thing for UoE as well as for Aberdeen and City University. I don't think I any specific reason to do that. But I feel that these universities are way too underestimated. Just because a student gets into LSE he does not get the license to say that QMUL is not a good school....and you won't find a job...and you should do your LLM from LSE,UCL and KCL...it is the best...! I am sorry to break your heart but it is not true.
And in the same way if a student has got into QMUL he does not get the license to say that City University or Aberdeen or Cardiff...etc are not so good university. and QMUL is the best. ...I am sorry to break your heart...!

And you'll are missing an important point...I am not only supporting QMUL...but any person who in my view is mis-guided. And I have tried to make a point that QMUL is not counted out of the league when best colleges are mentioned.


Though what we can say with a very high degree of certaintly that there is a MUCH HIGHER PROBABILITY BASED ON PAST TRENDS ANALYSIS that after Oxbridge, Edinbirgh, LSE and KIngs you will get your ideal job in a top-10 firm immediately upon graduation (90/ chance if you were a good student). The probablity of the above is smaller (around 60-70/) if you graduated from UCL, Durham, QM, City, Aberdeen. The probabilty of the above should you garudate from Birmingham, Manchester, Warwick and Nottingham is about 40-50/. Etc. Its all statistics at the end of the day.

Though what we can say with a very high degree of certaintly that there is a MUCH HIGHER PROBABILITY BASED ON PAST TRENDS ANALYSIS that after Oxbridge, Edinbirgh, LSE and KIngs you will get your ideal job in a top-10 firm immediately upon graduation (90/ chance if you were a good student). The probablity of the above is smaller (around 60-70/) if you graduated from UCL, Durham, QM, City, Aberdeen. The probabilty of the above should you garudate from Birmingham, Manchester, Warwick and Nottingham is about 40-50/. Etc. Its all statistics at the end of the day.

I didn't expect edinbirgh and kcl could be more prestigeous than UCL. I heard from some UK professors that UCL has the best law school in UK.

By the way, edinbirgh teaches Rome law instead of common law. I don't think it is reasonable to compare it with England law schools.

I didn't expect edinbirgh and kcl could be more prestigeous than UCL. I heard from some UK professors that UCL has the best law school in UK.

By the way, edinbirgh teaches Rome law instead of common law. I don't think it is reasonable to compare it with England law schools.

The statement above was based onn the combination of the university as a whole and specifically the law deparment. You have to look at both and compare the arithmetic average Edinburgh and KCL are considered more prestigious as universities by a larger percentage than UCL's law school is considered to be prestigious than edi or kcl ones (and even this is debatable)
That's why City uni scores better than you would expect and qm scrores worse...city uni is by far more prestigious among city employees than it rating of its law school would have been otherwise...
Edinburgh is extremely prestigious, I can even put it above KCL and possibly LSE in certain areas

The statement above was based onn the combination of the university as a whole and specifically the law deparment. You have to look at both and compare the arithmetic average Edinburgh and KCL are considered more prestigious as universities by a larger percentage than UCL's law school is considered to be prestigious than edi or kcl ones (and even this is debatable)
That's why City uni scores better than you would expect and qm scrores worse...city uni is by far more prestigious among city employees than it rating of its law school would have been otherwise...
Edinburgh is extremely prestigious, I can even put it above KCL and possibly LSE in certain areas

I didn't expect edinbirgh and kcl could be more prestigeous than UCL. I heard from some UK professors that UCL has the best law school in UK.

By the way, edinbirgh teaches Rome law instead of common law. I don't think it is reasonable to compare it with England law schools.

It depends on the kind of audience to be honest. I am not surprised that academics would regard UCL as the superior option, since it does have a LOT of big names much more than either KCL or Edinburgh in my opinion. This is especially true since Robert Chambers and James Penner have recently defected from KCL to UCL and since Edinburgh has unfortunately lost Sir Neil McCormick.

<blockquote>I didn't expect edinbirgh and kcl could be more prestigeous than UCL. I heard from some UK professors that UCL has the best law school in UK.

By the way, edinbirgh teaches Rome law instead of common law. I don't think it is reasonable to compare it with England law schools.</blockquote>

It depends on the kind of audience to be honest. I am not surprised that academics would regard UCL as the superior option, since it does have a LOT of big names much more than either KCL or Edinburgh in my opinion. This is especially true since Robert Chambers and James Penner have recently defected from KCL to UCL and since Edinburgh has unfortunately lost Sir Neil McCormick.


what are the Ivy law schools in UK?
As time goes on, some law schools rise and some have fallen down. But I think a genuine Ivy law school would not be affected by just lost of some big names.

what are the Ivy law schools in UK?
As time goes on, some law schools rise and some have fallen down. But I think a genuine Ivy law school would not be affected by just lost of some big names.

1. Cambridge (Cam has better reputation than Ox overall, but Ox law has a slightly superior reputation)
2. Oxford
3. Imperial College
4. LSE
5. KCL
6. Edinburgh
7. St Andrews
8. Durham
9. Bristol
10. UCL

1. Cambridge (Cam has better reputation than Ox overall, but Ox law has a slightly superior reputation)
2. Oxford
3. Imperial College
4. LSE
5. KCL
6. Edinburgh
7. St Andrews
8. Durham
9. Bristol
10. UCL


Well I would remove Imperial for Law and place UCL in the top 5 for sure !
1st tier: Oxbridge
2nd tier: LSE/KCL/UCL (depending on the specialization)
3rd tier: Edinburgh, Durham, Warwick.

Well I would remove Imperial for Law and place UCL in the top 5 for sure !
1st tier: Oxbridge
2nd tier: LSE/KCL/UCL (depending on the specialization)
3rd tier: Edinburgh, Durham, Warwick.

.... and remove St Andrews!

.... and remove St Andrews!

This "Vuzosrach" is becomming really boring and far from the truth, i.e. in official ranking of law institutes in Russia MGIMO is only the third and everybody knows that it is the best University in Russia with best perspectives for graduates, do not believe rankings. And too much offtop, the topic is "What to study in QMUL?".

This "Vuzosrach" is becomming really boring and far from the truth, i.e. in official ranking of law institutes in Russia MGIMO is only the third and everybody knows that it is the best University in Russia with best perspectives for graduates, do not believe rankings. And too much offtop, the topic is "What to study in QMUL?".

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