Oxbridge/UCL/KCL/LSE Chances


Hi everyone,

I am a French/Algerian student, i hold a Master 1 in Business Law with 14,7/20 (equivalent to 2:1) from a top 3 law school in France, and i am now waiting for my Master 2 (Top 2 mostly selective Master 2 of my faculty) results. Hope that i will get the same grades, or better.

I had unfortunately for personal reasons failed my first year of licence (bachelor equivalent). But during the next 3 years, i gained 1,5 points each year on my overall mark, with Honors in 3rd year (13,6/20, top 14 per cent)

On my Master 1 year, my worst exam grade was 9/20, my best was 19,5, with 2-3 grades between 11/20 and 13/20. The rest was above 14/20. I think my rank on Master 1 year is 15-20 on 450 students.

I have completed two internships in big local law firms (3 months), and i am now preparing for a 6 months internship a Norton Rose Fulbright Paris. I will try during the next 6 months to find an internship in London to strengthen my english.

So i would like to have your opinions about my chances to get into UCL/KCL/LSE/Oxbridge. I know that Oxbride will certainly refuse my admission demand, but i was wondering if i had any chances to get into LSE/KCL/UCL.

 By the way, i precise that i am hesitating to apply even for an LL.M on International Tax Law or Public International Law. Also, i expect to apply for 2021.


[Edited by momsB on Jun 12, 2020]

Hi everyone, <br><br><br><br>
I am a French/Algerian student, i hold a Master 1 in Business Law with 14,7/20 (equivalent to 2:1) from a top 3 law school in France, and i am now waiting for my Master 2 (Top 2 mostly selective Master 2 of my faculty) results. Hope that i will get the same grades, or better. <br><br><br><br>
I had unfortunately for personal reasons failed my first year of licence (bachelor equivalent). But during the next 3 years, i gained 1,5 points each year on my overall mark, with Honors in 3rd year (13,6/20, top 14 per cent)<br><br><br><br>
On my Master 1 year, my worst exam grade was 9/20, my best was 19,5, with 2-3 grades between 11/20 and 13/20. The rest was above 14/20. I think my rank on Master 1 year is 15-20 on 450 students. <br><br><br><br>
I have completed two internships in big local law firms (3 months), and i am now preparing for a 6 months internship a Norton Rose Fulbright Paris. I will try during the next 6 months to find an internship in London to strengthen my english. <br><br><br><br>
So i would like to have your opinions about my chances to get into UCL/KCL/LSE/Oxbridge. I know that Oxbride will certainly refuse my admission demand, but i was wondering if i had any chances to get into LSE/KCL/UCL.<br><br>&nbsp;By the way, i precise that i am hesitating to apply even for an LL.M on International Tax Law or Public International Law. Also, i expect to apply for 2021.<br><br><br><br>

I am not too sure about French grades, but I would give it a shot at UCL, KCL and LSE. Try to apply as early as possible: LSE, for instance, has a rolling admissions system, so you might have higher chances if you are applying early! 

I am not too sure about French grades, but I would give it a shot at UCL, KCL and LSE. Try to apply as early as possible: LSE, for instance, has a rolling admissions system, so you might have higher chances if you are applying early!&nbsp;

I am not too sure about French grades, but I would give it a shot at UCL, KCL and LSE. Try to apply as early as possible: LSE, for instance, has a rolling admissions system, so you might have higher chances if you are applying early! 

Thank you for your answer! So you think that my grades will be enough to have good chances to enter LSE UCL or KCL ?

[quote]I am not too sure about French grades, but I would give it a shot at UCL, KCL and LSE. Try to apply as early as possible: LSE, for instance, has a rolling admissions system, so you might have higher chances if you are applying early!&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Thank you for your answer! So you think that my grades will be enough to have good chances to enter LSE UCL or KCL ?
chicken so...

I don't think anybody here could give you a sense of your chances. Do you have a sense of how your grades would convert to the British class system?

Beyond that, law schools will also take into account the relative competitiveness of various schools: some universities, especially certain tech-focused schools in South Asia, for example, are known to be quite competitive, leading to comparably lower looking grades. Of course, the law schools are aware of this and in general should be able to judge your profile with that context. 

Your internships will help, even more so if you apply with good letters of recommendation. 

Agreed about applying early - if you are at all concerned about your profile apply as early as possible. Especially given the covid19 situation, admissions might be a bit less competitive right now, at least for the time being. 

I don't think anybody here could give you a sense of your chances. Do you have a sense of how your grades would convert to the British class system?<br><br>Beyond that, law schools will also take into account the relative competitiveness of various schools: some universities, especially certain tech-focused schools in South Asia, for example, are known to be quite competitive, leading to comparably lower looking grades. Of course, the law schools are aware of this and in general should be able to judge your profile with that context.&nbsp;<br><br>Your internships will help, even more so if you apply with good letters of recommendation.&nbsp;<br><br>Agreed about applying early - if you are at all concerned about your profile apply as early as possible. Especially given the covid19 situation, admissions might be a bit less competitive right now, at least for the time being.&nbsp;

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