Nigerian law school

I was just wondering whether anyone knows whether the Nigerian law school accepts a B.A in law or does it have to be a LLB. I have a B.A in Economics, Politics and Law, I have my entrance soliitors exams done in Ireland and I am currently studing a LLM. I have all the stipulated law subjects needed by the Nigerian law society done and I have even done the majority of these topics done twice, once for my undergraduate and then again for my entrance soliitors exams. The only subject I have not done is commercial. I was wondering whether my qualifications would be sufficient in order to enter law school.

Any advice, anyone could give me please would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

I was just wondering whether anyone knows whether the Nigerian law school accepts a B.A in law or does it have to be a LLB. I have a B.A in Economics, Politics and Law, I have my entrance soliitors exams done in Ireland and I am currently studing a LLM. I have all the stipulated law subjects needed by the Nigerian law society done and I have even done the majority of these topics done twice, once for my undergraduate and then again for my entrance soliitors exams. The only subject I have not done is commercial. I was wondering whether my qualifications would be sufficient in order to enter law school.

Any advice, anyone could give me please would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

The Nigerian law school accepts LL.B.

The Nigerian law school accepts LL.B.

Thank you for the reply Ayandayo. So are you saying that Nigerian law school ONLY accepts a L.L.B and will not accept a B.A in Law even though I have undertaken all the stipulated law subjects required by Nigerian Law school?

Thank you.

Thank you for the reply Ayandayo. So are you saying that Nigerian law school ONLY accepts a L.L.B and will not accept a B.A in Law even though I have undertaken all the stipulated law subjects required by Nigerian Law school?

Thank you.

I think the nigerian law school accept BA in law if it covers the main subjects. please confirm from the school directly, and again if you check most of the nigerian lawyers profile you will see that not all of them have LLB. Please don't give up. I will be applying to the Nigerian Law school this year as well, I have got my LLB nd LLM here in the UK. Good luck.

I think the nigerian law school accept BA in law if it covers the main subjects. please confirm from the school directly, and again if you check most of the nigerian lawyers profile you will see that not all of them have LLB. Please don't give up. I will be applying to the Nigerian Law school this year as well, I have got my LLB nd LLM here in the UK. Good luck.

U can confirm from d NLS

U can confirm from d NLS

Does the Nigeria Law School accept thee LLB degree awarded by the University of London International Programme?

Does the Nigeria Law School accept thee LLB degree awarded by the University of London International Programme?

Does the Nigeria Law School accept thee LLB degree awarded by the University of London International Programme?

<blockquote>Does the Nigeria Law School accept thee LLB degree awarded by the University of London International Programme? </blockquote>

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