POLL: Your age and school?


I know I am posting a lot, sorry! Just trying to get as much info as possible, there are not too many boards like this. I was wondering the type of applicants going to the UK. Anyone want to participate? Nationality, Age and school you are going/have applied to:

Me--American, 29, applied to King's, UCL, Westminster (wish I had applied to QM, but I think it's too late?)...oh and London Met Uni, but I think that's not such a great school so I probably won't go even if I get in there...not worth the $$.

I know I am posting a lot, sorry! Just trying to get as much info as possible, there are not too many boards like this. I was wondering the type of applicants going to the UK. Anyone want to participate? Nationality, Age and school you are going/have applied to:

Me--American, 29, applied to King's, UCL, Westminster (wish I had applied to QM, but I think it's too late?)...oh and London Met Uni, but I think that's not such a great school so I probably won't go even if I get in there...not worth the $$.

Hi all, here is my info:

Nationality: Swedish
Age: 25
Sex: Female

Universities (in ranking):
1. Cambridge (rejected *cries*)
2. Oxford (rejected *grrrr*)
3. UCL
4. KCL
5. Queen Mary (accepted)
6. Durham (accepted)
7. Nottingham (accepted)

I am considering to have another year in Sweden, starting my own law firm and then apply again (or preferably defer the offers) next year. I want to give Oxbridge another chance =D..... oh oh oh and this forum is G R E A T!!!


Hi all, here is my info:

Nationality: Swedish
Age: 25
Sex: Female

Universities (in ranking):
1. Cambridge (rejected *cries*)
2. Oxford (rejected *grrrr*)
3. UCL
4. KCL
5. Queen Mary (accepted)
6. Durham (accepted)
7. Nottingham (accepted)

I am considering to have another year in Sweden, starting my own law firm and then apply again (or preferably defer the offers) next year. I want to give Oxbridge another chance =D..... oh oh oh and this forum is G R E A T!!!


American, 27, Iowa law, NY bar, fed clerkship (2 yrs.), applied to:

Cambridge (rejected)
LSE (accepted - will attend)
Columbia (waitlist)
NYU (waitlist)
Georgetown (accepted)

American, 27, Iowa law, NY bar, fed clerkship (2 yrs.), applied to:

Cambridge (rejected)
LSE (accepted - will attend)
Columbia (waitlist)
NYU (waitlist)
Georgetown (accepted)
Inactive User

Nationality: German
Age: 30 (oh my god...)
Legal education up to now: University of Tuebingen, University of Exeter, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Applied to:
Oxford: accepted
Edinburgh: accepted
UCL: decision pending

Nationality: German
Age: 30 (oh my god...)
Legal education up to now: University of Tuebingen, University of Exeter, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Applied to:
Oxford: accepted
Edinburgh: accepted
UCL: decision pending

thanks sabrina (for your post in the other discussion)....I contacted my references for one more to apply to Queen Mary! Might as well give it a shot if I am applying to the others :)

So add QM to my list....

thanks sabrina (for your post in the other discussion)....I contacted my references for one more to apply to Queen Mary! Might as well give it a shot if I am applying to the others :)

So add QM to my list....
Inactive User

I guess I've written it already elsewhere on this board, but anyways:

Nationality - Russian
Age - 21 (will be 22 in a coupla months)
Applied to (in the UK) - Ox, Cam, LSE
Accepted by - Ox, Cam, LSE
Will be attending - Ox

I guess I've written it already elsewhere on this board, but anyways:

Nationality - Russian
Age - 21 (will be 22 in a coupla months)
Applied to (in the UK) - Ox, Cam, LSE
Accepted by - Ox, Cam, LSE
Will be attending - Ox

Nationality: British (Hong Kong Chinese)
Sex: M
Age 21
Applied to: N/A
but shall be sending in my applications after this summer.

Nationality: British (Hong Kong Chinese)
Sex: M
Age 21
Applied to: N/A
but shall be sending in my applications after this summer.

hi its a great idea for this post

Name Anas
nationality syrian
age 24
universities ; endi ( rejected) poor anas , cardiff rejected ,,,,queen mary rejected now iam thinking about durham however nowdays i am having my training in law office, hopefully next year i will applied to queen mary which is my favourite school for business law

hi its a great idea for this post

Name Anas
nationality syrian
age 24
universities ; endi ( rejected) poor anas , cardiff rejected ,,,,queen mary rejected now iam thinking about durham however nowdays i am having my training in law office, hopefully next year i will applied to queen mary which is my favourite school for business law

I forgot to mention my law background and it would be nice to hear about others law backgrounds aswell.

I have a 4.5 year long undergraduate degree in law which counts as an LLM abroad. I want to specialize in commercial law.

I forgot to mention my law background and it would be nice to hear about others law backgrounds aswell.

I have a 4.5 year long undergraduate degree in law which counts as an LLM abroad. I want to specialize in commercial law.
Inactive User

Hi all!

Name. Eirini (Irini)
Sex. Female
Age. 25

I finished the law school in Thessaloniki (Greece), that is 4.5 years and in a month I will have finished my law traineeship (18 months).

Queen Mary... rejected (who cares)
Durham.......... accepted
Nottingham......accepted under ridiculous conditions

But I finally chose Manchester over all...

Hi all!

Name. Eirini (Irini)
Sex. Female
Age. 25

I finished the law school in Thessaloniki (Greece), that is 4.5 years and in a month I will have finished my law traineeship (18 months).

Queen Mary... rejected (who cares)
Durham.......... accepted
Nottingham......accepted under ridiculous conditions

But I finally chose Manchester over all...

I have just joined the forum and its nice getting so much diverse info.
My details -

Nationality - Indian
Age - 25
Sex - Male
Applied to - N/A as I am still planning - will be applying for next years admissions..

I have just joined the forum and its nice getting so much diverse info.
My details -

Nationality - Indian
Age - 25
Sex - Male
Applied to - N/A as I am still planning - will be applying for next years admissions..

Nationality: American
Age: 30
Applied to: Geortgetown (accepted)

Nationality: American
Age: 30
Applied to: Geortgetown (accepted)
Nina N.

Nina from Germany, 25, going to Cambridge

Nina from Germany, 25, going to Cambridge

Age 23
Country Ireland
Oxford - Rejected
Cambridge - Accepted
LSE - Accepted
QMUL - Accepted
Edinburgh - Accepted
Queens Belfast - Accepted
Trinity College Dublin - Accepted
Conditions on Cambridge pretty harsh so probably LSE in September

Age 23
Country Ireland
Oxford - Rejected
Cambridge - Accepted
LSE - Accepted
QMUL - Accepted
Edinburgh - Accepted
Queens Belfast - Accepted
Trinity College Dublin - Accepted
Conditions on Cambridge pretty harsh so probably LSE in September

Hi to everyone,

I'm Giovanni, 28 years old, Roman.

I applied just at Durham (LLM in International Trade and Commercial Law) and I was accepted under the condition of taking 1 month pre-sessional english course. I accepted.


Hi to everyone,

I'm Giovanni, 28 years old, Roman.

I applied just at Durham (LLM in International Trade and Commercial Law) and I was accepted under the condition of taking 1 month pre-sessional english course. I accepted.



best LLM

Age 30, Male and LLB from Pakistan
doing LLM from Stockholm University and intending to search for job in Europe, but i think language will be BIGG problem as i experienced that people know english but they just dont want to speak and demand native language for any kind of job.

Age 30, Male and LLB from Pakistan
doing LLM from Stockholm University and intending to search for job in Europe, but i think language will be BIGG problem as i experienced that people know english but they just dont want to speak and demand native language for any kind of job.

Hey there.
I am from Switzerland.
Studied a few years ago in Basle, now working for a court.
Age: 32
Applied to Ox, Cam
Accepted by - Ox, Cam
Will be attending - Ox

Hey there.
I am from Switzerland.
Studied a few years ago in Basle, now working for a court.
Age: 32
Applied to Ox, Cam
Accepted by - Ox, Cam
Will be attending - Ox


Age: 28
Nationality: USA (via Texas)

Applied to: LSE, Edinburgh, Cambridge, Oxford, and American University at Cairo

Accepted to: LSE, Cambridge, Oxford, and American University of Cairo

Have Not Heard From: Edinburgh

Going To: Oxford (waiting college placement)

Age: 28
Nationality: USA (via Texas)

Applied to: LSE, Edinburgh, Cambridge, Oxford, and American University at Cairo

Accepted to: LSE, Cambridge, Oxford, and American University of Cairo

Have Not Heard From: Edinburgh

Going To: Oxford (waiting college placement)

is anyone going to cambridge?

is anyone going to cambridge?

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