LLM in International Commercial Law/ Westminster or where?



I graduated my bachelor degree in International Relations in Bulgaria. I would like to go on with LLM in International Commercial Law but I have two questions:

1. could you give me some information about llm in international commercial law at the university of westminster. i am interested in:
- what are the professors like?
- what are the exams like? are they difficult? i saw there are 3 hours written unseen exams. what are they like? how is the assessment?

2. i heard some good and some bad opinions about llm in wmin?
what universities in london would you recommend me, but somewhere i could study llm in international commercial law or international trade law, or something like that.

3. what are the housing facilities at the international house at the wmin university? are they clean?

thank you in advance!


I graduated my bachelor degree in International Relations in Bulgaria. I would like to go on with LLM in International Commercial Law but I have two questions:

1. could you give me some information about llm in international commercial law at the university of westminster. i am interested in:
- what are the professors like?
- what are the exams like? are they difficult? i saw there are 3 hours written unseen exams. what are they like? how is the assessment?

2. i heard some good and some bad opinions about llm in wmin?
what universities in london would you recommend me, but somewhere i could study llm in international commercial law or international trade law, or something like that.

3. what are the housing facilities at the international house at the wmin university? are they clean?

thank you in advance!


I am graduate of the Law School of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and afterwards I have undertaken the LLM in International Commercial Law of the City University London. I can definitely recommend this program because of the variety of the modules they offer and the oportunity to get different specializations: i nin Competition law, in Financial Law, in Maritime Law, etc. Due to large number of modules the classes for each of them are relatively small (up to 20 persons) which facilitates the professor-student contact. There are also paid internships in big law firms for the best students. The accomodation facilities are very good, clean and modern and within walking distance from the University. Compared to the "normal" rents in London the accomodation fees are not that high either.

Hope that this has been useful. If you have further questions - do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards
Lyubomir Talev


I am graduate of the Law School of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and afterwards I have undertaken the LLM in International Commercial Law of the City University London. I can definitely recommend this program because of the variety of the modules they offer and the oportunity to get different specializations: i nin Competition law, in Financial Law, in Maritime Law, etc. Due to large number of modules the classes for each of them are relatively small (up to 20 persons) which facilitates the professor-student contact. There are also paid internships in big law firms for the best students. The accomodation facilities are very good, clean and modern and within walking distance from the University. Compared to the "normal" rents in London the accomodation fees are not that high either.

Hope that this has been useful. If you have further questions - do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards
Lyubomir Talev

Thanks for the information!

My question about City University London is, if there are any scholarships for EU newly accessed members or East Europeans?

What are the exams like? Are they tests, presentations or written unseen exams? What are the written exams like?

Thank you in advance!

Thanks for the information!

My question about City University London is, if there are any scholarships for EU newly accessed members or East Europeans?

What are the exams like? Are they tests, presentations or written unseen exams? What are the written exams like?

Thank you in advance!


When I was a student in the City University of London (which was the academic 2008/2009) there were no particular scholarships designated for East Europeans (you might wish to doublecheck this on their site though). Of course, you could apply for a scholarship before the British Institute in Sofia. Besides, as I have mentioned, there are some paid internships for the best students (three for students who have undertaken Competition related courses and one for Maritime law, as far as I remember).

There are no entry exams - you just need certain TOEFL score (last year was 100). The evaluation during the course itself is paper based - you need to submit four courseworks (6000 words each) and a dissertation (20 000 words) in the end.

Best regards


When I was a student in the City University of London (which was the academic 2008/2009) there were no particular scholarships designated for East Europeans (you might wish to doublecheck this on their site though). Of course, you could apply for a scholarship before the British Institute in Sofia. Besides, as I have mentioned, there are some paid internships for the best students (three for students who have undertaken Competition related courses and one for Maritime law, as far as I remember).

There are no entry exams - you just need certain TOEFL score (last year was 100). The evaluation during the course itself is paper based - you need to submit four courseworks (6000 words each) and a dissertation (20 000 words) in the end.

Best regards

Hello guys!

I will graduate Law at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia in April and I plan to apply to one of those universities you are discussing. I would also like to ask both of you what grades do you think will be good enough for me to be admitted and eventually apply for a scholarship? So far I got two 6s on my final national exams and still have 1 more to graduate. I heard about a scholarship provided by The British Council. Do you know something about that?


Hello guys!

I will graduate Law at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia in April and I plan to apply to one of those universities you are discussing. I would also like to ask both of you what grades do you think will be good enough for me to be admitted and eventually apply for a scholarship? So far I got two 6s on my final national exams and still have 1 more to graduate. I heard about a scholarship provided by The British Council. Do you know something about that?


Hi Ivan!

City University of London do not have a particular requirement regarding the grades from your Bulgarian diploma. The most important grade is the TOEFL one - when I applied the minimum required was 100 points. As for the British Council, I do not have information (apart from the fact that they DO offer such scholarships to Bulgarian students), so you better check this with them.

Congratulations for your excellent grades and good luck regarding your further education!

Best regards

Hi Ivan!

City University of London do not have a particular requirement regarding the grades from your Bulgarian diploma. The most important grade is the TOEFL one - when I applied the minimum required was 100 points. As for the British Council, I do not have information (apart from the fact that they DO offer such scholarships to Bulgarian students), so you better check this with them.

Congratulations for your excellent grades and good luck regarding your further education!

Best regards

Yes, there is Chevening scholarship, which is administered by the British Council and cover all your expences for studying and living in the UK. But according to their web-site, the scholarship is no longer available for Bulgarian citizens, see http://www.britishcouncil.org/bulgaria-funding-your-studies.htm

Yes, there is Chevening scholarship, which is administered by the British Council and cover all your expences for studying and living in the UK. But according to their web-site, the scholarship is no longer available for Bulgarian citizens, see http://www.britishcouncil.org/bulgaria-funding-your-studies.htm

Thank you all. You are being very helpful. I'm still in the begining of my search for a LLM programme because I still haven't graduated and I'll need some additional time to prepare for IELTS/TOEFL, so I'm thinking of applying next year. Anyway, I think that time will be useful in order to look for options for my funding.


Thank you all. You are being very helpful. I'm still in the begining of my search for a LLM programme because I still haven't graduated and I'll need some additional time to prepare for IELTS/TOEFL, so I'm thinking of applying next year. Anyway, I think that time will be useful in order to look for options for my funding.


Hi, I have made my LLM in International Commercial Law at the City University of London last year. I personally would strongly not suggest you attend this university. I have been quite disappointed by the poor lessons, delays. A Russian student had lots of problems with her visa and had to travel back to Russia for delays from City University. The most disappointing thing was that during the LLM they promised many internships and works, but as matter of fact there was little or not support at all from City University. Once the course was completed there was no support to those students who didn't get any work, which was the big majority. The course was very expensive, so I would rathe suggest you a better university (LSE or King's or Queen) or a rather cheaper university (i.e. Westminster). Good luck, W.E.

Hi, I have made my LLM in International Commercial Law at the City University of London last year. I personally would strongly not suggest you attend this university. I have been quite disappointed by the poor lessons, delays. A Russian student had lots of problems with her visa and had to travel back to Russia for delays from City University. The most disappointing thing was that during the LLM they promised many internships and works, but as matter of fact there was little or not support at all from City University. Once the course was completed there was no support to those students who didn't get any work, which was the big majority. The course was very expensive, so I would rathe suggest you a better university (LSE or King's or Queen) or a rather cheaper university (i.e. Westminster). Good luck, W.E.

Well, having been a graduate of City University London last year myself, I have to say that:

1. I do not know any srtudent from the LLM in International Commercial Law with initials W.E.
2. They have promised four internships in big law firms to the best achieving students and stood true to their word - all of these internships have been granted.
3. They have never promised to support students who do not get themselves a job after the end of the programme - it is a global crisis out there after all.
4. The visa issues between non-Member States and UK have nothing to do with the University.
5. I firmly disagree with the claim that the lessons had been "poor". The professors there (at least the ones from the Competition related modules I have worked with) are highly motivated professionals with academic degrees and loads of practical experience and have been most keen to work with anyone who showed interest in the subject matter. From my colleagues who attended other modules I have got the impression that the same holds true with regard of all the professors there.

To sum it up: the City Law School LLM programme is a good one and I can definitely recomend it, whereas I do have strong suspicions that the so-called W.E. is rather a fraudster who has never attended the course (or at least, has not attended the 2008/2009 nine in which I have studied).

Well, having been a graduate of City University London last year myself, I have to say that:

1. I do not know any srtudent from the LLM in International Commercial Law with initials W.E.
2. They have promised four internships in big law firms to the best achieving students and stood true to their word - all of these internships have been granted.
3. They have never promised to support students who do not get themselves a job after the end of the programme - it is a global crisis out there after all.
4. The visa issues between non-Member States and UK have nothing to do with the University.
5. I firmly disagree with the claim that the lessons had been "poor". The professors there (at least the ones from the Competition related modules I have worked with) are highly motivated professionals with academic degrees and loads of practical experience and have been most keen to work with anyone who showed interest in the subject matter. From my colleagues who attended other modules I have got the impression that the same holds true with regard of all the professors there.

To sum it up: the City Law School LLM programme is a good one and I can definitely recomend it, whereas I do have strong suspicions that the so-called W.E. is rather a fraudster who has never attended the course (or at least, has not attended the 2008/2009 nine in which I have studied).



How can you assume I am not a student ? Would you like me to state the names of the professors/secretary or students ? Or should I mention the hours and classes location ?
A student has a voice, you like it or not and there is freedom of expression and critics.

The internships did not lead to any work, they were just unpaid (mostly) internship with no career possibility.
Why don't you mention the percentage of employment for students from 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 ?
Why don't you compare with the "numbers" of LSE or King's College ? Even Westminster has better "number".

During the course, they stated that possibilities would have been addressed to any student. They mentioned that there would have been more than just 4 internship and a further assistance at the end of the course. Can you deny this ? I guess you have several classes of witnesses.
Could you please state what percentage of "employment" is 4 internships compared to a crowded class ?
Strange.. numbers look different from official statistics..

Now, following your theory of not trusting I shall ask you if you are a member staff of City University ?

Leave a student voice free,

W.E. = WhatElse


How can you assume I am not a student ? Would you like me to state the names of the professors/secretary or students ? Or should I mention the hours and classes location ?
A student has a voice, you like it or not and there is freedom of expression and critics.

The internships did not lead to any work, they were just unpaid (mostly) internship with no career possibility.
Why don't you mention the percentage of employment for students from 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 ?
Why don't you compare with the "numbers" of LSE or King's College ? Even Westminster has better "number".

During the course, they stated that possibilities would have been addressed to any student. They mentioned that there would have been more than just 4 internship and a further assistance at the end of the course. Can you deny this ? I guess you have several classes of witnesses.
Could you please state what percentage of "employment" is 4 internships compared to a crowded class ?
Strange.. numbers look different from official statistics..

Now, following your theory of not trusting I shall ask you if you are a member staff of City University ?

Leave a student voice free,

W.E. = WhatElse


I just wanted to add to this thread as a current student on the LLM in International Commercial Law at City. While everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion I would have to say that my opinion of the course, the lecturers and the opportunities differs greatly from the opinion of one W.E. I would, in addition, suspect that my contemporaries would also agree with me.

I feel that the learning environment and culture at City is very open and supportive. If there are any problems then the experienced and highly motivated staff are very willing to address any concerns. The course offers plenty of space for pursuit of any interests which you hold dear, however, if you are not willing to speak up or put the work in then perhaps you will be disgruntled. (I am afraid I can only speculate on why some people may have not fully utilised the opportunities open to them) Indeed, with regards to the internships, they are possibilities open to all, however, I can not see any problem in the internships being awarded according to academic ability and grading - surely this seems the natural way of selection?

While the course cannot possibily purport to guarantee you employment at the end I am aware of many past students who are working in blue chip companies putting the skills they developed to use. In addition, my experience has been that lecturers openly offer to look through your applications and give you advice. I frequently receive emails from my professors highlighting useful events to me and to let us know of any job opportunities for which we may like to apply.

In addition, the course runs many extra activities, which I believe to be quite unique. In addition to social activities designed to ensure that all students make friends and also experience some of the amazing things London has to offer, as well as trips outside of the City, there are also many opportunities to meet with lawyers practising in the profession. Our professors are notaries in their fields and many advise, practice privately or in house, or work with regulatory bodies in the fields they teach.

There are of course many more things I can say, but if you would like to here anything more with regards to my opinion of the course I would be very happy to hear from you.


I just wanted to add to this thread as a current student on the LLM in International Commercial Law at City. While everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion I would have to say that my opinion of the course, the lecturers and the opportunities differs greatly from the opinion of one W.E. I would, in addition, suspect that my contemporaries would also agree with me.

I feel that the learning environment and culture at City is very open and supportive. If there are any problems then the experienced and highly motivated staff are very willing to address any concerns. The course offers plenty of space for pursuit of any interests which you hold dear, however, if you are not willing to speak up or put the work in then perhaps you will be disgruntled. (I am afraid I can only speculate on why some people may have not fully utilised the opportunities open to them) Indeed, with regards to the internships, they are possibilities open to all, however, I can not see any problem in the internships being awarded according to academic ability and grading - surely this seems the natural way of selection?

While the course cannot possibily purport to guarantee you employment at the end I am aware of many past students who are working in blue chip companies putting the skills they developed to use. In addition, my experience has been that lecturers openly offer to look through your applications and give you advice. I frequently receive emails from my professors highlighting useful events to me and to let us know of any job opportunities for which we may like to apply.

In addition, the course runs many extra activities, which I believe to be quite unique. In addition to social activities designed to ensure that all students make friends and also experience some of the amazing things London has to offer, as well as trips outside of the City, there are also many opportunities to meet with lawyers practising in the profession. Our professors are notaries in their fields and many advise, practice privately or in house, or work with regulatory bodies in the fields they teach.

There are of course many more things I can say, but if you would like to here anything more with regards to my opinion of the course I would be very happy to hear from you.

Hi LLMstudent,

sounds like Propaganda.. how bizzare you created your profile few minutes ago and this is your first message..

Looks like you created your profile just to write a letter of support City.

Sounds like City University got his staff to write those messages..

Old little tricks of a old school.

Hi LLMstudent,

sounds like Propaganda.. how bizzare you created your profile few minutes ago and this is your first message..

Looks like you created your profile just to write a letter of support City.

Sounds like City University got his staff to write those messages..

Old little tricks of a old school.


Well, "What Else", this is not exactly a real name, is it? So it seems in fact that the only one making propaganda here is YOU... Which is a shame, given that this site is designated to HELP people looking forward to such an improtant step in their personal and professional life such as LLM. My name, on the other hand is the real one - Lyubomir Talev. I have REALLY studied in City University in 2008/2009 and I do have a job where the knowledge gained there is appreciated... And now, that job IS NOT in the Uni. You could check it by simply googling my name.

You think the number of internships is not enough? Perhaps you think there should be one internship for each student, so even the lower achievers could get one??? I do not think that any of the Universities mentioned by you could provide this. As for the finding job after the education, I can name many of classmates who have found one... including some kept at the firm where their internship was.

BTW how big was the 2008/2009 class? This would show that you have studied there. Otherwise I stand behind my words that you are a FRAUD.

Well, "What Else", this is not exactly a real name, is it? So it seems in fact that the only one making propaganda here is YOU... Which is a shame, given that this site is designated to HELP people looking forward to such an improtant step in their personal and professional life such as LLM. My name, on the other hand is the real one - Lyubomir Talev. I have REALLY studied in City University in 2008/2009 and I do have a job where the knowledge gained there is appreciated... And now, that job IS NOT in the Uni. You could check it by simply googling my name.

You think the number of internships is not enough? Perhaps you think there should be one internship for each student, so even the lower achievers could get one??? I do not think that any of the Universities mentioned by you could provide this. As for the finding job after the education, I can name many of classmates who have found one... including some kept at the firm where their internship was.

BTW how big was the 2008/2009 class? This would show that you have studied there. Otherwise I stand behind my words that you are a FRAUD.

Dear Pamplon,

I am very glad to read another comment which confirm my experience at City University. I was also very unsatisfied with the quality of City University. I even received wrong information regarding the qualification to become an English lawyer (I had clearly to check myself at the Solicitor Authority). I participated to the trip in Scotland, I still have to understand why I did it.
City was for my experience: too expensive for a weak university.

Dear Pamplon,

I am very glad to read another comment which confirm my experience at City University. I was also very unsatisfied with the quality of City University. I even received wrong information regarding the qualification to become an English lawyer (I had clearly to check myself at the Solicitor Authority). I participated to the trip in Scotland, I still have to understand why I did it.
City was for my experience: too expensive for a weak university.

Well, Mr. Spammer,

I have asked you a simple question (what was the number of students in the 2008/2009 LLM course) to prove have you actually been there and you've shied away from it by launching another nickname... How pathetic. The biggest lie in your previous post is that you need to send Professor Riley two months advanced fax message in order to get a response from him. Everyone who knows him will tell you that you get a response from Professor Riley the same day you write him.

As for the Scottland trips - they are simply for fun and were completely optional. Are you so immature not to know why did you go there or whether you wanted to do it or not???

Well, Mr. Spammer,

I have asked you a simple question (what was the number of students in the 2008/2009 LLM course) to prove have you actually been there and you've shied away from it by launching another nickname... How pathetic. The biggest lie in your previous post is that you need to send Professor Riley two months advanced fax message in order to get a response from him. Everyone who knows him will tell you that you get a response from Professor Riley the same day you write him.

As for the Scottland trips - they are simply for fun and were completely optional. Are you so immature not to know why did you go there or whether you wanted to do it or not???

Hello, not sure if you are referring to me or to Pampalon.. How the h3ll do you think I know about the trip to Scotland ??? Or should I tell you that we had students from Kazhakistan ? Or would you like some initials ?

Regarding me, I haven't been using other nicknames. Feel free to believe it or not.

Hello, not sure if you are referring to me or to Pampalon.. How the h3ll do you think I know about the trip to Scotland ??? Or should I tell you that we had students from Kazhakistan ? Or would you like some initials ?

Regarding me, I haven't been using other nicknames. Feel free to believe it or not.


Erm, only that WE DID NOT HAVE students from Kazakhstan ... Plus that during the 2008/2009 course there HAS NOT BEEN a Scottland trip arranged by the Uni - it has been planned, but then called off due to the lack of interest. Some students went there on themselves, but it had nothing to do with the Uni and they certainly knew what they have been doing and why were they going there.

Anyway, good luck with your job applications.

Erm, only that WE DID NOT HAVE students from Kazakhstan ... Plus that during the 2008/2009 course there HAS NOT BEEN a Scottland trip arranged by the Uni - it has been planned, but then called off due to the lack of interest. Some students went there on themselves, but it had nothing to do with the Uni and they certainly knew what they have been doing and why were they going there.

Anyway, good luck with your job applications.

Your memory is probably not very good..

If the trip to Scotland was a private decision (so not one taken by the university how am I supposed to know that? Sounds like a confidential information.. don't you think so?).

Should I name the pub in St.John's street where we had "meetings" after the few hours of classes ?

Shoudl I mentioned where we met "some professors" in Cafe Nero ?

Sorry Italev I was a real student. I can believe me or not.

A very disappointed one, if I can say my opinion.

Your memory is probably not very good..

If the trip to Scotland was a private decision (so not one taken by the university how am I supposed to know that? Sounds like a confidential information.. don't you think so?).

Should I name the pub in St.John's street where we had "meetings" after the few hours of classes ?

Shoudl I mentioned where we met "some professors" in Cafe Nero ?

Sorry Italev I was a real student. I can believe me or not.

A very disappointed one, if I can say my opinion.

I think after reading all the posts concerning different universities I will be very carefull on chosing which uni to attend.. I mean if I pay few thousands pounds I want to make sure that the name of my university is spendable.. if I go for an interview and they don't know what is City University I think I should focus my researches on something better (I have nothing against City Uni at all). I believe if it is ranked between 50 and 90... well, I am sorry I am not interested.

I hope I could get one of the top 5, but if not I can't imagine to go something down to 55.. I would get experience as a receptionist in a law firm (with all respect for universities in the 50s positions).

Thanks Itanev and WE for your comments, in different ways they have been useful to make my mind.

Good luck to you both and don't argue, it's not worth..

I think after reading all the posts concerning different universities I will be very carefull on chosing which uni to attend.. I mean if I pay few thousands pounds I want to make sure that the name of my university is spendable.. if I go for an interview and they don't know what is City University I think I should focus my researches on something better (I have nothing against City Uni at all). I believe if it is ranked between 50 and 90... well, I am sorry I am not interested.

I hope I could get one of the top 5, but if not I can't imagine to go something down to 55.. I would get experience as a receptionist in a law firm (with all respect for universities in the 50s positions).

Thanks Itanev and WE for your comments, in different ways they have been useful to make my mind.

Good luck to you both and don't argue, it's not worth..

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