Questions regarding practicing law in the US


Hey, I'm getting a degree from a law school in Romania next year and I wanted to ask a couple of questions about what would be the best way to gain the right to practice law as an attorney in the state of New York.

Basically, what steps do I need to take after I've finished my studies in my home country in order to reach my goal?

Secondly, I wanted to know if my degree will be recognized in the US, and if not what should I do in order to be able to sit for a bar exam in NY?

I would highly appreciate any response to my questions, and I'd like to thank everyone in advance for taking the time to help me out.


Hey, I'm getting a degree from a law school in Romania next year and I wanted to ask a couple of questions about what would be the best way to gain the right to practice law as an attorney in the state of New York.

Basically, what steps do I need to take after I've finished my studies in my home country in order to reach my goal?

Secondly, I wanted to know if my degree will be recognized in the US, and if not what should I do in order to be able to sit for a bar exam in NY?

I would highly appreciate any response to my questions, and I'd like to thank everyone in advance for taking the time to help me out.


I think your degree should be recognized in the US. I would recommend you to give the Bar Exam in your country or if you don't have an exam, then to get enrolled in the Bar Council in your country.

You can check your eligiblity at the BOLE site of NY Bar.

I think your degree should be recognized in the US. I would recommend you to give the Bar Exam in your country or if you don't have an exam, then to get enrolled in the Bar Council in your country.

You can check your eligiblity at the BOLE site of NY Bar.

Hi Raoul,

I just read your questions. I am curious, are you already in the states for the bar exam? I am a hungarian lawyer and I am planning to be a foreign lawyer in the states too.

Hi Raoul,

I just read your questions. I am curious, are you already in the states for the bar exam? I am a hungarian lawyer and I am planning to be a foreign lawyer in the states too.

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