Hi all,

I have had quite an unconventional route in my law school journey, and would like some clarity on both CA and NY's bar exam eligibility requirements.

I have a BA in Political Science from a US university, and an LLM in Intellectual Property Law from a European law school (civil law). From my understanding, I would be required to enroll in an US LLM program to be eligible to sit the CA bar - but I am unsure as my EU LLM degree is not a "first degree in law" (stipulated in CA bar admission rules) nor is it a "qualifying law degree".

I am currently working full-time in house, and would like to explore my options to get qualified in a more streamlined process vs the traditional 3 year JD path. I would ideally only have to go through a 1 year US LLM to be eligible to take the CA bar. I am even considering taking the UK PGDL to be eligible to sit the NY Bar.

Asking for clarity now on CA/NY bar eligibility requirements catered to my *not so traditional* legal education. As well as some general advice on what to do.

US Citizen, 24M, no LSAT/GRE.

Thanks in advance!