LLM Berlin in English?


Does anyone know if there is an LLM programme in Berlin taught in english? I can't really attend a course in german. I have heard about Berlin School of Economics and Law but I am not sure if it takes place in Berlin. Can somebody help me, please?
Thank you in advance

Does anyone know if there is an LLM programme in Berlin taught in english? I can't really attend a course in german. I have heard about Berlin School of Economics and Law but I am not sure if it takes place in Berlin. Can somebody help me, please?
Thank you in advance

Not that I know. Berlin School of Economics and Law is not a proper law school and they don't have an LLM.

There are two strong universities with a law faculty in Berlin: Freie Universität (FU) and Humboldt-Universität (HU). As afar as I know, you can only do an LLM at these universities if you know German. Same with Potsdam University located right next to Berlin.

Sydney University used to have an English-language LLM in Berlin, but I'm not sure it still exists. Just check their website.

Anyway, you need to come to Berlin. It's the most exciting city in Germany and a perfect place for students!

Not that I know. Berlin School of Economics and Law is not a proper law school and they don't have an LLM.

There are two strong universities with a law faculty in Berlin: Freie Universität (FU) and Humboldt-Universität (HU). As afar as I know, you can only do an LLM at these universities if you know German. Same with Potsdam University located right next to Berlin.

Sydney University used to have an English-language LLM in Berlin, but I'm not sure it still exists. Just check their website.

Anyway, you need to come to Berlin. It's the most exciting city in Germany and a perfect place for students!

Not much to add to Erkan, except for the fact that there are also two good Universities in Hamburg which offer LLMs, as well, and I think the "LLM" (or rather MLB!) at Bucerius Law School is in English, too. And Hamburg is arguably as exciting as Berlin!

Not much to add to Erkan, except for the fact that there are also two good Universities in Hamburg which offer LLMs, as well, and I think the "LLM" (or rather MLB!) at Bucerius Law School is in English, too. And Hamburg is arguably as exciting as Berlin!

Bucerius offers courses in English. I graduated from that school and now at AU for my LLM. I came to AU as an exchange student initially and they let me transfer the courses I took as an exchange to the LLM program. I could have done my LLM at Bucerius as well but according to the lawyers i have worked with ( internships) they prefer an LLM from the USA.

Bucerius offers courses in English. I graduated from that school and now at AU for my LLM. I came to AU as an exchange student initially and they let me transfer the courses I took as an exchange to the LLM program. I could have done my LLM at Bucerius as well but according to the lawyers i have worked with ( internships) they prefer an LLM from the USA.

Bucerius has an excellent reputation in Germany. You could even stay in Berlin an study in Hamburg. The trip takes 1:39 with the ICE train: http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/query.exe/dn?revia=yes&existOptimizePrice=1&et_cid=979&et_lid=493272&et_sub=Suchanfrage&trip-type=single&REQ0JourneyStopsS0A=1&S=Berlin+Hbf&REQ0JourneyStopsSID=A%3D1%40O%3DBerlin+Hbf%40X%3D13369548%40Y%3D52525589%40U%3D80%40L%3D008011160%40B%3D1%40p%3D1251231864%40&REQ0JourneyStopsZ0A=1&Z=Hamburg+Hbf&REQ0JourneyStopsZID=A%3D1%40O%3DHamburg+Hbf%40X%3D10006908%40Y%3D53552732%40U%3D80%40L%3D008002549%40B%3D1%40p%3D1251231864%40&date=Di%2C+01.09.09&time=23%3A34&timesel=depart&returnTimesel=depart&optimize=0&travelProfile=-1&adult-number=1&children-number=0&infant-number=0&tariffTravellerType.1=E&tariffTravellerReductionClass.1=0&tariffTravellerAge.1=&qf-trav-bday-1=&tariffClass=2&start=1&qf.bahn.button.suchen=

However, this will be quite costly and you will not get the benefits of student life at Bucerius/WHU.

Two more programs to add: ILF (Finance Law) in Frankfurt and MIPLC (IP Law) in Munich also offer strong English-language LLM programs in Germany.

Bucerius has an excellent reputation in Germany. You could even stay in Berlin an study in Hamburg. The trip takes 1:39 with the ICE train: http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/query.exe/dn?revia=yes&existOptimizePrice=1&et_cid=979&et_lid=493272&et_sub=Suchanfrage&trip-type=single&REQ0JourneyStopsS0A=1&S=Berlin+Hbf&REQ0JourneyStopsSID=A%3D1%40O%3DBerlin+Hbf%40X%3D13369548%40Y%3D52525589%40U%3D80%40L%3D008011160%40B%3D1%40p%3D1251231864%40&REQ0JourneyStopsZ0A=1&Z=Hamburg+Hbf&REQ0JourneyStopsZID=A%3D1%40O%3DHamburg+Hbf%40X%3D10006908%40Y%3D53552732%40U%3D80%40L%3D008002549%40B%3D1%40p%3D1251231864%40&date=Di%2C+01.09.09&time=23%3A34&timesel=depart&returnTimesel=depart&optimize=0&travelProfile=-1&adult-number=1&children-number=0&infant-number=0&tariffTravellerType.1=E&tariffTravellerReductionClass.1=0&tariffTravellerAge.1=&qf-trav-bday-1=&tariffClass=2&start=1&qf.bahn.button.suchen=

However, this will be quite costly and you will not get the benefits of student life at Bucerius/WHU.

Two more programs to add: ILF (Finance Law) in Frankfurt and MIPLC (IP Law) in Munich also offer strong English-language LLM programs in Germany.

As I see the last comment on this subject comes from 2009. Is that currently possible to study LLM in Berlin Humboldt in English? Or partially in English and partially in German?

As I see the last comment on this subject comes from 2009. Is that currently possible to study LLM in Berlin Humboldt in English? Or partially in English and partially in German?

Dear all,
FU Berlin offers a master's programme on Business, Competition and Regulatory Law taught in English only. For more information, see the programme's website: http://www.jura.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/masterstudiengaenge/mbl-fu/index.html

Dear all,
FU Berlin offers a master's programme on Business, Competition and Regulatory Law taught in English only. For more information, see the programme's website: http://www.jura.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/masterstudiengaenge/mbl-fu/index.html

Since this discussion seems still to be alive and well, here's my (not impartial) two pence:

THe MBL at Freie Universität Berlin is taught completely in English. One year programme covering mostly European Union Law, Competition Law and Regulatory Law in the fields of Energy Law, Telecommunications Law and IP Law. We (and I work here) have currently only international students from 5 continents :)

More and more universities in Germany are starting to offer courses in English, the quality varies significantly. Probably the most important factor will be the quality of the lecturers but also the service provided through staff members. Obviously it has to fit your personal profile and interests!

Good luck everyone, hope you find your perfect programme ;-)
Dominik from Berlin

Since this discussion seems still to be alive and well, here's my (not impartial) two pence:

THe MBL at Freie Universität Berlin is taught completely in English. One year programme covering mostly European Union Law, Competition Law and Regulatory Law in the fields of Energy Law, Telecommunications Law and IP Law. We (and I work here) have currently only international students from 5 continents :)

More and more universities in Germany are starting to offer courses in English, the quality varies significantly. Probably the most important factor will be the quality of the lecturers but also the service provided through staff members. Obviously it has to fit your personal profile and interests!

Good luck everyone, hope you find your perfect programme ;-)
Dominik from Berlin

Have HU, Bucerous and IFL came up to the conversation because of the request that the course was taught in english or because of the quality/recogn of the universities?

I've been researching and, despite the fact it seems everyone says that there's not a big diference among german universities, in most rankings etc, even though it varies, in most cases LMU and Heidelberg takes the 1st places within Germany (quality, domestic and international recogn.). Is that correct?

Have HU, Bucerous and IFL came up to the conversation because of the request that the course was taught in english or because of the quality/recogn of the universities?

I've been researching and, despite the fact it seems everyone says that there's not a big diference among german universities, in most rankings etc, even though it varies, in most cases LMU and Heidelberg takes the 1st places within Germany (quality, domestic and international recogn.). Is that correct?

Bucerius in Hamburg and Humboldt in Berlin have the top two English-taught LLM programs in Germany (and these are also certainly amongst the top in Europe). Go to Bucerius MLB for general business law; go to Huboldt IDR for dispute resolution/arbitration/mediation.

Bucerius in Hamburg and Humboldt in Berlin have the top two English-taught LLM programs in Germany (and these are also certainly amongst the top in Europe). Go to Bucerius MLB for general business law; go to Huboldt IDR for dispute resolution/arbitration/mediation.

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