School Choice


I have quite a few admissions and good scholarship offers from a range of schools in the top 50 (including t14) so now I am trying to decide based on what is important to me, small class size, good access to good faculty and so that might be a smaller less prestigious school- what are people's thoughts on that, i.e. just how crazy is it to sacrifice higher ranking for something that feels more suitable?

I have quite a few admissions and good scholarship offers from a range of schools in the top 50 (including t14) so now I am trying to decide based on what is important to me, small class size, good access to good faculty and so that might be a smaller less prestigious school- what are people's thoughts on that, i.e. just how crazy is it to sacrifice higher ranking for something that feels more suitable?

Hi Becker. It is very hard, I know that.

Personally, I got a scholarship to study either in the US or in the UK. I applied to several UK universities including Oxford and Cambridge and got rejection letters last year.

This year, the committee extended its scholarship decision and demanded me to study in the US. I applied to UPenn and UC Berkeley and guess what? an acceptance from U Penn.

I did not hear anything from UCB yet. However, I must say that I might have a big chance to have a place there. Hence, I am confused where to go? still confused.

I understand what you've been through. This decision is never easy.

I would say I wouldn't sacrifice a place in T14 Schools , no matter what.

I would start choosing one of them. May I ask what schools opened their doors to you so far?

May God enlighten your path.


Hi Becker. It is very hard, I know that.

Personally, I got a scholarship to study either in the US or in the UK. I applied to several UK universities including Oxford and Cambridge and got rejection letters last year.

This year, the committee extended its scholarship decision and demanded me to study in the US. I applied to UPenn and UC Berkeley and guess what? an acceptance from U Penn.

I did not hear anything from UCB yet. However, I must say that I might have a big chance to have a place there. Hence, I am confused where to go? still confused.

I understand what you've been through. This decision is never easy.

I would say I wouldn't sacrifice a place in T14 Schools , no matter what.

I would start choosing one of them. May I ask what schools opened their doors to you so far?

May God enlighten your path.


Thanks Ruler,
My decision at the moment is between Georgetown, Emory or maybe William and Mary or UNC. I would love to go to G'town but the cost is too high without a scholsrhsip and the offers from the other schools make them affordable. Even though their rankings are different as they are outside t14 but inside top 50 I think I can choose which one sounds more comfortable for me. Good luck with UCB-I also applied there but without aid it will be too costly for me.

Thanks Ruler,
My decision at the moment is between Georgetown, Emory or maybe William and Mary or UNC. I would love to go to G'town but the cost is too high without a scholsrhsip and the offers from the other schools make them affordable. Even though their rankings are different as they are outside t14 but inside top 50 I think I can choose which one sounds more comfortable for me. Good luck with UCB-I also applied there but without aid it will be too costly for me.

I guess it all depends on what you want to do after graduation..

If you want to stay in the US for the OPT (which is almost an impossible mission nowadays if you don't have good connections), I suggest going to Georgetown and facing the financial consequences of such decision.

If you just want to have a good time, get some quality studying time and go back to your country, then you might as well go to a less prestigious school and you'll be just fine.

I guess it all depends on what you want to do after graduation..

If you want to stay in the US for the OPT (which is almost an impossible mission nowadays if you don't have good connections), I suggest going to Georgetown and facing the financial consequences of such decision.

If you just want to have a good time, get some quality studying time and go back to your country, then you might as well go to a less prestigious school and you'll be just fine.
Inactive User

Smaller LLM programs can offer international students more access to faculty and mentoring. They also can allow LLM students to connect with American JD students more easily. In the end, it is the connections you make and the quality of the teaching that are important.

Smaller LLM programs can offer international students more access to faculty and mentoring. They also can allow LLM students to connect with American JD students more easily. In the end, it is the connections you make and the quality of the teaching that are important.
Inactive User

Smaller LLM programs can offer international students more access to faculty and mentoring. They also can allow LLM students to connect with American JD students more easily. In the end, it is the connections you make and the quality of the teaching that are important.

Smaller LLM programs can offer international students more access to faculty and mentoring. They also can allow LLM students to connect with American JD students more easily. In the end, it is the connections you make and the quality of the teaching that are important.
Inactive User

I personally go where I am offered more money. My view is that it is only worth paying a lot of money for the top 5. I am probably going to a top 30/40 school with substantial funding and I can save money.

I personally go where I am offered more money. My view is that it is only worth paying a lot of money for the top 5. I am probably going to a top 30/40 school with substantial funding and I can save money.

I personally go where I am offered more money. My view is that it is only worth paying a lot of money for the top 5. I am probably going to a top 30/40 school with substantial funding and I can save money.

I agreed with you... I would choose the school with the best financial aid.

In my personal experience, I had seen in my country (Mexico) graduates from Harvard and graduates from top 20-30 schools (like Boston & Washington St. Louis) with similar salary, so in the final these people have better ROI.

The best approach that I saw for the ranking and the financial aid was from a friend that chose the school taking into consideration $1K of difference for each spot on the ranking, that was the sum that he was willing to pay more for a better ranked school... for example he was accepted in Columbia, Fordham, and Vanderbilt and selected Vanderbilt instead of Columbia (that didn't offer scholarship) and Fordham (that offered the best scholarship) but the difference between the rankings was greater than the difference of the total cost.

[quote]I personally go where I am offered more money. My view is that it is only worth paying a lot of money for the top 5. I am probably going to a top 30/40 school with substantial funding and I can save money.[/quote]
I agreed with you... I would choose the school with the best financial aid.

In my personal experience, I had seen in my country (Mexico) graduates from Harvard and graduates from top 20-30 schools (like Boston & Washington St. Louis) with similar salary, so in the final these people have better ROI.

The best approach that I saw for the ranking and the financial aid was from a friend that chose the school taking into consideration $1K of difference for each spot on the ranking, that was the sum that he was willing to pay more for a better ranked school... for example he was accepted in Columbia, Fordham, and Vanderbilt and selected Vanderbilt instead of Columbia (that didn't offer scholarship) and Fordham (that offered the best scholarship) but the difference between the rankings was greater than the difference of the total cost.

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