LLM Cambridge 2020-2021

I guess you should call on this number 00441223760606
It's graduate admissions office

I guess you should call on this number 00441223760606
It's graduate admissions office

My status has just changed to "Conditional offer made".

Have been awaiting approval from GAO since Feb 29.

My status has just changed to "Conditional offer made".

Have been awaiting approval from GAO since Feb 29.

Same for me. My status had changed to GAO on March 2nd.

Same for me. My status had changed to GAO on March 2nd.

Hi! My status is still under review by the GAO. To those who their status already changed to "Conditional offer made", would you mind saying from which country are you from?

I saw somewhere that the replies are made by country alphabetically.


Hi! My status is still under review by the GAO. To those who their status already changed to "Conditional offer made", would you mind saying from which country are you from?

I saw somewhere that the replies are made by country alphabetically.


Hi! My status is still under review by the GAO. To those who their status already changed to "Conditional offer made", would you mind saying from which country are you from?

I saw somewhere that the replies are made by country alphabetically.


Sure! I’m from Canada :)

[quote]Hi! My status is still under review by the GAO. To those who their status already changed to "Conditional offer made", would you mind saying from which country are you from?

I saw somewhere that the replies are made by country alphabetically.


Sure! I’m from Canada :)

Hi! My status is still under review by the GAO. To those who their status already changed to "Conditional offer made", would you mind saying from which country are you from?

I saw somewhere that the replies are made by country alphabetically.


Changed to GAO on March 01.
Changed to Conditional Offer Made on March 09.
Received Offer email on March 10.

From India.

[quote]Hi! My status is still under review by the GAO. To those who their status already changed to "Conditional offer made", would you mind saying from which country are you from?

I saw somewhere that the replies are made by country alphabetically.


Changed to GAO on March 01.
Changed to Conditional Offer Made on March 09.
Received Offer email on March 10.

From India.

Anyone hear re colleges?

Anyone hear re colleges?

Changed to GAO on March 1st
Conditional Offer made on March 10th
From Germany

Changed to GAO on March 1st
Conditional Offer made on March 10th
From Germany

Thanks a lot! I’m from Mexico, so I should probably be hearing an answer soon. Hopefully.

Thanks a lot! I’m from Mexico, so I should probably be hearing an answer soon. Hopefully.

Thanks a lot! I’m from Mexico, so I should probably be hearing an answer soon. Hopefully.

Changed to GAO on Feb 29th
Coditional offer made on March 6th

[quote]Thanks a lot! I’m from Mexico, so I should probably be hearing an answer soon. Hopefully. [/quote]

Changed to GAO on Feb 29th
Coditional offer made on March 6th

Has anyone still on the GAO stage contacted the admissions office yet? If so, what have they said?

Has anyone still on the GAO stage contacted the admissions office yet? If so, what have they said?

Has anyone still on the GAO stage contacted the admissions office yet? If so, what have they said?

I emailed yesterday and got this response:

"As this is the peak period for offers being issued, there is a longer turnaround for review and processing by the Graduate Admissions Office at this time. We expect your application to reach the next stage shortly."

[quote]Has anyone still on the GAO stage contacted the admissions office yet? If so, what have they said?[/quote]

I emailed yesterday and got this response:

"As this is the peak period for offers being issued, there is a longer turnaround for review and processing by the Graduate Admissions Office at this time. We expect your application to reach the next stage shortly."

Hi. My application status is still under review by department. Has all the offers been made?

Hi. My application status is still under review by department. Has all the offers been made?

Has anyone still on the GAO stage contacted the admissions office yet? If so, what have they said?

I emailed yesterday and got this response:

"As this is the peak period for offers being issued, there is a longer turnaround for review and processing by the Graduate Admissions Office at this time. We expect your application to reach the next stage shortly."

Does this mean that there are chances of rejection even after going to the GAO stage?

I reached gao on 4th march... no change yet

[Edited by vaishnavi ambadipudi on Mar 11, 2020]

[quote][quote]Has anyone still on the GAO stage contacted the admissions office yet? If so, what have they said?[/quote]

I emailed yesterday and got this response:

"As this is the peak period for offers being issued, there is a longer turnaround for review and processing by the Graduate Admissions Office at this time. We expect your application to reach the next stage shortly."

Does this mean that there are chances of rejection even after going to the GAO stage?

I reached gao on 4th march... no change yet

moved to gao this day last week and portal just changed to 'conditional offer made', says I'll get an email in 48 hours

moved to gao this day last week and portal just changed to 'conditional offer made', says I'll get an email in 48 hours

Moved to GAO on March 1st, my status just changed to conditional offer made.

Moved to GAO on March 1st, my status just changed to conditional offer made.

The applicant portal now says Conditional offer made!

The applicant portal now says Conditional offer made!

Thanks a lot! I’m from Mexico, so I should probably be hearing an answer soon. Hopefully.

Changed to GAO on Mar 2
Coditional offer made on March 9th

[quote]Thanks a lot! I’m from Mexico, so I should probably be hearing an answer soon. Hopefully. [/quote]

Changed to GAO on Mar 2
Coditional offer made on March 9th

Just received the email with conditional offer! Moved to GAO on 1st March

Just received the email with conditional offer! Moved to GAO on 1st March

Congrats everyone. Any word on colleges?

Congrats everyone. Any word on colleges?

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