Hey everyone,
My name is Bernardo. I am 33 years old. I have studied two degrees - in Journalism and Law - back in Brazil. I have applied to around 9 programmes (universities plus scholarships) due to the fact that my IELTS exam is about to expire in November this year. So, I would like some help to choose between 3 unconditional offers that I already have:

LLM in Globalisation and Law, Maastricht University
MA International Relations, Exeter, UK (G.E.Scholarship - 5,000 pounds off)
EMLE (Erasmus Mundus Economics and Law), Rotterdam/Hamburg/Ghent/Vienna/Rome

Feel free to give your opinion,


Hey everyone,
My name is Bernardo. I am 33 years old. I have studied two degrees - in Journalism and Law - back in Brazil. I have applied to around 9 programmes (universities plus scholarships) due to the fact that my IELTS exam is about to expire in November this year. So, I would like some help to choose between 3 unconditional offers that I already have:

LLM in Globalisation and Law, Maastricht University
MA International Relations, Exeter, UK (G.E.Scholarship - 5,000 pounds off)
EMLE (Erasmus Mundus Economics and Law), Rotterdam/Hamburg/Ghent/Vienna/Rome

Feel free to give your opinion,


Hey everyone,
My name is Bernardo. I am 33 years old. I have studied two degrees - in Journalism and Law - back in Brazil. I have applied to around 9 programmes (universities plus scholarships) due to the fact that my IELTS exam is about to expire in November this year. So, I would like some help to choose between 3 unconditional offers that I already have:

LLM in Globalisation and Law, Maastricht University
MA International Relations, Exeter, UK (G.E.Scholarship - 5,000 pounds off)
EMLE (Erasmus Mundus Economics and Law), Rotterdam/Hamburg/Ghent/Vienna/Rome

Feel free to give your opinion,


To be fair, I’m not aware of Maastricht that much.
Exeter has had good rankings before the racial discrimination news was out.
EMLE, I can vouch for since I know 2 alumni of the programme and at one point was considering it as an option for myself. From the description that I’ve heard from a scholar and a Supreme Court lawyer, it is a programme worth going for. When they went for it, about a decade ago, law and economics was not given the same kind of importance in scholarship as it is given today. That adds value to you in the form of educational credentials.
Having said the above, go through their shanghai, QS, and THE rankings, find out about the faculty who teach the programmes you’ve received an offer for, and of course, see where your own interest lies.

[quote]Hey everyone,
My name is Bernardo. I am 33 years old. I have studied two degrees - in Journalism and Law - back in Brazil. I have applied to around 9 programmes (universities plus scholarships) due to the fact that my IELTS exam is about to expire in November this year. So, I would like some help to choose between 3 unconditional offers that I already have:

LLM in Globalisation and Law, Maastricht University
MA International Relations, Exeter, UK (G.E.Scholarship - 5,000 pounds off)
EMLE (Erasmus Mundus Economics and Law), Rotterdam/Hamburg/Ghent/Vienna/Rome

Feel free to give your opinion,


To be fair, I’m not aware of Maastricht that much.
Exeter has had good rankings before the racial discrimination news was out.
EMLE, I can vouch for since I know 2 alumni of the programme and at one point was considering it as an option for myself. From the description that I’ve heard from a scholar and a Supreme Court lawyer, it is a programme worth going for. When they went for it, about a decade ago, law and economics was not given the same kind of importance in scholarship as it is given today. That adds value to you in the form of educational credentials.
Having said the above, go through their shanghai, QS, and THE rankings, find out about the faculty who teach the programmes you’ve received an offer for, and of course, see where your own interest lies.

EMLE is the best of those three and one of the best post-graduate law programs in Europe. If you dont mind the mobility element (most people like it, but some might find moving around a hassle) its a clear winner.

EMLE is the best of those three and one of the best post-graduate law programs in Europe. If you dont mind the mobility element (most people like it, but some might find moving around a hassle) its a clear winner.

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