King's College London - Decisions


It would indeed be very helpfull if you could post the reply from King's, asc.

If the 3 week deadline applies to us holding conditional offers as well, I am in a bit of trouble as it's been some six weeks since i received the offer.

It would indeed be very helpfull if you could post the reply from King's, asc.

If the 3 week deadline applies to us holding conditional offers as well, I am in a bit of trouble as it's been some six weeks since i received the offer.


asc, it would be very helpful if you could post here when you'll have news from KCL...
I'm still waiting for the result of my other application, but I really don't want to lose that chance because of "time" problems!
It seams a quite strange situation, because e-mails I prevoiusly received from universities were quite detailed! It seems strange that they simply "forget" to inform us of a such important thing!

asc, it would be very helpful if you could post here when you'll have news from KCL...
I'm still waiting for the result of my other application, but I really don't want to lose that chance because of "time" problems!
It seams a quite strange situation, because e-mails I prevoiusly received from universities were quite detailed! It seems strange that they simply "forget" to inform us of a such important thing!

Hi guys,
Ok so I tried ringing them today but they were busy so could only get through to automated service.
I emailed them instead and this was the response:

'The 3 week deadline applies to those with unconditional offers only.
As you have a conditional offer, you have until the 31st August to fulfill the conditions requested.
It is not necessary to accept a conditional offer before you have met the conditions unless you wish to apply for University accommodation.
If you wish to apply for accommodation, please send an e-mail of acceptance to this address with your name and application number.
It will take at least 24 hours for our system to be updated.'

So hope this clears things up for all. I didn't think they would leave out such important detail, but always better to check....just in case.

Hi guys,
Ok so I tried ringing them today but they were busy so could only get through to automated service.
I emailed them instead and this was the response:

'The 3 week deadline applies to those with unconditional offers only.
As you have a conditional offer, you have until the 31st August to fulfill the conditions requested.
It is not necessary to accept a conditional offer before you have met the conditions unless you wish to apply for University accommodation.
If you wish to apply for accommodation, please send an e-mail of acceptance to this address with your name and application number.
It will take at least 24 hours for our system to be updated.'

So hope this clears things up for all. I didn't think they would leave out such important detail, but always better to check....just in case.


Thanks for your post... that makes thing much more clear!

So, we can say we're "lucky" as we can wait for other replies without being in hurry because of kcl offer :)

Thanks for your post... that makes thing much more clear!

So, we can say we're "lucky" as we can wait for other replies without being in hurry because of kcl offer :)

I received a conditional offer from KCL today.

Good Luck to everyone else!

I received a conditional offer from KCL today.

Good Luck to everyone else!

Received my offer last week too.

Good luck everyone else!

Received my offer last week too.

Good luck everyone else!

Received a conditional offer .

Good luck everyone else!

Received a conditional offer .

Good luck everyone else!

how long did you wait for the decision?

how long did you wait for the decision?


I applied to LLM with KCL on the first dates of January 2008 but only at the very begining of February 2008 I have forwarded them my references. It took admission team almost two weeks to proceed my application and to send me an aknowledgement e-mail (that stated that my application is recieved and is complete). And starting from that time (for two weeks already) my application is stucked at the stage "1"... why they do not forward it to admission department? or they just do not upload their tacking system? If anyone also has such problems, please do reply.


I applied to LLM with KCL on the first dates of January 2008 but only at the very begining of February 2008 I have forwarded them my references. It took admission team almost two weeks to proceed my application and to send me an aknowledgement e-mail (that stated that my application is recieved and is complete). And starting from that time (for two weeks already) my application is stucked at the stage "1"... why they do not forward it to admission department? or they just do not upload their tacking system? If anyone also has such problems, please do reply.

hi thumy

sorry for the late response. I submitted my application on Jan 10th. I got a mail about online tracking on 23rd January and on 29th January I got a conditional offer.

hi thumy

sorry for the late response. I submitted my application on Jan 10th. I got a mail about online tracking on 23rd January and on 29th January I got a conditional offer.

Hey list,
that is really fast!!! Congratulations! Hopefully they are still that fast, got my online tracking mail last week, so maybe I don't have to wait to long. Do you find out about your offer by mail or via the tracking system?

Hey list,
that is really fast!!! Congratulations! Hopefully they are still that fast, got my online tracking mail last week, so maybe I don't have to wait to long. Do you find out about your offer by mail or via the tracking system?

hi thumy
Actually it was both. I had 2 mails from Kings on the 29th. One mail had the detailed offer letter and the other one told me about a change in the status of my tracker. When i checked the tracker it said that my application was in stage 3 and that I had been made a conditional offer and have been sent a mail outlining the conditions.
Since you have got the tracker mail i guess it wont be long. Anywayz all the best

hi thumy
Actually it was both. I had 2 mails from Kings on the 29th. One mail had the detailed offer letter and the other one told me about a change in the status of my tracker. When i checked the tracker it said that my application was in stage 3 and that I had been made a conditional offer and have been sent a mail outlining the conditions.
Since you have got the tracker mail i guess it wont be long. Anywayz all the best

It seems that during February they recived unexpected number of completed applications as they have anaunced that applications, which will be recived in March, would be processed up to 8 weeks :(

Tough I have applied in February, I did not get a decision.

It seems that during February they recived unexpected number of completed applications as they have anaunced that applications, which will be recived in March, would be processed up to 8 weeks :(

Tough I have applied in February, I did not get a decision.

I read that message, too. But I'm still hoping that February applications will be processed faster!
Good luck to everyone and thanks list for your information about decisions procedure!

I read that message, too. But I'm still hoping that February applications will be processed faster!
Good luck to everyone and thanks list for your information about decisions procedure!

Offer finally :) today was 3 weeks period after the application was marked as complete.

Offer finally :) today was 3 weeks period after the application was marked as complete.

Congratulations! So I can hope for next week....

Congratulations! So I can hope for next week....

Thanks. Yes, I wish you to have your offer ASAP...

One decision recieved and still two are pending (UCL and LSE)... It seems we have applied to the same universities. Though you also have applied to Campridge (I did not). Did they answered to you?

Congratulations! So I can hope for next week....

Thanks. Yes, I wish you to have your offer ASAP...

One decision recieved and still two are pending (UCL and LSE)... It seems we have applied to the same universities. Though you also have applied to Campridge (I did not). Did they answered to you?

<blockquote>Congratulations! So I can hope for next week.... </blockquote>

No, haven't heard from Cam yet, but it seems that they just started to send out decisions. So I'm not to worried yet. I actually applied to QMUL too, so in case I get rejections from all others I should at least get in there. Where are you from?

No, haven't heard from Cam yet, but it seems that they just started to send out decisions. So I'm not to worried yet. I actually applied to QMUL too, so in case I get rejections from all others I should at least get in there. Where are you from?

Offer finally :) today was 3 weeks period after the application was marked as complete.

Got an conditional offer! Good luck to all those who are still waiting!

<blockquote>Offer finally :) today was 3 weeks period after the application was marked as complete.</blockquote>
Got an conditional offer! Good luck to all those who are still waiting!

From Ukraine. And you?

No, haven't heard from Cam yet, but it seems that they just started to send out decisions. So I'm not to worried yet. I actually applied to QMUL too, so in case I get rejections from all others I should at least get in there. Where are you from?

From Ukraine. And you?

<blockquote>No, haven't heard from Cam yet, but it seems that they just started to send out decisions. So I'm not to worried yet. I actually applied to QMUL too, so in case I get rejections from all others I should at least get in there. Where are you from?</blockquote>

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