USC Gould #1 Law School in Entertainment


USC Gould #1 Law School in Entertainment: The Hollywood Reporter May 31, 2013

The Hollywood Reporter has ranked USC Gould first among law schools for entertainment in the seventh annual Top 100 Power Lawyers list. This list is compiled by the venerable entertainment magazine.

USC Goulds LLM Entertainment Law Certificate Program offers skills-based courses in film, television, music, digital media, visual arts and sports.

LLM students intern at leading entertainment law firms, studios, television networks and record labels in the LA.

Our Entertainment Law and Business Institute draws more than 650 entertainment professionals & will be held on October 5 on the USC campus. Registration is free for our LLMs.

USC Gould #1 Law School in Entertainment: The Hollywood Reporter – May 31, 2013

The Hollywood Reporter has ranked USC Gould first among law schools for entertainment in the seventh annual “Top 100 Power Lawyers” list. This list is compiled by the venerable entertainment magazine.

USC Gould’s LLM Entertainment Law Certificate Program offers skills-based courses in film, television, music, digital media, visual arts and sports.

LLM students intern at leading entertainment law firms, studios, television networks and record labels in the LA.

Our Entertainment Law and Business Institute draws more than 650 entertainment professionals & will be held on October 5 on the USC campus. Registration is free for our LLMs.

USC is a great law school with a top notch entertainment law program but in the LA area, I think, overall, UCLA has a slight edge, in large part, I think, because of its location.

USC is a great law school with a top notch entertainment law program but in the LA area, I think, overall, UCLA has a slight edge, in large part, I think, because of its location.

UCLA is located in the immediate vicinity of Hollywood, Bel Air and Beverly Hills. I have colleagues on the entertainment track and they are absolutely loving it. I've thus far seen 2 major celebrities on-campus. Our professors are frequently asked to do reviews for movies before they come out to achieve a balance between fact and fiction.

I don't know why you'd go to USC, I didn't even bother applying to it. Just 2 weeks ago there was a major shooting incident a block away from USC's campus. I would not recommend it. I'm sure it has its positives but I just wouldn't feel comfortable.

Also its about accepted into a certain culture. UCLA's culture is built around giving back to the community and the world whilst being successful; it's about helping each other and making the world a better place to live. From a safe distance, I get the impression that USC's ethos is 'win at any cost' and that just doesn't sit well with my conscious at least.

Just my two cents, I'm happy to be wrong :-)

UCLA is located in the immediate vicinity of Hollywood, Bel Air and Beverly Hills. I have colleagues on the entertainment track and they are absolutely loving it. I've thus far seen 2 major celebrities on-campus. Our professors are frequently asked to do reviews for movies before they come out to achieve a balance between fact and fiction.

I don't know why you'd go to USC, I didn't even bother applying to it. Just 2 weeks ago there was a major shooting incident a block away from USC's campus. I would not recommend it. I'm sure it has its positives but I just wouldn't feel comfortable.

Also its about accepted into a certain culture. UCLA's culture is built around giving back to the community and the world whilst being successful; it's about helping each other and making the world a better place to live. From a safe distance, I get the impression that USC's ethos is 'win at any cost' and that just doesn't sit well with my conscious at least.

Just my two cents, I'm happy to be wrong :-)

I went to USC and I loved it. I know that there is a big rivalry between our schools but your post seems really biased. USC and UCLA are both great law schools. They have great faculty and great entertainment programs. USC has the #1 Cinematic Arts school in the country with many celebrities (if that is what you are looking for). They had their sold-out Entertainment Law & Business Institute just this weekend. Big American cities have crime unfortunately. USC doesn't smear UCLA like you have but since you bring it up have a look at Business Insider 2012 article on the most dangerous colleges in America. USC isn't on the list. USC gives back to the community - over $50 million every year. Both are great schools. I am glad you had a great experience at UCLA. I had a great experience at USC.

I went to USC and I loved it. I know that there is a big rivalry between our schools but your post seems really biased. USC and UCLA are both great law schools. They have great faculty and great entertainment programs. USC has the #1 Cinematic Arts school in the country with many celebrities (if that is what you are looking for). They had their sold-out Entertainment Law & Business Institute just this weekend. Big American cities have crime unfortunately. USC doesn't smear UCLA like you have but since you bring it up have a look at Business Insider 2012 article on the most dangerous colleges in America. USC isn't on the list. USC gives back to the community - over $50 million every year. Both are great schools. I am glad you had a great experience at UCLA. I had a great experience at USC.

"LLM students intern at leading entertainment law firms, studios, television networks and record labels in the LA."

How does that work with a student visa? I've heard that other than campus work, it's difficult with a F1 Visa.

"LLM students intern at leading entertainment law firms, studios, television networks and record labels in the LA."

How does that work with a student visa? I've heard that other than campus work, it's difficult with a F1 Visa.

I went to USC and I loved it. I know that there is a big rivalry between our schools but your post seems really biased. USC and UCLA are both great law schools. They have great faculty and great entertainment programs. USC has the #1 Cinematic Arts school in the country with many celebrities (if that is what you are looking for). They had their sold-out Entertainment Law & Business Institute just this weekend. Big American cities have crime unfortunately. USC doesn't smear UCLA like you have but since you bring it up have a look at Business Insider 2012 article on the most dangerous colleges in America. USC isn't on the list. USC gives back to the community - over $50 million every year. Both are great schools. I am glad you had a great experience at UCLA. I had a great experience at USC.

I did not mean to smear but I was merely professing my ignorance of the program from an international student's perspective and concern about safety in that area of the town. Locally in LA, it seems to be quite well known and I hope crime rates lower. I'm glad you had a good time though - LA is an awesome place to be! Love the weather!

<blockquote>I went to USC and I loved it. I know that there is a big rivalry between our schools but your post seems really biased. USC and UCLA are both great law schools. They have great faculty and great entertainment programs. USC has the #1 Cinematic Arts school in the country with many celebrities (if that is what you are looking for). They had their sold-out Entertainment Law & Business Institute just this weekend. Big American cities have crime unfortunately. USC doesn't smear UCLA like you have but since you bring it up have a look at Business Insider 2012 article on the most dangerous colleges in America. USC isn't on the list. USC gives back to the community - over $50 million every year. Both are great schools. I am glad you had a great experience at UCLA. I had a great experience at USC.</blockquote>

I did not mean to smear but I was merely professing my ignorance of the program from an international student's perspective and concern about safety in that area of the town. Locally in LA, it seems to be quite well known and I hope crime rates lower. I'm glad you had a good time though - LA is an awesome place to be! Love the weather!

Worldwide reputation rankings.

Worldwide reputation rankings.

USC underreported sexual assaults,0,2021235.story

USC underreported sexual assaults

USC underreported sexual assaults

If you want to base your law school decision on news like that: Good luck...

By the way, I'm not sure if you do your alma mater UCLA a favor with this kind of competitor bashing.


USC underreported sexual assaults</blockquote>

If you want to base your law school decision on news like that: Good luck...

By the way, I'm not sure if you do your alma mater UCLA a favor with this kind of competitor bashing.

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