LLM in Kyushu- ABA


Hello !
Does anyone know if the LLM in Kyushu is recognized by the American bar association?
I just saw that the Temple LLM in Tokyo was certified by the ABA, as for the one in Kyushu...Mystery!
Thank you
Merry Christmas to everybody ^^

Hello !
Does anyone know if the LLM in Kyushu is recognized by the American bar association?
I just saw that the Temple LLM in Tokyo was certified by the ABA, as for the one in Kyushu...Mystery!
Thank you
Merry Christmas to everybody ^^

A brief look at the ABA website doesn't turn anything up.

Kyushu offers an LLM program and not a JD or LLB so I'm not sure why it would matter though. Its an academic degree and not one that will lead to any sort of professional certification.

That said, I know there are students from the NYU JD program who get credit towards their JD for courses taken at Kyushu (as exchange students) so there must be some sort of accreditation.

A brief look at the ABA website doesn't turn anything up.

Kyushu offers an LLM program and not a JD or LLB so I'm not sure why it would matter though. Its an academic degree and not one that will lead to any sort of professional certification.

That said, I know there are students from the NYU JD program who get credit towards their JD for courses taken at Kyushu (as exchange students) so there must be some sort of accreditation.

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I'm guessing that someone tried to bump this so here goes what I think:

- Depending on what law degree you have and what bar you want to take, an LLM may not be necessary to sit for certain bar exams (but this is a very very limited situation).
- You probably want to contact Temple about that. Generally, if the law degree is from an ABA accredited school in an accredited programme, you should be eligible to sit for several exams, it would also depend on which one because each state has different rules. The ABA website should list all the post-JD programmes it recognises as "post JD education" so checking that may answer your question too. If you're still unsure, your best bet is to ask the Temple/Kyushu (but probably Temple) people to be the safest.

I'm guessing that someone tried to bump this so here goes what I think:

- Depending on what law degree you have and what bar you want to take, an LLM may not be necessary to sit for certain bar exams (but this is a very very limited situation).
- You probably want to contact Temple about that. Generally, if the law degree is from an ABA accredited school in an accredited programme, you should be eligible to sit for several exams, it would also depend on which one because each state has different rules. The ABA website should list all the post-JD programmes it recognises as "post JD education" so checking that may answer your question too. If you're still unsure, your best bet is to ask the Temple/Kyushu (but probably Temple) people to be the safest.

Kyushu LLM is not ABA accredited. The only ABA accredited LLM is Temple Japan LLM.

Kyushu LLM is not ABA accredited. The only ABA accredited LLM is Temple Japan LLM.

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