Oxford BCL and Cambridge LLM Applicants 2009


Thanks Paddy. I'd noticed the pyramid on the faculty's research pages and was just wondering how often the BCL acted as a route in. I know a couple of people who have used it that way but it's good to know you are welcome to transfer across as well, in case I end up at Cam next year. Cheers!

Thanks Paddy. I'd noticed the pyramid on the faculty's research pages and was just wondering how often the BCL acted as a route in. I know a couple of people who have used it that way but it's good to know you are welcome to transfer across as well, in case I end up at Cam next year. Cheers!

Thanks from me as well Paddy. I hope you'll be around next year. I may need someone to show me the ropes and figure out what kind of gown to buy!

Thanks from me as well Paddy. I hope you'll be around next year. I may need someone to show me the ropes and figure out what kind of gown to buy!

Hey all,

Nice to follow up with this post.

I received an offer for the MJur program via email a couple of days before. The offer requires me to satisfy one condition, namely completion of my current degree.

However, I am not a native English speaker and I applied to Oxford with a Toefl IBT score of 105, which does not meet the requirement of a IBT score of 109 as the minimum. But the offer does not require me to resit for a English test. Is there anyone who is under the same circumstances? Do you think that my English test score has already been deemed satisfactory?

Thanks in advance.

Hey all,

Nice to follow up with this post.

I received an offer for the MJur program via email a couple of days before. The offer requires me to satisfy one condition, namely completion of my current degree.

However, I am not a native English speaker and I applied to Oxford with a Toefl IBT score of 105, which does not meet the requirement of a IBT score of 109 as the minimum. But the offer does not require me to resit for a English test. Is there anyone who is under the same circumstances? Do you think that my English test score has already been deemed satisfactory?

Thanks in advance.

Oh, I think your exaclty right Cederic. Probably the most generous college to BCL/MJUR students from what I can see. Still, it's quite funny that everyone puts themself forward for that but think to go with St Anne's as a first choice, probably because it's a little less fashionable, where they would have a massive chance of getting something. They offer 2 £2000 or £3000 BCL scholarships I think.

Although, saying that, I decided against applying for Hughes Hall at Cam even though they seemed to say they give LLM students who put them down as first choice and take up their place £1000.

I applied at Hughes Hall and one doesn't automatically get 1000 pounds. It's a normal scholarship competition for 2 £ 1000 bursaries...

<blockquote>Oh, I think your exaclty right Cederic. Probably the most generous college to BCL/MJUR students from what I can see. Still, it's quite funny that everyone puts themself forward for that but think to go with St Anne's as a first choice, probably because it's a little less fashionable, where they would have a massive chance of getting something. They offer 2 £2000 or £3000 BCL scholarships I think.

Although, saying that, I decided against applying for Hughes Hall at Cam even though they seemed to say they give LLM students who put them down as first choice and take up their place £1000. </blockquote>
I applied at Hughes Hall and one doesn't automatically get 1000 pounds. It's a normal scholarship competition for 2 £ 1000 bursaries...

Although, saying that, I decided against applying for Hughes Hall at Cam even though they seemed to say they give LLM students who put them down as first choice and take up their place £1000.

I applied at Hughes Hall and one doesn't automatically get 1000 pounds. It's a normal scholarship competition for 2 £ 1000 bursaries...

Sorry Cedric, I didn't bother to phrase this correctly. What I was getting at was that so few people would go for Hughes as a first choice (the stipulation to be considered I believe) that it would probably end up being an automatic selection (or at least, virtually). I know that doesn't really correlate to what I said, sorry!

<blockquote><blockquote>Although, saying that, I decided against applying for Hughes Hall at Cam even though they seemed to say they give LLM students who put them down as first choice and take up their place £1000. </blockquote>
I applied at Hughes Hall and one doesn't automatically get 1000 pounds. It's a normal scholarship competition for 2 £ 1000 bursaries...

Sorry Cedric, I didn't bother to phrase this correctly. What I was getting at was that so few people would go for Hughes as a first choice (the stipulation to be considered I believe) that it would probably end up being an automatic selection (or at least, virtually). I know that doesn't really correlate to what I said, sorry!

Although, saying that, I decided against applying for Hughes Hall at Cam even though they seemed to say they give LLM students who put them down as first choice and take up their place £1000.

I applied at Hughes Hall and one doesn't automatically get 1000 pounds. It's a normal scholarship competition for 2 £ 1000 bursaries...

Sorry Cedric, I didn't bother to phrase this correctly. What I was getting at was that so few people would go for Hughes as a first choice (the stipulation to be considered I believe) that it would probably end up being an automatic selection (or at least, virtually). I know that doesn't really correlate to what I said, sorry!

No worries, mate ! I totally get it. Besides, I too am quite lazy when it comes down to phrasing board posts :) :)
I hope u are right and that it is an automatic selection. 1000 pounds isn't much but at least it is something :)

<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>Although, saying that, I decided against applying for Hughes Hall at Cam even though they seemed to say they give LLM students who put them down as first choice and take up their place £1000. </blockquote>
I applied at Hughes Hall and one doesn't automatically get 1000 pounds. It's a normal scholarship competition for 2 £ 1000 bursaries...

Sorry Cedric, I didn't bother to phrase this correctly. What I was getting at was that so few people would go for Hughes as a first choice (the stipulation to be considered I believe) that it would probably end up being an automatic selection (or at least, virtually). I know that doesn't really correlate to what I said, sorry!</blockquote>

No worries, mate ! I totally get it. Besides, I too am quite lazy when it comes down to phrasing board posts :) :)
I hope u are right and that it is an automatic selection. 1000 pounds isn't much but at least it is something :)

CONGRATS to all my friends who have gotten Oxford offers, and all those just getting those long-awaited Cambridge offers. For those who are taking up offers elsewhere good luck to you as well.

I still have my eyes on Cambridge and was informed by Ms Wade this week that the official offer letters will arrive early April.

If you are waiting to hear from her - be patient. You should know that she is currently processing several offers and so she may not get a chance to respond right away, but she will eventually.

...I am also thinking about deferring Cambridge - and going for the BCL next year. OHHH..So many decisions!

CONGRATS to all my friends who have gotten Oxford offers, and all those just getting those long-awaited Cambridge offers. For those who are taking up offers elsewhere good luck to you as well.

I still have my eyes on Cambridge and was informed by Ms Wade this week that the official offer letters will arrive early April.

If you are waiting to hear from her - be patient. You should know that she is currently processing several offers and so she may not get a chance to respond right away, but she will eventually.

...I am also thinking about deferring Cambridge - and going for the BCL next year. OHHH..So many decisions!

Thanks for the update! How come your thinking of deferring and going for Oxford?!

Thanks for the update! How come your thinking of deferring and going for Oxford?!

@ Dimelow -- I thought I would clarify points about the BCL-MPhil-Dphil pyramid.

Admission to the M.Phil is based purely on your performance in the BCL exams. Only BCL/M,Jur students can apply for the M.Phil and I havent heard of anyone who has applied for the M.Phil and has not been offered a place. However, all offers come with a condition about the average you must score in your BCL/MJur exams.

The condition varies on the subject of your M.Phil thesis really. If your M.phil is in Jurisprudence, IP, Competition law the required average in the exams is 65.

If it is human rights or public law --it is 68.

M.Phil on a topic in public intl law requires you to have an average of 68 AND score a First (70) in atleast one public international law paper in the BCL/MJur. I am sure I have left out a few subjects --but these are the ones I am aware of. And ofcourse all of this depends on the Law Faculty finding a suitable supervisor.

The benefits of the BCL-MPhil-DPhil route are that: a) Unlike the direct D.Phil route, where the first year is the PRS --in the suggested pyramid the M.Phil can double up as the first year of the D.Phil. So, in the direct D.Phil route --at the end of one year -- there is an evaluation process to confirm your D.phil status (involving submitting a 10k word paper and a viva). If it is not confirmed (you get more than one chance) or you decide that research life is not for you -- there is nothing to show for that one year. Whereas with the M.Phil --you can atleast take away a M.Phil degree. If your D.phil thesis is an extension of the work you did during the M.Phil --then you can get a D,Phil in 2 yrs after the M.Phil. The year you spend doing the M.Phil counts as the first year of the D.Phil. At the end of the M.Phil there are 2 sets of evaluation before you are admitted to the D.Phil --one to award you the M.Phil and another to confirm you for the D.Phil.

Another route, apart from direct entry to the D.Phil is to do the M.St. the M.St and the M.Phil are similar in many ways. As for differences: Unlike the M.Phil, students who havent done the BCL/MJur can apply for the M.St. M.Phil students have 3 terms to submit their thesis and M.St students have 5. So, if you are a M.phil student and you dont submit your thesis within 3 terms --you are transferred to the M.St. The rest of the process is similar.

@ Dimelow -- I thought I would clarify points about the BCL-MPhil-Dphil pyramid.

Admission to the M.Phil is based purely on your performance in the BCL exams. Only BCL/M,Jur students can apply for the M.Phil and I havent heard of anyone who has applied for the M.Phil and has not been offered a place. However, all offers come with a condition about the average you must score in your BCL/MJur exams.

The condition varies on the subject of your M.Phil thesis really. If your M.phil is in Jurisprudence, IP, Competition law the required average in the exams is 65.

If it is human rights or public law --it is 68.

M.Phil on a topic in public intl law requires you to have an average of 68 AND score a First (70) in atleast one public international law paper in the BCL/MJur. I am sure I have left out a few subjects --but these are the ones I am aware of. And ofcourse all of this depends on the Law Faculty finding a suitable supervisor.

The benefits of the BCL-MPhil-DPhil route are that: a) Unlike the direct D.Phil route, where the first year is the PRS --in the suggested pyramid the M.Phil can double up as the first year of the D.Phil. So, in the direct D.Phil route --at the end of one year -- there is an evaluation process to confirm your D.phil status (involving submitting a 10k word paper and a viva). If it is not confirmed (you get more than one chance) or you decide that research life is not for you -- there is nothing to show for that one year. Whereas with the M.Phil --you can atleast take away a M.Phil degree. If your D.phil thesis is an extension of the work you did during the M.Phil --then you can get a D,Phil in 2 yrs after the M.Phil. The year you spend doing the M.Phil counts as the first year of the D.Phil. At the end of the M.Phil there are 2 sets of evaluation before you are admitted to the D.Phil --one to award you the M.Phil and another to confirm you for the D.Phil.

Another route, apart from direct entry to the D.Phil is to do the M.St. the M.St and the M.Phil are similar in many ways. As for differences: Unlike the M.Phil, students who havent done the BCL/MJur can apply for the M.St. M.Phil students have 3 terms to submit their thesis and M.St students have 5. So, if you are a M.phil student and you dont submit your thesis within 3 terms --you are transferred to the M.St. The rest of the process is similar.

Ah, that's great. You've started to put some meat on the bones for me, which is incredibly useful. Looks like fairly strong performance on the BCL (strong 2:1 equiv) is pretty much what they'd look for before allowing someone to move onto the MPhil, providing a supervisor is available/ willing. To be expected I guess. Cheers very much!

Cedric, nothings gone wrong so far on the admissions trail so here's hoping!

Ah, that's great. You've started to put some meat on the bones for me, which is incredibly useful. Looks like fairly strong performance on the BCL (strong 2:1 equiv) is pretty much what they'd look for before allowing someone to move onto the MPhil, providing a supervisor is available/ willing. To be expected I guess. Cheers very much!

Cedric, nothings gone wrong so far on the admissions trail so here's hoping!


Ah, that's great. You've started to put some meat on the bones for me, which is incredibly useful. Looks like fairly strong performance on the BCL (strong 2:1 equiv) is pretty much what they'd look for before allowing someone to move onto the MPhil, providing a supervisor is available/ willing. To be expected I guess. Cheers very much!

Cedric, nothings gone wrong so far on the admissions trail so here's hoping!

very true S. ! :)

<blockquote>Ah, that's great. You've started to put some meat on the bones for me, which is incredibly useful. Looks like fairly strong performance on the BCL (strong 2:1 equiv) is pretty much what they'd look for before allowing someone to move onto the MPhil, providing a supervisor is available/ willing. To be expected I guess. Cheers very much!

Cedric, nothings gone wrong so far on the admissions trail so here's hoping!</blockquote>
very true S. ! :)

Anybody recieved Cambridge LLM offers?

Im still waiting...

Anybody recieved Cambridge LLM offers?

Im still waiting...

GlasgowLaw I\'m still waiting too - I emailed Suzanne Wade at the beginning of last week and she said she would get back to me at the end of last week but I haven\'t heard a thing since!

GlasgowLaw I\'m still waiting too - I emailed Suzanne Wade at the beginning of last week and she said she would get back to me at the end of last week but I haven\'t heard a thing since!

I'm still waiting too. Guess we now are actually competing against each other.

Well, best of lucks.

I'm still waiting too. Guess we now are actually competing against each other.

Well, best of lucks.

still waiting. and from the posts i gather that there's not much hope in mailing Ms. Wade either. So i guess no option but to wait it out!

still waiting. and from the posts i gather that there's not much hope in mailing Ms. Wade either. So i guess no option but to wait it out!

Ye this is taking forever - though the website says all decision will be given out by the 15 th of April....or does that just mean all decisions will be made by the 15th?

Anyone knows how many offers they will make for a class of 125?

Ye this is taking forever - though the website says all decision will be given out by the 15 th of April....or does that just mean all decisions will be made by the 15th?

Anyone knows how many offers they will make for a class of 125?

No idea how many offers will be made - are they just waiting for people to accept/reject the offers already given out to see how many more can be made?

I think we will hear by the 15th April. Still another 2 weeks though! Good luck people.

No idea how many offers will be made - are they just waiting for people to accept/reject the offers already given out to see how many more can be made?

I think we will hear by the 15th April. Still another 2 weeks though! Good luck people.

They will make around 200 I believe.

As a side note, those who have had offers can't accept or reject as yet because no material has come from the BOGS and our CamSIS hasn't been updated!

They will make around 200 I believe.

As a side note, those who have had offers can't accept or reject as yet because no material has come from the BOGS and our CamSIS hasn't been updated!

Well, I got an email from Ms. Wade asking for more materials like official confirmation of GPA. She said mine is under review now. So I believe they are processing one after another maybe. Before they made the final decision to accept or reject, we can only wait....

Well, I got an email from Ms. Wade asking for more materials like official confirmation of GPA. She said mine is under review now. So I believe they are processing one after another maybe. Before they made the final decision to accept or reject, we can only wait....

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