Cambridge LLM 2017 - 2018 Applicants

Inactive User

I've been reading these boards for a while but never spoken. Hi everyone. Sorry to have been reading the banter without making any meaningful contribution of my own. But truth be told, I'm not sure that I have much meaningful to share. But maybe this will be. We'll see.

We may all one day be classmates. As such, I think we should all treat each other with respect, no matter how distant the digital world may make us feel from one another. And as applicants to an institution as fine as the one we're discussing, I think we should take it upon ourselves to make sure that we engage one another with kindness and objectivity (if not empathy).

The above response seems like a bit of an overreaction and ad hominem attack to someone simply voicing their doubts about the veracity of someone going into BOGS status. There was no attack on you, hereigoagain2-just a simple statement that whatever you were told might not be true. We should all be able to take someone at their word, but unfortunately, the word may not always be good. I understand your offense, I do, but Legallife may (or may not) have made a good point. Either way, let's not directly attack one another, even if we voice our doubts about our sources of information.

If we're all accepted, we'll have to keep each other company for the next year. So let's keep it above board. It's helpful to know that someone has said they're in BOGS status, but also helpful (and, admittedly, calming to the rest of us) to know that someone might be puffing.

The spirit of these boards I hope would be to share whatever information we know, whether from a fellow applicant or a faculty contact. As lawyers, I assume we all are of the personality type that likes to know as much information as possible.

As for me, still under DC. If that person made it into BOGS, that's awesome. If they didn't and they lied for sport, they've got some issues to work on. Truth is we don't know.

So good luck everyone. Let's keep each other posted on whatever facts we might hear, and on the rumors too - sometimes rumors turn out to be true. But let's be kind to one another in doing so.

Best of luck.



[quote]I've been reading these boards for a while but never spoken. Hi everyone. Sorry to have been reading the banter without making any meaningful contribution of my own. But truth be told, I'm not sure that I have much meaningful to share. But maybe this will be. We'll see.

We may all one day be classmates. As such, I think we should all treat each other with respect, no matter how distant the digital world may make us feel from one another. And as applicants to an institution as fine as the one we're discussing, I think we should take it upon ourselves to make sure that we engage one another with kindness and objectivity (if not empathy).

The above response seems like a bit of an overreaction and ad hominem attack to someone simply voicing their doubts about the veracity of someone going into BOGS status. There was no attack on you, hereigoagain2-just a simple statement that whatever you were told might not be true. We should all be able to take someone at their word, but unfortunately, the word may not always be good. I understand your offense, I do, but Legallife may (or may not) have made a good point. Either way, let's not directly attack one another, even if we voice our doubts about our sources of information.

If we're all accepted, we'll have to keep each other company for the next year. So let's keep it above board. It's helpful to know that someone has said they're in BOGS status, but also helpful (and, admittedly, calming to the rest of us) to know that someone might be puffing.

The spirit of these boards I hope would be to share whatever information we know, whether from a fellow applicant or a faculty contact. As lawyers, I assume we all are of the personality type that likes to know as much information as possible.

As for me, still under DC. If that person made it into BOGS, that's awesome. If they didn't and they lied for sport, they've got some issues to work on. Truth is we don't know.

So good luck everyone. Let's keep each other posted on whatever facts we might hear, and on the rumors too - sometimes rumors turn out to be true. But let's be kind to one another in doing so.

Best of luck.


Inactive User

I've been reading these boards for a while but never spoken. Hi everyone. Sorry to have been reading the banter without making any meaningful contribution of my own. But truth be told, I'm not sure that I have much meaningful to share. But maybe this will be. We'll see.

We may all one day be classmates. As such, I think we should all treat each other with respect, no matter how distant the digital world may make us feel from one another. And as applicants to an institution as fine as the one we're discussing, I think we should take it upon ourselves to make sure that we engage one another with kindness and objectivity (if not empathy).

The above response seems like a bit of an overreaction and ad hominem attack to someone simply voicing their doubts about the veracity of someone going into BOGS status. There was no attack on you, hereigoagain2-just a simple statement that whatever you were told might not be true. We should all be able to take someone at their word, but unfortunately, the word may not always be good. I understand your offense, I do, but Legallife may (or may not) have made a good point. Either way, let's not directly attack one another, even if we voice our doubts about our sources of information.

If we're all accepted, we'll have to keep each other company for the next year. So let's keep it above board. It's helpful to know that someone has said they're in BOGS status, but also helpful (and, admittedly, calming to the rest of us) to know that someone might be puffing.

The spirit of these boards I hope would be to share whatever information we know, whether from a fellow applicant or a faculty contact. As lawyers, I assume we all are of the personality type that likes to know as much information as possible.

As for me, still under DC. If that person made it into BOGS, that's awesome. If they didn't and they lied for sport, they've got some issues to work on. Truth is we don't know.

So good luck everyone. Let's keep each other posted on whatever facts we might hear, and on the rumors too - sometimes rumors turn out to be true. But let's be kind to one another in doing so.

Best of luck.



Well said :)

[quote][quote]I've been reading these boards for a while but never spoken. Hi everyone. Sorry to have been reading the banter without making any meaningful contribution of my own. But truth be told, I'm not sure that I have much meaningful to share. But maybe this will be. We'll see.

We may all one day be classmates. As such, I think we should all treat each other with respect, no matter how distant the digital world may make us feel from one another. And as applicants to an institution as fine as the one we're discussing, I think we should take it upon ourselves to make sure that we engage one another with kindness and objectivity (if not empathy).

The above response seems like a bit of an overreaction and ad hominem attack to someone simply voicing their doubts about the veracity of someone going into BOGS status. There was no attack on you, hereigoagain2-just a simple statement that whatever you were told might not be true. We should all be able to take someone at their word, but unfortunately, the word may not always be good. I understand your offense, I do, but Legallife may (or may not) have made a good point. Either way, let's not directly attack one another, even if we voice our doubts about our sources of information.

If we're all accepted, we'll have to keep each other company for the next year. So let's keep it above board. It's helpful to know that someone has said they're in BOGS status, but also helpful (and, admittedly, calming to the rest of us) to know that someone might be puffing.

The spirit of these boards I hope would be to share whatever information we know, whether from a fellow applicant or a faculty contact. As lawyers, I assume we all are of the personality type that likes to know as much information as possible.

As for me, still under DC. If that person made it into BOGS, that's awesome. If they didn't and they lied for sport, they've got some issues to work on. Truth is we don't know.

So good luck everyone. Let's keep each other posted on whatever facts we might hear, and on the rumors too - sometimes rumors turn out to be true. But let's be kind to one another in doing so.

Best of luck.


Agreed. [/quote]

Well said :)
Inactive User

I met someone today who's LLM application went to BOGS stage this week. Probably a good time to check your camsis.

I could bet that is false. I asked someone I know at Faculty and she told them they are still going through applications and it is not possible that an LLM student is at BOGS. Beware of people who tell you things to freak you out.

Legallife, I appreciate your contribution to this forum, but that is quite rude. As I heard this information from someone that I know is applying, I clearly cannot authenticate whether it is true. I took them at their word.

At the same time, you're a regular poster on the student room forum as well as this forum. But you've said that you've been assured admission to your top choice phd and you seem to be saying that you have a mole within the faculty committee. I don't understand why someone with so much insider knowledge would be such a prolific poster.

Ok, I think you misunderstood this.

I studied at Cambridge and therefore made friends along the way. Further, information about whether they are handing out offers yet is not secret. You can also call and you will be told the same. There is no "mole" as you make yourself believe and this is not inside information either!

Lastly, I post to help other people to go through the process seamlessly and to ease fears. I have been through the Cambridge admissions process, not once but 3 times so I know that every applicant has hundreds of questions and doubts. I spare time to reply and say what I know in order to help erase any uncertainty I can. I thought that is supposed to be helpful and I would expect that we would all do the same for others once we go through the process. That is the spirit of this Forum; for each of us to help one another.

I was not aware that you are in charge of regulating how much people post and when they should post. My apologies for violating your rules on posting.

In short, chill out! Every year, there are people who tell tales and keep all the other applicants on their tip toes which is not fair. Everyone is already tensed up and needs an offer. Let us not add to that tension.

[quote][quote][quote]I met someone today who's LLM application went to BOGS stage this week. Probably a good time to check your camsis.[/quote]

I could bet that is false. I asked someone I know at Faculty and she told them they are still going through applications and it is not possible that an LLM student is at BOGS. Beware of people who tell you things to freak you out.[/quote]

Legallife, I appreciate your contribution to this forum, but that is quite rude. As I heard this information from someone that I know is applying, I clearly cannot authenticate whether it is true. I took them at their word.

At the same time, you're a regular poster on the student room forum as well as this forum. But you've said that you've been assured admission to your top choice phd and you seem to be saying that you have a mole within the faculty committee. I don't understand why someone with so much insider knowledge would be such a prolific poster. [/quote]

Ok, I think you misunderstood this.

I studied at Cambridge and therefore made friends along the way. Further, information about whether they are handing out offers yet is not secret. You can also call and you will be told the same. There is no "mole" as you make yourself believe and this is not inside information either!

Lastly, I post to help other people to go through the process seamlessly and to ease fears. I have been through the Cambridge admissions process, not once but 3 times so I know that every applicant has hundreds of questions and doubts. I spare time to reply and say what I know in order to help erase any uncertainty I can. I thought that is supposed to be helpful and I would expect that we would all do the same for others once we go through the process. That is the spirit of this Forum; for each of us to help one another.

I was not aware that you are in charge of regulating how much people post and when they should post. My apologies for violating your rules on posting.

In short, chill out! Every year, there are people who tell tales and keep all the other applicants on their tip toes which is not fair. Everyone is already tensed up and needs an offer. Let us not add to that tension.
Inactive User

So, my status hasn't changed. Maybe in the next few days (or maybe not). Another Degree Comittee meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.

I gotta say the timescales section on the cambridge webpage is somehow misleading.

So, my status hasn't changed. Maybe in the next few days (or maybe not). Another Degree Comittee meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.

I gotta say the timescales section on the cambridge webpage is somehow misleading.

So, my status hasn't changed. Maybe in the next few days (or maybe not). Another Degree Comittee meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.

I gotta say the timescales section on the cambridge webpage is somehow misleading.

I had thought the Degree Committee meeting was today (25th of January?)

Do you reckon we can expect at least some status changes in the immediate aftermath of this meeting?

[Edited by Vari57 on Jan 25, 2017]

[quote]So, my status hasn't changed. Maybe in the next few days (or maybe not). Another Degree Comittee meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.

I gotta say the timescales section on the cambridge webpage is somehow misleading.[/quote]

I had thought the Degree Committee meeting was today (25th of January?)

Do you reckon we can expect at least some status changes in the immediate aftermath of this meeting?
Inactive User

No, it's on the 26th.

Regarding your 2nd question, I have no clue. On the one hand, the timescale says that it 'may take up to seven days from departmental approval for your application to be considered by the Degree Committee.' So, I assume they Degree Comittee decides rather quickly. On the other hand, first admissions are usually handed out mid february.

No, it's on the 26th.

Regarding your 2nd question, I have no clue. On the one hand, the timescale says that it 'may take up to seven days from departmental approval for your application to be considered by the Degree Committee.' So, I assume they Degree Comittee decides rather quickly. On the other hand, first admissions are usually handed out mid february.

No, it's on the 26th.

Regarding your 2nd question, I have no clue. On the one hand, the timescale says that it 'may take up to seven days from departmental approval for your application to be considered by the Degree Committee.' So, I assume they Degree Comittee decides rather quickly. On the other hand, first admissions are usually handed out mid february.

Thanks, I suppose we will just have to wait and see.

[quote]No, it's on the 26th.

Regarding your 2nd question, I have no clue. On the one hand, the timescale says that it 'may take up to seven days from departmental approval for your application to be considered by the Degree Committee.' So, I assume they Degree Comittee decides rather quickly. On the other hand, first admissions are usually handed out mid february.[/quote]

Thanks, I suppose we will just have to wait and see.
Inactive User

Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?

Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?
Inactive User

Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not.

[quote]Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?[/quote]

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not.
Inactive User

Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not.

I was wondering if we should expect any changes until the next DC meeting or not ...

[quote][quote]Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?[/quote]

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not. [/quote]

I was wondering if we should expect any changes until the next DC meeting or not ...

Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not.

Same, no change :(

[quote][quote]Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?[/quote]

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not. [/quote]

Same, no change :(

Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not.

I was wondering if we should expect any changes until the next DC meeting or not ...

When is the next DC meeting?

[quote][quote][quote]Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?[/quote]

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not. [/quote]

I was wondering if we should expect any changes until the next DC meeting or not ...[/quote]

When is the next DC meeting?
Inactive User

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not.

I was wondering if we should expect any changes until the next DC meeting or not ...

When is the next DC meeting?

The next DC meeting seems to be on the 9th of February.
Also, the Board of Graduate Studies appears to have a meeting scheduled for the 7th of February.

[quote][quote][quote][quote]Hi guys!
Any news regarding camsis' changes?[/quote]

No change, still the same.
Wondering whether we should expect anything this week or not. [/quote]

I was wondering if we should expect any changes until the next DC meeting or not ...[/quote]

When is the next DC meeting?[/quote]

The next DC meeting seems to be on the 9th of February.
Also, the Board of Graduate Studies appears to have a meeting scheduled for the 7th of February.

Also no change here! I feel like we should see change after the next DC meeting, but then again, it's all guesswork. I wish I could be a bit more patient and just forget about it until March!

Also no change here! I feel like we should see change after the next DC meeting, but then again, it's all guesswork. I wish I could be a bit more patient and just forget about it until March!
Inactive User

The first time someone posted on last year's group that they moved from DC to BoGS was February 21, I believe. I wonder if that coincided with DC or other meetings back then. Anyway, still a long wait ahead.

Good luck!

The first time someone posted on last year's group that they moved from DC to BoGS was February 21, I believe. I wonder if that coincided with DC or other meetings back then. Anyway, still a long wait ahead.

Good luck!

The first time someone posted on last year's group that they moved from DC to BoGS was February 21, I believe. I wonder if that coincided with DC or other meetings back then. Anyway, still a long wait ahead.

Good luck!

Here's last year's dates. No apparent correlation.

[quote]The first time someone posted on last year's group that they moved from DC to BoGS was February 21, I believe. I wonder if that coincided with DC or other meetings back then. Anyway, still a long wait ahead.

Good luck![/quote]

Here's last year's dates. No apparent correlation.

This wait is killing.

This wait is killing.

BoGS is meeting on Tuesday, February 7th.

BoGS is meeting on Tuesday, February 7th.


How does that work in conjunction with the next Degree Committee meeting seemingly being on Thursday the 9th?

I don't really understand the whole setup.

[Edited by Vari57 on Feb 07, 2017]

[quote]BoGS is meeting on Tuesday, February 7th. [/quote]


How does that work in conjunction with the next Degree Committee meeting seemingly being on Thursday the 9th?

I don't really understand the whole setup.

I don't think any correlation and unlikely to yield definitive results. It seems as if the trend is to be the same as previous years - despite our enthusiasm :( I guess end of Feb/ March it is!

I don't think any correlation and unlikely to yield definitive results. It seems as if the trend is to be the same as previous years - despite our enthusiasm :( I guess end of Feb/ March it is!

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