New York Bar Exam Eligibility


Hey guys,

I consider taking the NY Bar Exam after my LLM studies in the coming academic year, and have a question regarding the "Advance Evaluation of Eligibility":

The Board of Law Examiners requests me, among others, to submit the following documentation:

Proof of fulfillment of the educational requirements for admission to the practice of law in the foreign country.

(a) [....]

(b) If you are not admitted to practice law in a foreign country, submit proof of the educational requirements for admission to practice law in your country and proof from the bar admission authorities that you have fulfilled these requirements.

Does anyone now how I can meet this requirement with a German education? We have a First Exam after university, and a Second Exam after two years of practical training. Admission to the bar requires both. I have however heard of people who took the NY bar exam before they had the Second Exam in Germany, which seems to be in conflict with the above requirement. Can anyone help?


Hey guys,

I consider taking the NY Bar Exam after my LLM studies in the coming academic year, and have a question regarding the "Advance Evaluation of Eligibility":

The Board of Law Examiners requests me, among others, to submit the following documentation:

Proof of fulfillment of the educational requirements for admission to the practice of law in the foreign country.

(a) [....]

(b) If you are not admitted to practice law in a foreign country, submit proof of the educational requirements for admission to practice law in your country and proof from the bar admission authorities that you have fulfilled these requirements.

Does anyone now how I can meet this requirement with a German education? We have a First Exam after university, and a Second Exam after two years of practical training. Admission to the bar requires both. I have however heard of people who took the NY bar exam before they had the Second Exam in Germany, which seems to be in conflict with the above requirement. Can anyone help?


I may be wrong, but, in my opinion there exists no conflict of any nature whatsoever. The stress is on fulfillment of educational requirements and not the vocational training or further examination required to be taken to get admitted to the bar. Therefore, from this view point what is required by them is having the academic qualification in law/first degree in law which subject to vocational requirements would entitle you to be eligible for enrollment as logically without a first degree you would not be entitled to give even the first University exam as stated by you.
Further, to extend this example to the JD's in US itself, it would become apparent that they subsequent to the completion of the JD would have fulfilled the academic requirement to be eligible to sit for the bar and subsequent to them passing the same, would be duly admitted to the same.
In sum and substance, the focal point is on the academic qualification which as an incident would make you eligible to complete subsequent formalities to be admitted to the bar.
Hope this helps and feel free to share your view point. In any event calling the concerned bar examiners office and getting it clarified would be the speedier solution.

I may be wrong, but, in my opinion there exists no conflict of any nature whatsoever. The stress is on fulfillment of educational requirements and not the vocational training or further examination required to be taken to get admitted to the bar. Therefore, from this view point what is required by them is having the academic qualification in law/first degree in law which subject to vocational requirements would entitle you to be eligible for enrollment as logically without a first degree you would not be entitled to give even the first University exam as stated by you.
Further, to extend this example to the JD's in US itself, it would become apparent that they subsequent to the completion of the JD would have fulfilled the academic requirement to be eligible to sit for the bar and subsequent to them passing the same, would be duly admitted to the same.
In sum and substance, the focal point is on the academic qualification which as an incident would make you eligible to complete subsequent formalities to be admitted to the bar.
Hope this helps and feel free to share your view point. In any event calling the concerned bar examiners office and getting it clarified would be the speedier solution.


Hast du das rausgefunden wie das funktioniert? ich bin auch grad im Bewerbungsprozess, habe aber keine Ahnung was die von mir wollen. Mir wurde gesagt, dass das Erste Staatsexamen reicht, aber ich habe keine Ahnung ob ich dann so etwas bekommen kann und wenn ja wo?


Hast du das rausgefunden wie das funktioniert? ich bin auch grad im Bewerbungsprozess, habe aber keine Ahnung was die von mir wollen. Mir wurde gesagt, dass das Erste Staatsexamen reicht, aber ich habe keine Ahnung ob ich dann so etwas bekommen kann und wenn ja wo?

Hi Leute, kurze Frage: bin ich naiv oder warum macht ich euch jetzt schon den Kopf übers NY Bar Exam, wenn wenn wir noch nicht mal die Zusagen für's LLM Programm haben?

Hi Leute, kurze Frage: bin ich naiv oder warum macht ich euch jetzt schon den Kopf übers NY Bar Exam, wenn wenn wir noch nicht mal die Zusagen für's LLM Programm haben?

Die Prüfungsämter haben sich geweigert mir irgendwas besonderes auszustellen, aber offenbar haben die normalen Zeugnisse gereicht - jedenfalls hab ich von der NY Bar die Nachricht bekommen, dass meine Unterlagen vollständig seien. Wahrscheinlich kennen die das deutsche System gut genug. Einfach machen!

@Gavin: Es gibt auch Leute, die aktuell schon ihren LLM machen ;)

Die Prüfungsämter haben sich geweigert mir irgendwas besonderes auszustellen, aber offenbar haben die normalen Zeugnisse gereicht - jedenfalls hab ich von der NY Bar die Nachricht bekommen, dass meine Unterlagen vollständig seien. Wahrscheinlich kennen die das deutsche System gut genug. Einfach machen!

@Gavin: Es gibt auch Leute, die aktuell schon ihren LLM machen ;)

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