Yale or Harvard?? That is the question


Hi. Even though Yale has already delivered most of its answers (if not all) and Harvard has not, it seems a good idea to exchange some ideas in this regard for those lucky ones who get admitted into both in 1 or 2 weeks.
I know there are a few threads about it but we could renew it.
Some say Yale because it is a smaller program and more selective. Others say Harvard because it is a bigger program, you get to know more people, better network and better course catalogue.
Do you think Yale is as prestigious as Harvard abroad? It seems as it could be more prestigious in the US but not outside.
Anyway............ please say what you think.

Hi. Even though Yale has already delivered most of its answers (if not all) and Harvard has not, it seems a good idea to exchange some ideas in this regard for those lucky ones who get admitted into both in 1 or 2 weeks.
I know there are a few threads about it but we could renew it.
Some say Yale because it is a smaller program and more selective. Others say Harvard because it is a bigger program, you get to know more people, better network and better course catalogue.
Do you think Yale is as prestigious as Harvard abroad? It seems as it could be more prestigious in the US but not outside.
Anyway............ please say what you think.

Hi. Even though Yale has already delivered most of its answers (if not all) and Harvard has not, it seems a good idea to exchange some ideas in this regard for those lucky ones who get admitted into both in 1 or 2 weeks.
I know there are a few threads about it but we could renew it.
Some say Yale because it is a smaller program and more selective. Others say Harvard because it is a bigger program, you get to know more people, better network and better course catalogue.
Do you think Yale is as prestigious as Harvard abroad? It seems as it could be more prestigious in the US but not outside.
Anyway............ please say what you think.

Hi Weggy, first of , congratulations on Yale! As you said, it is a very selective group of student, and i believe (and I think that you already know) that if you got into Yale you will most likely get accepted into HLS!

I think that the question you should be asking yourself its what type of lawyer you want to be( i know applications ask that but sometimes we just answer what they want to hear). If you want to go full academics, i believe Yale is your place. If you want to go academics and practice I believe HLS will be better for you.

As for your question on which one is more prestigious abroad, I think all depends on your audience. If you go to an intellectual circle of lawyers and discuss this in any country in the world, they will most likely concur that Yale is # 1, but if you go to a common business man, engineer or even your aunt, they will stand in awe if you say HLS.

My reco is that you think about the pros and cons of both schools and in the end lined them up with your interest and then decide. Also, if you can make them compete (for financial aid) , that will definitely be a plus!


<blockquote>Hi. Even though Yale has already delivered most of its answers (if not all) and Harvard has not, it seems a good idea to exchange some ideas in this regard for those lucky ones who get admitted into both in 1 or 2 weeks.
I know there are a few threads about it but we could renew it.
Some say Yale because it is a smaller program and more selective. Others say Harvard because it is a bigger program, you get to know more people, better network and better course catalogue.
Do you think Yale is as prestigious as Harvard abroad? It seems as it could be more prestigious in the US but not outside.
Anyway............ please say what you think.</blockquote>

Hi Weggy, first of , congratulations on Yale! As you said, it is a very selective group of student, and i believe (and I think that you already know) that if you got into Yale you will most likely get accepted into HLS!

I think that the question you should be asking yourself its what type of lawyer you want to be( i know applications ask that but sometimes we just answer what they want to hear). If you want to go full academics, i believe Yale is your place. If you want to go academics and practice I believe HLS will be better for you.

As for your question on which one is more prestigious abroad, I think all depends on your audience. If you go to an intellectual circle of lawyers and discuss this in any country in the world, they will most likely concur that Yale is # 1, but if you go to a common business man, engineer or even your aunt, they will stand in awe if you say HLS.

My reco is that you think about the pros and cons of both schools and in the end lined them up with your interest and then decide. Also, if you can make them compete (for financial aid) , that will definitely be a plus!


Thank you hotpursuit!
I am obviously very much into academics but I love practice. Not in law firms but for the government (judicial career).
Obviously you never know if you'll get into Harvard but, I was just wondering what I would do IF.
Saying NO to Yale seems unreal. But... also to Harvard if the case may be.
Some say Harvard is more law firm like.

Thank you hotpursuit!
I am obviously very much into academics but I love practice. Not in law firms but for the government (judicial career).
Obviously you never know if you'll get into Harvard but, I was just wondering what I would do IF.
Saying NO to Yale seems unreal. But... also to Harvard if the case may be.
Some say Harvard is more law firm like.

Thank you hotpursuit!
I am obviously very much into academics but I love practice. Not in law firms but for the government (judicial career).
Obviously you never know if you'll get into Harvard but, I was just wondering what I would do IF.
Saying NO to Yale seems unreal. But... also to Harvard if the case may be.
Some say Harvard is more law firm like.

Yes, you are in a good spot. From my point of view, Yale will make you more unique, taking in consideration the amount of graduates. I have a friend who said NO to HLS for a school not even ranked in the top 15, he did it because he was interested in a field that that second school was developing more, never heard of someone saying no to YLS, in fact, i do not know more than 5 people that have been accepted.


<blockquote>Thank you hotpursuit!
I am obviously very much into academics but I love practice. Not in law firms but for the government (judicial career).
Obviously you never know if you'll get into Harvard but, I was just wondering what I would do IF.
Saying NO to Yale seems unreal. But... also to Harvard if the case may be.
Some say Harvard is more law firm like.</blockquote>

Yes, you are in a good spot. From my point of view, Yale will make you more unique, taking in consideration the amount of graduates. I have a friend who said NO to HLS for a school not even ranked in the top 15, he did it because he was interested in a field that that second school was developing more, never heard of someone saying no to YLS, in fact, i do not know more than 5 people that have been accepted.



Thank you again for your insights!
It would be a tough one. And, even though the decision will not depend on that, it cannot be denied that Boston is infinitely much nicer than New Haven.

Thank you again for your insights!
It would be a tough one. And, even though the decision will not depend on that, it cannot be denied that Boston is infinitely much nicer than New Haven.

Well, Yale has already sent decisions and so has Harvard. Now that all the pieces are on the table I thought it was a good idea to revive this discussion, since I am having a hard time making my mind and I guess there are others in this situation.

Well, Yale has already sent decisions and so has Harvard. Now that all the pieces are on the table I thought it was a good idea to revive this discussion, since I am having a hard time making my mind and I guess there are others in this situation.

Well, Yale has already sent decisions and so has Harvard. Now that all the pieces are on the table I thought it was a good idea to revive this discussion, since I am having a hard time making my mind and I guess there are others in this situation.

Hahahaha. What did I tell you Weggy. If you get into YLS you will most likely get into HLS. CONGRATS! I already gave you my input,so,just let us know what you decide and why!

Best of luck!

<blockquote>Well, Yale has already sent decisions and so has Harvard. Now that all the pieces are on the table I thought it was a good idea to revive this discussion, since I am having a hard time making my mind and I guess there are others in this situation.</blockquote>

Hahahaha. What did I tell you Weggy. If you get into YLS you will most likely get into HLS. CONGRATS! I already gave you my input,so,just let us know what you decide and why!

Best of luck!

I guess you were right hotpursuit!! I will certainly let you know when I make my mind!!! The good thing: it is not possible to make a wrong decision. The bad thing: it is not possible to make a good decision. HEHE.

I guess you were right hotpursuit!! I will certainly let you know when I make my mind!!! The good thing: it is not possible to make a wrong decision. The bad thing: it is not possible to make a good decision. HEHE.

Speaking personally, I would pick Yale without a moment's hesitation. The main reason for this is that I would like to pursue an academic career, and I think Yale's small-class size and explicit focus on "training academics" would clinch it for me. It is one of those "snowball effects" because it is ranked #1, people usually choose it, and that makes it more interesting to be part of.

That said, if you don't want to be an academic, or are more interested in "prestige" in a non-specific way, then Harvard would be just as good or better. Surely Boston, if sleepy, is nicer than New Haven. Harvard also probably offers more classes simply due to the larger enrollment, and if you intend to specialize for purposes of legal practice, then I would lean towards Harvard in that case.

Speaking personally, I would pick Yale without a moment's hesitation. The main reason for this is that I would like to pursue an academic career, and I think Yale's small-class size and explicit focus on "training academics" would clinch it for me. It is one of those "snowball effects" because it is ranked #1, people usually choose it, and that makes it more interesting to be part of.

That said, if you don't want to be an academic, or are more interested in "prestige" in a non-specific way, then Harvard would be just as good or better. Surely Boston, if sleepy, is nicer than New Haven. Harvard also probably offers more classes simply due to the larger enrollment, and if you intend to specialize for purposes of legal practice, then I would lean towards Harvard in that case.


I agree with all the previous advice. It all depends on for what do you want the LLM. In my case, Im debuting as a law professor and I wish to continue in academia. As such, Yale was my first choice. But, I didnt get the call. I passed on Columbia because it's too wall street oriented. So, I'll be accepting HLS's offer of admission. From what I hear, Yale is for professors, HLS is for practicing lawyers. But those are generalizations. I wanted Yale, I got Harvard. No complaints. You got both, wow, first enjoy the news and then go back to the original question...what are your plans with respect to law. Oh well, just my two cents.

I agree with all the previous advice. It all depends on for what do you want the LLM. In my case, Im debuting as a law professor and I wish to continue in academia. As such, Yale was my first choice. But, I didnt get the call. I passed on Columbia because it's too wall street oriented. So, I'll be accepting HLS's offer of admission. From what I hear, Yale is for professors, HLS is for practicing lawyers. But those are generalizations. I wanted Yale, I got Harvard. No complaints. You got both, wow, first enjoy the news and then go back to the original question...what are your plans with respect to law. Oh well, just my two cents.

Thank you! The issue is that I am 50% practice and 50% academia. I am a law clerk and also a professor interested in developing both aspects. Practice in government (judicial career) and the teaching career. Tough one. 50% Yale 50% Harvard. Oops.

Thank you! The issue is that I am 50% practice and 50% academia. I am a law clerk and also a professor interested in developing both aspects. Practice in government (judicial career) and the teaching career. Tough one. 50% Yale 50% Harvard. Oops.

ad JDD: "...Harvard also probably offers more classes simply due to the larger enrollment, and if you intend to specialize for purposes of legal practice, then I would lean towards Harvard in that case."

Just comparing the list of courses that appear on the respective schools' websites, I conclude that YLS offers a higher number of courses (182 a term) versus 372 for two terms at HLS. But then again, the YLS list includes "Journals" - do you think there is really a difference in the amount/diversity of the academic offering between YLS and HLS - I would be interested to know what you think?

ad JDD: "...Harvard also probably offers more classes simply due to the larger enrollment, and if you intend to specialize for purposes of legal practice, then I would lean towards Harvard in that case."

Just comparing the list of courses that appear on the respective schools' websites, I conclude that YLS offers a higher number of courses (182 a term) versus 372 for two terms at HLS. But then again, the YLS list includes "Journals" - do you think there is really a difference in the amount/diversity of the academic offering between YLS and HLS - I would be interested to know what you think?

Tough question:

Yale (scholarship so that there is 20.000 dollar to pay)


Harvard (scholarship so that there is nothing to pay)?

Interests manly in in academics; reform of the judicial system, (comparative) constitutional law, law and economics and admistrative law.

Tough question:

Yale (scholarship so that there is 20.000 dollar to pay)


Harvard (scholarship so that there is nothing to pay)?

Interests manly in in academics; reform of the judicial system, (comparative) constitutional law, law and economics and admistrative law.

Hello all,

And congrats!!

I'm in the same (very fortunate!) position - I've been admitted to Yale and Harvard LL.M. and am having a hard time choosing. I'm leaning more towards Yale at the moment because it seems like the intellectual experience would be unrivaled; that seems impossible to turn down. But I do wonder whether Harvard's larger community would be a plus, too - in terms of both socializing and networking.

... We have a couple weeks left to make up our minds!

Hello all,

And congrats!!

I'm in the same (very fortunate!) position - I've been admitted to Yale and Harvard LL.M. and am having a hard time choosing. I'm leaning more towards Yale at the moment because it seems like the intellectual experience would be unrivaled; that seems impossible to turn down. But I do wonder whether Harvard's larger community would be a plus, too - in terms of both socializing and networking.

... We have a couple weeks left to make up our minds!

Q - I'm interested in that too. I did my homework when putting my applications together, looking through all the courses, the faculty etc - but I need to refresh my memory before deciding! I just went through Yale's course list and will do the same for Harvard asap. Will post my impressions.

ad JDD: "...Harvard also probably offers more classes simply due to the larger enrollment, and if you intend to specialize for purposes of legal practice, then I would lean towards Harvard in that case."

Just comparing the list of courses that appear on the respective schools' websites, I conclude that YLS offers a higher number of courses (182 a term) versus 372 for two terms at HLS. But then again, the YLS list includes "Journals" - do you think there is really a difference in the amount/diversity of the academic offering between YLS and HLS - I would be interested to know what you think?

Q - I'm interested in that too. I did my homework when putting my applications together, looking through all the courses, the faculty etc - but I need to refresh my memory before deciding! I just went through Yale's course list and will do the same for Harvard asap. Will post my impressions.

<blockquote>ad JDD: "...Harvard also probably offers more classes simply due to the larger enrollment, and if you intend to specialize for purposes of legal practice, then I would lean towards Harvard in that case."

Just comparing the list of courses that appear on the respective schools' websites, I conclude that YLS offers a higher number of courses (182 a term) versus 372 for two terms at HLS. But then again, the YLS list includes "Journals" - do you think there is really a difference in the amount/diversity of the academic offering between YLS and HLS - I would be interested to know what you think?</blockquote>

I suggest to contact current LLM students at Harvard and at Yale...

I suggest to contact current LLM students at Harvard and at Yale...

braolo, you went to Yale right? What do you think? Can you tell your experience?

braolo, you went to Yale right? What do you think? Can you tell your experience?

just one word...UNIQUE...

just one word...UNIQUE...

That word makes me wanna know more!!! Could you please enter into some detail?
What about life in New Haven? Would you reject Harvard again choosing Yale over Harvard one more time?
Thank you!

That word makes me wanna know more!!! Could you please enter into some detail?
What about life in New Haven? Would you reject Harvard again choosing Yale over Harvard one more time?
Thank you!



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