Penn- Official letter


I have been admitted to Penn Law but I haven't received any official letter and admission package (except email indicating an offer).
Have anyone received an official letter from the Penn law?

I have been admitted to Penn Law but I haven't received any official letter and admission package (except email indicating an offer).
Have anyone received an official letter from the Penn law?
Bla Bla

Nada...haven't received it either...are you enrolling or still waiting for other schools?

Nada...haven't received it either...are you enrolling or still waiting for other schools?

I have been admitted to Penn Law but I haven't received any official letter and admission package (except email indicating an offer).
Have anyone received an official letter from the Penn law?

Got my official letter (hardcopy) yesterday along with the package. I received the admission e-mail around 2 March.

<blockquote>I have been admitted to Penn Law but I haven't received any official letter and admission package (except email indicating an offer).
Have anyone received an official letter from the Penn law? </blockquote>
Got my official letter (hardcopy) yesterday along with the package. I received the admission e-mail around 2 March.
Bla Bla

I have been admitted to Penn Law but I haven't received any official letter and admission package (except email indicating an offer).
Have anyone received an official letter from the Penn law?

Got my official letter (hardcopy) yesterday along with the package. I received the admission e-mail around 2 March.

The thing is I was admitted back in early Feb or come I haven't received the package???

<blockquote><blockquote>I have been admitted to Penn Law but I haven't received any official letter and admission package (except email indicating an offer).
Have anyone received an official letter from the Penn law? </blockquote>
Got my official letter (hardcopy) yesterday along with the package. I received the admission e-mail around 2 March.</blockquote>

The thing is I was admitted back in early Feb or come I haven't received the package???

I have just received the package of official letter and detailed information about Penn Law.

I have just received the package of official letter and detailed information about Penn Law.
The Fool

I got admitted early too and I neither received hard copy. May be they send it after 1st payment...

I got admitted early too and I neither received hard copy. May be they send it after 1st payment...

I have not made first payment yet but I have already received the formal letter. I think you will receive the letter by mail soon and if not, I think it would be better for you to ask admission office.

I have not made first payment yet but I have already received the formal letter. I think you will receive the letter by mail soon and if not, I think it would be better for you to ask admission office.

I just received my official acceptance letter and package by mail today.
I got the email early march though.

I just received my official acceptance letter and package by mail today.
I got the email early march though.

I received mine a couple of weeks ago.

I received mine a couple of weeks ago.

Has anyone not heard from Penn at all? I see April 1 is coming up and my status is still "under review"- and I haven't received any response from them.

Has anyone not heard from Penn at all? I see April 1 is coming up and my status is still "under review"- and I haven't received any response from them.

I went through the same thing last year when I got admitted. The best thing to do is call or email them to let them know about the documents you require. Also, by now you should have access to the admited students webpage. Most of the information in the package is there. Probably the only thing not found in the website is information about the Wharton certificate.
And, Picco, I might sound like a jerk but I think you might need to think about other options. I was perhaps one of the last to get accepted and got notified around march 15. Also I know, from what I heard around the International Programs office that the selections have been made. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Take care.

I went through the same thing last year when I got admitted. The best thing to do is call or email them to let them know about the documents you require. Also, by now you should have access to the admited students webpage. Most of the information in the package is there. Probably the only thing not found in the website is information about the Wharton certificate.
And, Picco, I might sound like a jerk but I think you might need to think about other options. I was perhaps one of the last to get accepted and got notified around march 15. Also I know, from what I heard around the International Programs office that the selections have been made. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Take care.

No worries, wasn't counting on Penn anyway as I'm already committed somewhere else. Called yesterday to make sure they hadn't forgotten about me though! Rejection came today :)

No worries, wasn't counting on Penn anyway as I'm already committed somewhere else. Called yesterday to make sure they hadn't forgotten about me though! Rejection came today :)

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