Survey - People who got into NYU's LLM


Just so we get a sense of their admissions requirements, please provide your school (or range to be anonymous) and GPA (edit: cancel that, provide your approximate class rank instead). Include anything else you think is important too.

Just so we get a sense of their admissions requirements, please provide your school (or range to be anonymous) and GPA (edit: cancel that, provide your approximate class rank instead). Include anything else you think is important too.

Second tier American law school. Top 10%.

Second tier American law school. Top 10%.

I am a current student of one of top4 Russian law schools.
Top grades in all subjects (Russian schools don't rank students), LSAC put it as "superior quality of academic record".
No work experience (just a few short internships). Participated in student conferences, discussion clubs.
115 on TOEFL.

Nothing too special, but I was accepted.

I am a current student of one of top4 Russian law schools.
Top grades in all subjects (Russian schools don't rank students), LSAC put it as "superior quality of academic record".
No work experience (just a few short internships). Participated in student conferences, discussion clubs.
115 on TOEFL.

Nothing too special, but I was accepted.

Top 4% from the best university in Israel. One year work experience (internship).

Top 4% from the best university in Israel. One year work experience (internship).


Just to be clear, are we talking about int'l LLM, domestic tax, or international tax?

I'm domestic tax, T2, top 5%, law review editor (not EIC). I responded to a few of the OP's other posts, but I want to put as much info as possible out into the world...

Just to be clear, are we talking about int'l LLM, domestic tax, or international tax?

I'm domestic tax, T2, top 5%, law review editor (not EIC). I responded to a few of the OP's other posts, but I want to put as much info as possible out into the world...


Just got my acceptance today!
Class Rank: 3 out of 84 (tier 4)
Law Review Assistant Articles Editor
6 Top Grade Awards
Deans List (all semesters)
Judicial Intern
Research Assistant
Federal Clerkship (Bankruptcy)

Just got my acceptance today!
Class Rank: 3 out of 84 (tier 4)
Law Review Assistant Articles Editor
6 Top Grade Awards
Dean’s List (all semesters)
Judicial Intern
Research Assistant
Federal Clerkship (Bankruptcy)

Dear Baffonz

My background
Top 40% LLB from prestigious law school;
2 year corporate experience;
dean assistant; journal editor; other extra-curricular

I read your posts from the blog that got cut and my thoughts are (please refer to Baffonz's original posts in "Do top LLM programs admit a lot of TWTs?" The administrator cut the post):

You shouldn't be so concerned about who else got in. Most LLM programs from top US law schools are restricted to foreign lawyers because they want to promote their law school to the top lawyers of other countries. And from what I gather, most/all admitted candidates to top programs are impressive one way or another. Admittedly, Harvard admitted candidate might be better than candidates to NYU or Berkely.

I disagree with your opinon/view that foreign lawyers are somehow inferior to US trained lawyers. The study/practice of law is a jurisdictionally based endeavour and as such, it is somewhat a futile pursuit to compare the quality of lawyers/law school from one country to another. That's why they have international ranking for MBAs but not for law schools.

Your previous posts were somewhat bias and prejudicial towards foreign lawyers. At least you derided their qualifications. Let me tell you (at least for my country), the admitted candidates to top law programs in US/UK are of the highest quality: top law school, clerked for judges, top teir experience etc. They have all demonstrated leadership potential one way or another. At the very least, objective admission officers thought they were just as qualified/if not more than you.

The purpose of LLMs are so that foreign lawyers can study US law. In doing so the universities can extend their network overseas and improve their profile/ extend American jurisprudence. Therefore, top LLMs generally don't care for US candidates who weren't good enough to get into a prestigious US JD and wants to do a LLM from the brand name, just to put on their CV: ie YOU. Law schools such as UPenn & Chicago advertise that US applicants can not be admitted to the LLM unless they show (amongst other things) that they would have been good enough to get into a top JD (high LSAT/GPA).

You claim that you are concerned about having to do LLM with candidates from "Third World Toillettes" (as you so eliquently put it); maybe foreign candidates should be concerned that they have to do their LLM with second rate JD graduates who just plainly weren't good enough to cut-it in the first place.

Most of the people I know that are doing/did LLM in US top schools laugh at people like you: clown college US JD graduates with third-rate legal experience.

Dear Baffonz

My background
Top 40% LLB from prestigious law school;
2 year corporate experience;
dean assistant; journal editor; other extra-curricular

I read your posts from the blog that got cut and my thoughts are (please refer to Baffonz's original posts in "Do top LLM programs admit a lot of TWTs?" The administrator cut the post):

You shouldn't be so concerned about who else got in. Most LLM programs from top US law schools are restricted to foreign lawyers because they want to promote their law school to the top lawyers of other countries. And from what I gather, most/all admitted candidates to top programs are impressive one way or another. Admittedly, Harvard admitted candidate might be better than candidates to NYU or Berkely.

I disagree with your opinon/view that foreign lawyers are somehow inferior to US trained lawyers. The study/practice of law is a jurisdictionally based endeavour and as such, it is somewhat a futile pursuit to compare the quality of lawyers/law school from one country to another. That's why they have international ranking for MBAs but not for law schools.

Your previous posts were somewhat bias and prejudicial towards foreign lawyers. At least you derided their qualifications. Let me tell you (at least for my country), the admitted candidates to top law programs in US/UK are of the highest quality: top law school, clerked for judges, top teir experience etc. They have all demonstrated leadership potential one way or another. At the very least, objective admission officers thought they were just as qualified/if not more than you.

The purpose of LLMs are so that foreign lawyers can study US law. In doing so the universities can extend their network overseas and improve their profile/ extend American jurisprudence. Therefore, top LLMs generally don't care for US candidates who weren't good enough to get into a prestigious US JD and wants to do a LLM from the brand name, just to put on their CV: ie YOU. Law schools such as UPenn & Chicago advertise that US applicants can not be admitted to the LLM unless they show (amongst other things) that they would have been good enough to get into a top JD (high LSAT/GPA).

You claim that you are concerned about having to do LLM with candidates from "Third World Toillettes" (as you so eliquently put it); maybe foreign candidates should be concerned that they have to do their LLM with second rate JD graduates who just plainly weren't good enough to cut-it in the first place.

Most of the people I know that are doing/did LLM in US top schools laugh at people like you: clown college US JD graduates with third-rate legal experience.

Exactly what does your rambling attack on Baffonz have to do with what qualifications people who have gotten into NYU have? If the two of you want to fight, please take it elsewhere.

Exactly what does your rambling attack on Baffonz have to do with what qualifications people who have gotten into NYU have? If the two of you want to fight, please take it elsewhere.

Look at this and you'll understand

Look at this and you'll understand

So far everyone seems like very high achievers. Top of the class and such, with extra-curriculars.

Are all of NYU's LLM students like this, or are the less accomplished ones too embarrassed to respond to this post?

So far everyone seems like very high achievers. Top of the class and such, with extra-curriculars.

Are all of NYU's LLM students like this, or are the less accomplished ones too embarrassed to respond to this post?

"I disagree with your opinon/view that foreign lawyers are somehow inferior to US trained lawyers. "

I never said this. I talked about foreign lawyers from bad schools (like xxx country upstairs law school and goat breeding academy) who were being admitted solely due to a high TOEFL score (which is easy to cheat in some other countries.)

lol. I just read the rest of AL's post. Relax. We're all just having fun. Oh, and don't delete that. Good stuff.

"I disagree with your opinon/view that foreign lawyers are somehow inferior to US trained lawyers. "

I never said this. I talked about foreign lawyers from bad schools (like xxx country upstairs law school and goat breeding academy) who were being admitted solely due to a high TOEFL score (which is easy to cheat in some other countries.)

lol. I just read the rest of AL's post. Relax. We're all just having fun. Oh, and don't delete that. Good stuff.

I never said this. I talked about foreign lawyers from bad schools (like xxx country upstairs law school and goat breeding academy) who were being admitted solely due to a high TOEFL score (which is easy to cheat in some other countries.)

How can you possibly know if the school is good or bad unless you are an attorney practising in that particular country?
And as far as I remember the whole application process, schools are interested not only in the TOEFL score, they want personal statement, letters of recommendation and the transcripts. TOEFL is regarded on pass/fail basis, I assume. If a candidate has the required minimum they continue reviewing it.

<blockquote>I never said this. I talked about foreign lawyers from bad schools (like xxx country upstairs law school and goat breeding academy) who were being admitted solely due to a high TOEFL score (which is easy to cheat in some other countries.) </blockquote>

How can you possibly know if the school is good or bad unless you are an attorney practising in that particular country?
And as far as I remember the whole application process, schools are interested not only in the TOEFL score, they want personal statement, letters of recommendation and the transcripts. TOEFL is regarded on pass/fail basis, I assume. If a candidate has the required minimum they continue reviewing it.

Any more responses?

Any more responses?


Ranked 1st out of 150 on my LLB class with special commendation..
from a uni currently rated 20th in the UK (top 15% for research)
I speak 4 languages (3 of them excellent)
no work experience.


Ranked 1st out of 150 on my LLB class with special commendation..
from a uni currently rated 20th in the UK (top 15% for research)
I speak 4 languages (3 of them excellent)
no work experience.

Wow. I'm feeling better and better about my NYU admission.

Wow. I'm feeling better and better about my NYU admission.

I talked about foreign lawyers from bad schools (like xxx country upstairs law school and goat breeding academy) who were being admitted solely due to a high TOEFL score (which is easy to cheat in some other countries.)

Are you joking??? what top US law school accepts candidates solely based on their high TOEFL scores? It is specifically mentioned that the TOEFL score is merely meant to show that you possess a sufficient level of the English language, nothing more. Your grades, academic and professional experience are the parameters that schools look at when you are considered.

And please, don't get me started on the rest of the things you so "kindly" wrote here. The universities in my country are well known and appreciated throughout the world and the LLM students who go to top US law schools do not fall from their American law students peers, in any way.
On the contrary, you using the words "third world toiletts" demonstrates how ignorant and narrow minded you are (at the very least).
I think that I speak for all us "foreigners" in this discussion board when I wish that none of us will run into so open and welcoming US students like yourself in our future law schools.

good luck to everyone.

I talked about foreign lawyers from bad schools (like xxx country upstairs law school and goat breeding academy) who were being admitted solely due to a high TOEFL score (which is easy to cheat in some other countries.)

Are you joking??? what top US law school accepts candidates solely based on their high TOEFL scores? It is specifically mentioned that the TOEFL score is merely meant to show that you possess a sufficient level of the English language, nothing more. Your grades, academic and professional experience are the parameters that schools look at when you are considered.

And please, don't get me started on the rest of the things you so "kindly" wrote here. The universities in my country are well known and appreciated throughout the world and the LLM students who go to top US law schools do not fall from their American law students peers, in any way.
On the contrary, you using the words "third world toiletts" demonstrates how ignorant and narrow minded you are (at the very least).
I think that I speak for all us "foreigners" in this discussion board when I wish that none of us will run into so open and welcoming US students like yourself in our future law schools.

good luck to everyone.


These replies are so funny.


These replies are so funny.

Dear Baffonz

You say that you know of underqualified TW LLBs who gets into top LLMs. I have not heard of a single case where top LLMs accpet underqualified applicants. All candidates shows excellence on way or another. Some qualities are not quantifiable, but clearly show the candidate is a winner.

You cannot make judgement about a candidate without reviewing all the information (which btw were never available to you). You are simply building a prima face case against seemingly underqualified applicants without the consideration of their entire profile.

I have a friend who went to a clown law school, but he qualified himself through other means and got full ride to Harv/Ox/Cam. Three top law schools can't all be wrong.

To a Northerner like you, TW law schools might seem shit. But they are respectable in their country and as I said, Law is a jurisdictionally based profession. So you can't conclusively consider your 2nd teir JD better than their LLBs. Maybe you should consider all the issues before analysing the situation and making judgement. You are a lawyer aren't you?

I came from a brand name prestigious legal background, so I understand where the snobbery and unjustified sense of self worth comes from. However, it is one thing to love yourself, but quite another to dismiss people of other background.

Having said this, I do know of a couple of underqualified/ undeserving jokers from the KMT in Taiwan who goes to Harvard because their daddies are senior party members of KMT and KMT donates to Harvard. The President elect did his SJD in Harvard, not that he deserved to go. He graduated no where near the top of law school and the only reason he got into law school in Taiwan in the first place is because his daddy's party was dictating taiwan at the time. He is a dilettante. I guess he shows "excellence and leadership" by being the son of traitors to the people of Taiwan.

Dear Baffonz

You say that you know of underqualified TW LLBs who gets into top LLMs. I have not heard of a single case where top LLMs accpet underqualified applicants. All candidates shows excellence on way or another. Some qualities are not quantifiable, but clearly show the candidate is a winner.

You cannot make judgement about a candidate without reviewing all the information (which btw were never available to you). You are simply building a prima face case against seemingly underqualified applicants without the consideration of their entire profile.

I have a friend who went to a clown law school, but he qualified himself through other means and got full ride to Harv/Ox/Cam. Three top law schools can't all be wrong.

To a Northerner like you, TW law schools might seem shit. But they are respectable in their country and as I said, Law is a jurisdictionally based profession. So you can't conclusively consider your 2nd teir JD better than their LLBs. Maybe you should consider all the issues before analysing the situation and making judgement. You are a lawyer aren't you?

I came from a brand name prestigious legal background, so I understand where the snobbery and unjustified sense of self worth comes from. However, it is one thing to love yourself, but quite another to dismiss people of other background.

Having said this, I do know of a couple of underqualified/ undeserving jokers from the KMT in Taiwan who goes to Harvard because their daddies are senior party members of KMT and KMT donates to Harvard. The President elect did his SJD in Harvard, not that he deserved to go. He graduated no where near the top of law school and the only reason he got into law school in Taiwan in the first place is because his daddy's party was dictating taiwan at the time. He is a dilettante. I guess he shows "excellence and leadership" by being the son of traitors to the people of Taiwan.

i saw your previous thread - i'm glad it's closed - I don't know if you're just trying to wind up everyone - but it is really worrying that someone this prejudiced / racist is doing law let alone going to such an international / liberal school like NYU. you have absolutely no idea about the admissions criteria at law schools and your ignorance is mind boggling.
Well when you do start your LLM - I'm sure you'll be outshined by all the 'third world' students - so you can stop worrying about the quality of the foreign llm students.
You should be suspended from this site.

i saw your previous thread - i'm glad it's closed - I don't know if you're just trying to wind up everyone - but it is really worrying that someone this prejudiced / racist is doing law let alone going to such an international / liberal school like NYU. you have absolutely no idea about the admissions criteria at law schools and your ignorance is mind boggling.
Well when you do start your LLM - I'm sure you'll be outshined by all the 'third world' students - so you can stop worrying about the quality of the foreign llm students.
You should be suspended from this site.

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