UCLA Fall 2016

Inactive User

Don't take in account harsh or cocky comments. I think this thread has lost its main purpose which is talking about UCLA applications and decisions!
I'll appreciate helpful comments, but those based on misconceptions are completely out of my consideration.You should think that way too Emily ;)

You're right. I need to work on my ability to overlook such comments, I'm sure I will encounter such arrogance countless times again - especially at law school!

In any case, UCLA are releasing admissions from late January and the wait is killing me! At what point does it become 'late' January???

Don't take in account harsh or cocky comments. I think this thread has lost its main purpose which is talking about UCLA applications and decisions!
I'll appreciate helpful comments, but those based on misconceptions are completely out of my consideration.You should think that way too Emily ;)</blockquote>

You're right. I need to work on my ability to overlook such comments, I'm sure I will encounter such arrogance countless times again - especially at law school!

In any case, UCLA are releasing admissions from late January and the wait is killing me! At what point does it become 'late' January???

Emily - If I previously upset you, it was not my intent. I apologize.

One thing I firmly believe now is that schools are just using these LLM programs to help compensate for reduced enrollment in the JD programs. I don't know if what we actually get out of the program is commensurate with the cost.

As for any rivalry between SLS and Berkeley I could care less. I don't have time to deal with that sort of nonsense. What I can tell you about Berkeley is that likely is the epicenter of political correctness run amok and multi-culti taken to the Nth degree and all the negatives associated with that and few of the positives. I have never seen such "group think" in practice anywhere in my life.

Did you ever read the book 1984 by George Orwell? Heaven forbid if you don't think exactly like they do. You will be ostracized like you can't believe. Their political bias is unbelievably strong. It seems to them more government and control over your life is the answer to everything. Think of the control Brussels and the micromanages there try and exert on the EU. No wonder the UK is considering the Brexit.

This could be a great school though for someone who believes in Socialism, Marxism and Communism. I personally think in the real world most of these fail pretty quickly since individual excellence really isn't rewarded and so often you end up taken care of people who are too lazy to work for themselves. I think we should take care of people that truly need help but only to the extent it doesn't jeopardize our own lives and safety.

UCLA is a bit more mainstream in this area as is USC but California in a general has a strong bias this and it is evident in the local governments.

One thing I can say about SLS is that most of my professors actually worked in their fields before teaching. They didn't live their entire lives in the bubble of academia so typically have good insight into how things really work rather than just a theoretical approach. There is a big difference between someone who is a professor of criminal law and one who becomes a professor after being a federal prosecutor for some time.

I would strongly encourage everyone to do the research into who your professors will be. That is one thing I am very thankful I did. Keep in mind that the way the scheduling works though there may be some classes you really want to take that conflict with each other their scheduled times and may only be offered for one term. That is one of my biggest issues so far. Too often I have been forced to decide between 2 course, both of which I really want to take but they are on the same days and at the same time.

Emily - If I previously upset you, it was not my intent. I apologize.

One thing I firmly believe now is that schools are just using these LLM programs to help compensate for reduced enrollment in the JD programs. I don't know if what we actually get out of the program is commensurate with the cost.

As for any rivalry between SLS and Berkeley I could care less. I don't have time to deal with that sort of nonsense. What I can tell you about Berkeley is that likely is the epicenter of political correctness run amok and multi-culti taken to the Nth degree and all the negatives associated with that and few of the positives. I have never seen such "group think" in practice anywhere in my life.

Did you ever read the book 1984 by George Orwell? Heaven forbid if you don't think exactly like they do. You will be ostracized like you can't believe. Their political bias is unbelievably strong. It seems to them more government and control over your life is the answer to everything. Think of the control Brussels and the micromanages there try and exert on the EU. No wonder the UK is considering the Brexit.

This could be a great school though for someone who believes in Socialism, Marxism and Communism. I personally think in the real world most of these fail pretty quickly since individual excellence really isn't rewarded and so often you end up taken care of people who are too lazy to work for themselves. I think we should take care of people that truly need help but only to the extent it doesn't jeopardize our own lives and safety.

UCLA is a bit more mainstream in this area as is USC but California in a general has a strong bias this and it is evident in the local governments.

One thing I can say about SLS is that most of my professors actually worked in their fields before teaching. They didn't live their entire lives in the bubble of academia so typically have good insight into how things really work rather than just a theoretical approach. There is a big difference between someone who is a professor of criminal law and one who becomes a professor after being a federal prosecutor for some time.

I would strongly encourage everyone to do the research into who your professors will be. That is one thing I am very thankful I did. Keep in mind that the way the scheduling works though there may be some classes you really want to take that conflict with each other their scheduled times and may only be offered for one term. That is one of my biggest issues so far. Too often I have been forced to decide between 2 course, both of which I really want to take but they are on the same days and at the same time.

Just one quick thing to add. While I may come across pessimistic, the situation is likely worse than I convey with respect to job opportunities in the US. I have spoken to several companies/firms and they generally ignore LLMs even for unpaid internships, let along jobs.

I researched this pretty thoroughly and I thought I was prepared for how bad it might be. It is even worse. One thing I'll encourage everyone is to start networking they day you get here, even before classes start. Most JDs aren't going to like you as they consider you either a hindrance or competing for "their" jobs. No matter how vast and competent your legal career has been, they are likely going to look at you smugly and think they are superior to you! I have talked to numerous LLMs from other schools (Berkeley, UCLA, USC, UC Hastings, UPenn, NYU and Chicago) and it is pretty much the same everywhere. Nothing is going handed to you like often it is to the JDs at the top schools, you are going to have to fight for every little scrap you get.

One last thing I'll say about SLS though, they do try to help you with setting up mock interviews, CV classes to ensure it is aligned with US standards. They have very good classes to help as well with interviews, looking for opportunities and the people in these position genuinely seem to care.

Just one quick thing to add. While I may come across pessimistic, the situation is likely worse than I convey with respect to job opportunities in the US. I have spoken to several companies/firms and they generally ignore LLMs even for unpaid internships, let along jobs.

I researched this pretty thoroughly and I thought I was prepared for how bad it might be. It is even worse. One thing I'll encourage everyone is to start networking they day you get here, even before classes start. Most JDs aren't going to like you as they consider you either a hindrance or competing for "their" jobs. No matter how vast and competent your legal career has been, they are likely going to look at you smugly and think they are superior to you! I have talked to numerous LLMs from other schools (Berkeley, UCLA, USC, UC Hastings, UPenn, NYU and Chicago) and it is pretty much the same everywhere. Nothing is going handed to you like often it is to the JDs at the top schools, you are going to have to fight for every little scrap you get.

One last thing I'll say about SLS though, they do try to help you with setting up mock interviews, CV classes to ensure it is aligned with US standards. They have very good classes to help as well with interviews, looking for opportunities and the people in these position genuinely seem to care.

Don't take in account harsh or cocky comments. I think this thread has lost its main purpose which is talking about UCLA applications and decisions!
I'll appreciate helpful comments, but those based on misconceptions are completely out of my consideration.You should think that way too Emily ;)

You're right. I need to work on my ability to overlook such comments, I'm sure I will encounter such arrogance countless times again - especially at law school!

In any case, UCLA are releasing admissions from late January and the wait is killing me! At what point does it become 'late' January???

I've looked past threads and many people started to receive UCLA e-mails by February. I think we should wait until then, but in my case I really don't know when am I going to have that response. I applied 2 days ago

Don't take in account harsh or cocky comments. I think this thread has lost its main purpose which is talking about UCLA applications and decisions!
I'll appreciate helpful comments, but those based on misconceptions are completely out of my consideration.You should think that way too Emily ;)</blockquote>

You're right. I need to work on my ability to overlook such comments, I'm sure I will encounter such arrogance countless times again - especially at law school!

In any case, UCLA are releasing admissions from late January and the wait is killing me! At what point does it become 'late' January???</blockquote>

I've looked past threads and many people started to receive UCLA e-mails by February. I think we should wait until then, but in my case I really don't know when am I going to have that response. I applied 2 days ago

So, I believe this week is the week of decisions. It's getting hard to wait day by day.

So, I believe this week is the week of decisions. It's getting hard to wait day by day.

Hi everyone,

I applied for UCLA through Lsac. However, it is impossible to pay the fee application for Ucla through LSAC. Could someone explain me how I can pay this fee to the School ?

Thanks you

Hi everyone,

I applied for UCLA through Lsac. However, it is impossible to pay the fee application for Ucla through LSAC. Could someone explain me how I can pay this fee to the School ?

Thanks you

UCLA has waived the application fee. "As a courtesy and to help applicants offset this cost (LSAC fees), we have waived UCLA's separate $75 application fee for all applicants to our LL.M. Program."

UCLA has waived the application fee. "As a courtesy and to help applicants offset this cost (LSAC fees), we have waived UCLA's separate $75 application fee for all applicants to our LL.M. Program."
Inactive User

I guess no one has heard then. I looked earlier and saw that the first person who posted an admissions decision last year wasn't until February 13th. I'm afraid we'll have to wait another two weeks!

I guess no one has heard then. I looked earlier and saw that the first person who posted an admissions decision last year wasn't until February 13th. I'm afraid we'll have to wait another two weeks!

I guess no one has heard then. I looked earlier and saw that the first person who posted an admissions decision last year wasn't until February 13th. I'm afraid we'll have to wait another two weeks!

I agree with you emily717. Additionally, today is the last weekday of "late January."

<blockquote>I guess no one has heard then. I looked earlier and saw that the first person who posted an admissions decision last year wasn't until February 13th. I'm afraid we'll have to wait another two weeks!</blockquote>

I agree with you emily717. Additionally, today is the last weekday of "late January."
Inactive User

Yes that's what I was thinking. Alas! The wait continues!! Kill me now.

Yes that's what I was thinking. Alas! The wait continues!! Kill me now.

Looks like in the past (based on an obsessive review of past message boards), the first wave of acceptances have come in early-to-mid February on a Friday around 5 PM PST. Still...fingers crossed something happens today!

Looks like in the past (based on an obsessive review of past message boards), the first wave of acceptances have come in early-to-mid February on a Friday around 5 PM PST. Still...fingers crossed something happens today!
Inactive User

Looks like in the past (based on an obsessive review of past message boards), the first wave of acceptances have come in early-to-mid February on a Friday around 5 PM PST. Still...fingers crossed something happens today!

I love the precision of the exact time you have nailed it down to throughout your site review! I admit I haven't managed quite such specificity. But that's definitely good to know ... Two weeks from now I'll be hanging on by a thread.

<blockquote>Looks like in the past (based on an obsessive review of past message boards), the first wave of acceptances have come in early-to-mid February on a Friday around 5 PM PST. Still...fingers crossed something happens today!</blockquote>

I love the precision of the exact time you have nailed it down to throughout your site review! I admit I haven't managed quite such specificity. But that's definitely good to know ... Two weeks from now I'll be hanging on by a thread.

Hi everyone!
Has anyone got the decision e-mail? It's February!

Hi everyone!
Has anyone got the decision e-mail? It's February!

Hi everyone!
Has anyone got the decision e-mail? It's February!

Nothing yet :(

<blockquote>Hi everyone!
Has anyone got the decision e-mail? It's February!

Nothing yet :(
Inactive User

In light of their past actions, I imagine we won't receive any news until February 12th. :( so long.

In light of their past actions, I imagine we won't receive any news until February 12th. :( so long.

Now, I'm sick and tired of updating my inbox every single moment... Hope that we hear some good news within this week.

Now, I'm sick and tired of updating my inbox every single moment... Hope that we hear some good news within this week.

Good luck everybody! We have to be patient, UCLA has never made their decisions quickly and this year isn't an exception :s

Good luck everybody! We have to be patient, UCLA has never made their decisions quickly and this year isn't an exception :s

Should we expect anything today?

Should we expect anything today?
Inactive User

Should we expect anything today?

I think there is a consensus now that we won't be hearing until Friday 12th unfortunately!

<blockquote>Should we expect anything today? </blockquote>

I think there is a consensus now that we won't be hearing until Friday 12th unfortunately!

I emailed them yesterday morning on the waiting time of admission decisions, no response yet...

I emailed them yesterday morning on the waiting time of admission decisions, no response yet...

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