Professional Lawyer

I am a practicing lawyer from Pakistan having an experience of over 13 years at the Bar and ready to qualify for Supreme Court of Pakistan Licence. I intend to migrate to USA. Was just wondering whether my experience could be utilized in USA. Could anyone tell what are the criteria in order to continue as a practicing lawyer in USA? Would I have to take Multi Bar Examination? Can't my experience be accommodated? Will appreciate response soon.



<p>I am a practicing lawyer from Pakistan having an experience of over 13 years at the Bar and ready to qualify for Supreme Court of Pakistan Licence. I intend to migrate to USA. Was just wondering whether my experience could be utilized in USA. Could anyone tell what are the criteria in order to continue as a practicing lawyer in USA? Would I have to take Multi Bar Examination? Can't my experience be accommodated? Will appreciate response soon.</p><p> </p><p>Salim  </p>

I don't think that you can get much out of your professional experience when it comes to moving to the US, not to belittle you qualificaitons but practising in Pakistan has not relevance in the US; and i doubt that the legal systems have much in common, other than trace part of their legal system to the British (albeit Pakistan also practices some form of Islamic law). In short, Pakistani law and practise has no relevane to the practice of law in the US or any other "first world" common law-based country.

Once you migrate, just go through law school afresh, it is the only way you will end up meningfully in the practice of law.

I don't think that you can get much out of your professional experience when it comes to moving to the US, not to belittle you qualificaitons but practising in Pakistan has not relevance in the US; and i doubt that the legal systems have much in common, other than trace part of their legal system to the British (albeit Pakistan also practices some form of Islamic law). In short, Pakistani law and practise has no relevane to the practice of law in the US or any other "first world" common law-based country.

Once you migrate, just go through law school afresh, it is the only way you will end up meningfully in the practice of law.

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