Entry into Cam LLM or Oxon BCL



Just wondering whether I have a realistic chance of getting into either the Camb LLM or Oxon BCL? I came from a second-tier law school, but got a first (only one of 5 people in a class of over 100). However, I have 2 years experience as a solicitor at one of Australia's top 3 firms, and have also been an associate to a Federal Court judge (the equivalent of the US judicial clerkship). I am also able to get obtain a reference from someone who heads one of the Law Reform Commissions in Australia.

My only concern is that I didn't go to USyd, UNSW, ANU or UMelb and that Cam or Oxon will place a lot of emphasis on this (and overlook that fact that I did a judicial associateship which was very competitive to get).



Just wondering whether I have a realistic chance of getting into either the Camb LLM or Oxon BCL? I came from a second-tier law school, but got a first (only one of 5 people in a class of over 100). However, I have 2 years experience as a solicitor at one of Australia's top 3 firms, and have also been an associate to a Federal Court judge (the equivalent of the US judicial clerkship). I am also able to get obtain a reference from someone who heads one of the Law Reform Commissions in Australia.

My only concern is that I didn't go to USyd, UNSW, ANU or UMelb and that Cam or Oxon will place a lot of emphasis on this (and overlook that fact that I did a judicial associateship which was very competitive to get).


Pesky - I've sent you a PM.

Pesky - I've sent you a PM.

I, too, am interested in this. Does a person with a LLB (HI) in Australia have a realistic chance of being accepted into the BCL at Oxford, even if they went to a university not of the Go8. I have spoken with an Oxford graduate (of a different discipline) and he informed me that Oxford pays very little attention to what univeristy you went to (providing it's officially recognised obviously) as long as you possess top marks i.e. first class honours. I am curious as to how accurate this is.

I, too, am interested in this. Does a person with a LLB (HI) in Australia have a realistic chance of being accepted into the BCL at Oxford, even if they went to a university not of the Go8. I have spoken with an Oxford graduate (of a different discipline) and he informed me that Oxford pays very little attention to what univeristy you went to (providing it's officially recognised obviously) as long as you possess top marks i.e. first class honours. I am curious as to how accurate this is.
equity's d...

I am attending the Cambridge LLM 2008-9. My law degree is from a mid ranked Canadian Law school. Cambridge did not seem bothered by it not being a top school (although I did graduate in the top 2% of my class). I can't speak for Oxon becasue I didn't apply there.
hope this helps..

I am attending the Cambridge LLM 2008-9. My law degree is from a mid ranked Canadian Law school. Cambridge did not seem bothered by it not being a top school (although I did graduate in the top 2% of my class). I can't speak for Oxon becasue I didn't apply there.
hope this helps..

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