QMU LLM International shipping law


hello guys, anyone received an offer from Queen Mary university, international shipping law? how does it compare to UCL and Nottingham LLM in Maritime law?

hello guys, anyone received an offer from Queen Mary university, international shipping law? how does it compare to UCL and Nottingham LLM in Maritime law?

Hi Edjoah,

I did my maritime degree at Swansea university. When I was making my applications, I avoided QM, UCL and Nottingham. The only benefit of the first two is that they are located in London, and UCL has an overall decent rank as a uni. But if you are genuinely interested in studying maritime law as a subject, then to be honest, i wouldn't bother with either of them because they don't have any big specialists in the field. I certainly would not consider Nottingham (there is only one person left there who teaches maritime law and he is already half-retired). If you look at LLM Guide's maritime list, https://llm-guide.com/lists/top-llm-programs-by-speciality/top-llm-programs-for-maritime-admiralty-law, you won't find UCL or QM and Nottingham is on the bottom.

The best place, from my own experience, is Swansea. They have the most specialists and their reputation is very good for student care and employment prospects. They're also cheaper because the cost of living in Wales is lower than in England.

Take my advice and check them out. The director is a man named Baris Soyer, and there is a really fantastic lecturer there called Dr Nikaki. She's very kind and will do her best to help you. I think you can email them with this address llm@swansea.ac.uk to ask for information.

I hope i helped you.

Hi Edjoah,

I did my maritime degree at Swansea university. When I was making my applications, I avoided QM, UCL and Nottingham. The only benefit of the first two is that they are located in London, and UCL has an overall decent rank as a uni. But if you are genuinely interested in studying maritime law as a subject, then to be honest, i wouldn't bother with either of them because they don't have any big specialists in the field. I certainly would not consider Nottingham (there is only one person left there who teaches maritime law and he is already half-retired). If you look at LLM Guide's maritime list, https://llm-guide.com/lists/top-llm-programs-by-speciality/top-llm-programs-for-maritime-admiralty-law, you won't find UCL or QM and Nottingham is on the bottom.

The best place, from my own experience, is Swansea. They have the most specialists and their reputation is very good for student care and employment prospects. They're also cheaper because the cost of living in Wales is lower than in England.

Take my advice and check them out. The director is a man named Baris Soyer, and there is a really fantastic lecturer there called Dr Nikaki. She's very kind and will do her best to help you. I think you can email them with this address llm@swansea.ac.uk to ask for information.

I hope i helped you.

Thank you very much. Very insightful

Thank you very much. Very insightful

maybe some more details regarding this topic:

The only benefit of the first two is that they are located in London, and UCL has an overall decent rank as a uni.

The "overall decent rank" of UCL actually means being number 21 in one of the many world rankings, Swansea comes in on position 529.

However, as far as the rest of the posting as well as the recommendation is concerned, I agree with Erika's posting.

maybe some more details regarding this topic:
[quote]The only benefit of the first two is that they are located in London, and UCL has an overall decent rank as a uni.[/quote]

The "overall decent rank" of UCL actually means being number 21 in one of the many world rankings, Swansea comes in on position 529.

However, as far as the rest of the posting as well as the recommendation is concerned, I agree with Erika's posting.

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