10 Do’s and Don’ts for Your LL.M. Application

How do you stand out from the sea of applicants to law schools?

Navigating the LL.M. application process can be daunting, especially for prospective students aiming to secure a place in a competitive program. To help you stand out from the sea of applicants, we’ve compiled a list of 10 essential do’s and don’ts to guide you through the LL.M. application process.

Strategic planning is vital, as Karen Jones, University of Houston Law Center’s executive director of global and graduate programs, notes: “It is important to make sure all aspects of your application are as strong as possible. With many LL.M. programs you only have one shot at acceptance. 

“If you are denied acceptance, you might not have another opportunity at that school to receive full consideration. Therefore, applicants should always put their best foot forward when applying to an LL.M. program.” 


1. Start early: Begin your LL.M. application process well in advance of deadlines. Research potential programs, gather required documents and create a timeline to stay organized throughout the process.

2. Tailor your application materials: Customize your written application elements, including your personal statement, CV and letters of recommendation, to align with the specific requirements and focus areas of each LL.M. program you apply to.

3. Highlight your unique qualities: Use your personal statement to showcase your academic achievements, professional experiences and personal motivations for pursuing an LL.M. Emphasize what makes you a unique and compelling candidate.

“The best place for prospective LL.M. students to stand out is in their personal statement, where their individuality and achievements can shine and help set them apart from other candidates,” says Sandra Friedrich, the assistant dean for international law programs at University of Miami School of Law.

“The personal statement should include a prospective student’s academic and professional background, extracurricular activities, professional goals, and specific interest in the chosen area and institution of study,” she adds. 

4. Demonstrate fit and alignment: Clearly articulate why you are interested in each LL.M. program and how it aligns with your academic and career goals. Research the faculty, curriculum and specializations offered by each program to demonstrate your genuine interest and fit.

“Berkeley Law reviews applications holistically, so there is no one particular aspect that we look for that can make or break an admission decision. That being said, our LL.M. class is invariably made up of smart, passionate, creative lawyers who are eager to learn and explore. We’re looking for those kinds of students,” says Anya Grossmann, the senior director of admissions for advanced degree programs at UC Berkeley School of Law.

5. Seek feedback and revise: Solicit feedback on your application materials from mentors, professors or admissions advisors. Revise your materials based on constructive feedback to ensure they are polished – and effectively convey your strengths and aspirations.

“Candidates should take care of whom they select to provide a letter of recommendation,” says UH Law’s Jones. “Recommendations should be provided by individuals in the best position to assess your skills and abilities such as professors from your first law degree program, managers, work supervisors or even colleagues.”


6. Overlook language proficiency: If English is not your native language, do not forget the importance of demonstrating language proficiency through standardized tests. Invest time and effort in preparing for language exams to ensure you meet minimum requirements.

7. Underestimate the importance of fit: Do not neglect the importance of demonstrating the fit and alignment with each LL.M. program you apply to. Research each law school thoroughly and articulate why you’ve selected that program for your academic and career aspirations.

“When a candidate does research and selects a school that is the best fit for their needs, they are in an ideal position to take advantage of all of the programs and resources available at that school,” says Sarah Gruzas, director of graduate and international programs at Boston University (BU) School of Law. “They can plan ahead to be sure they make the most of their time during the LL.M.”

8. Neglect interviews: If interviews are part of the application process, do not forsake preparation. Treat interviews as opportunities to showcase your strengths, enthusiasm and preparedness for the LL.M. course. 

9. Disregard instructions: Pay close attention to application instructions and ensure you comply with all requirements. Ignoring instructions or overlooking specific requirements may result in your application being rejected. 

10. Overlook networking opportunities: Take advantage of chances to connect with LL.M. students, alumni and faculty. Networking can provide valuable insights and support throughout the application process.

Finally, do not lose confidence in yourself or your abilities during the LL.M. application process. Stay focused and positive; this will give you the best shot at securing a coveted spot at your school of choice. 

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