Non-Thesis LL.M.


Hi everyone. I'm from Nigeria and I'm interested in enrolling for an LL.M degree in either UK or Ireland. Anyone know a good school that offers a non thesis LL.M in those countries? Heard UCD runs such a programme but I'm not certain. What would be the usual entry requirements for someone with a foreign LL.B?

Hi everyone. I'm from Nigeria and I'm interested in enrolling for an LL.M degree in either UK or Ireland. Anyone know a good school that offers a non thesis LL.M in those countries? Heard UCD runs such a programme but I'm not certain. What would be the usual entry requirements for someone with a foreign LL.B?

Hi, Twilight!

It depends on what do you mean by "good school". Cambridge is a great school, and does not have a dissertation or thesis requirement. LSE didn't have that requirement, but from the next year it will be a must for every student. UCL has also, and it's not that easy..

In the Uni of Portsmouth you would also need to write a thesis/dissertation..

I guess you should not to be afraid of thesis. For sure, it's not that hard and definitely should not be the only reason for you to choose Uni.

Try to choose the Uni in the respect of its reputation in the respective field of study, position in ratings and, above all, what subjects (consider Professors) it offers. Of course you should also bear in mind your marks. If you are in top 5-10 % so you have a good chance at every single Uni. For sure, you have to be outstanding not only in marks for top 5 Unis.

For other Unis (except for top 5) there are lower academic requirements.

What r your marks/rating? What is you preferable specialization, and career plans?

Hi, Twilight!

It depends on what do you mean by "good school". Cambridge is a great school, and does not have a dissertation or thesis requirement. LSE didn't have that requirement, but from the next year it will be a must for every student. UCL has also, and it's not that easy..

In the Uni of Portsmouth you would also need to write a thesis/dissertation..

I guess you should not to be afraid of thesis. For sure, it's not that hard and definitely should not be the only reason for you to choose Uni.

Try to choose the Uni in the respect of its reputation in the respective field of study, position in ratings and, above all, what subjects (consider Professors) it offers. Of course you should also bear in mind your marks. If you are in top 5-10 % so you have a good chance at every single Uni. For sure, you have to be outstanding not only in marks for top 5 Unis.

For other Unis (except for top 5) there are lower academic requirements.

What r your marks/rating? What is you preferable specialization, and career plans?

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