NYU Scholarship worth turning down Harvard etc.?

Hi there,

I am one of the lucky ones. So far, I got admitted to every university I applied to (still waiting for Harvard's decision). Among others, I have been admitted to Stanford's "Law, Science and Technology" program, and NYU offered me the Arthur T. Vanderbilt full-tuition scholarship. And honestly, I almost expect that I will also be admitted to Harvard (though not being admitted would make my dilemma much easier...).

I always thought that if NYU offered me one of its substantial scholarships, I would accept in an instant - hey, studying in NYC (my girlfriend will accompany me and would love to live in New York for a year) without having to pay for it! What more could you want?

But now that I am in this situation, I find it difficult to commit to NYU and decline Stanford's excellent small-sized program and the unique reputation of Harvard. Will I regret turning down Stanford (and Harvard)? Is the unparalleled prestige of Harvard and Stanford worth turning down NYU's $ 47k?

Hi there,

I am one of the lucky ones. So far, I got admitted to every university I applied to (still waiting for Harvard's decision). Among others, I have been admitted to Stanford's "Law, Science and Technology" program, and NYU offered me the Arthur T. Vanderbilt full-tuition scholarship. And honestly, I almost expect that I will also be admitted to Harvard (though not being admitted would make my dilemma much easier...).

I always thought that if NYU offered me one of its substantial scholarships, I would accept in an instant - hey, studying in NYC (my girlfriend will accompany me and would love to live in New York for a year) without having to pay for it! What more could you want?

But now that I am in this situation, I find it difficult to commit to NYU and decline Stanford's excellent small-sized program and the unique reputation of Harvard. Will I regret turning down Stanford (and Harvard)? Is the unparalleled prestige of Harvard and Stanford worth turning down NYU's $ 47k?



Hi there,

I am one of the lucky ones. So far, I got admitted to every university I applied to (still waiting for Harvard's decision). Among others, I have been admitted to Stanford's "Law, Science and Technology" program, and NYU offered me the Arthur T. Vanderbilt full-tuition scholarship. And honestly, I almost expect that I will also be admitted to Harvard (though not being admitted would make my dilemma much easier...).

I always thought that if NYU offered me one of its substantial scholarships, I would accept in an instant - hey, studying in NYC (my girlfriend will accompany me and would love to live in New York for a year) without having to pay for it! What more could you want?

But now that I am in this situation, I find it difficult to commit to NYU and decline Stanford's excellent small-sized program and the unique reputation of Harvard. Will I regret turning down Stanford (and Harvard)? Is the unparalleled prestige of Harvard and Stanford worth turning down NYU's $ 47k?

tough one... but I'd turn it down... Harvard Stanford and Chicago (and to a lesser extent Columbia) have an unparelleled prestige and x-factor...

<blockquote>Hi there,

I am one of the lucky ones. So far, I got admitted to every university I applied to (still waiting for Harvard's decision). Among others, I have been admitted to Stanford's "Law, Science and Technology" program, and NYU offered me the Arthur T. Vanderbilt full-tuition scholarship. And honestly, I almost expect that I will also be admitted to Harvard (though not being admitted would make my dilemma much easier...).

I always thought that if NYU offered me one of its substantial scholarships, I would accept in an instant - hey, studying in NYC (my girlfriend will accompany me and would love to live in New York for a year) without having to pay for it! What more could you want?

But now that I am in this situation, I find it difficult to commit to NYU and decline Stanford's excellent small-sized program and the unique reputation of Harvard. Will I regret turning down Stanford (and Harvard)? Is the unparalleled prestige of Harvard and Stanford worth turning down NYU's $ 47k? </blockquote>

tough one... but I'd turn it down... Harvard Stanford and Chicago (and to a lesser extent Columbia) have an unparelleled prestige and x-factor...

Not true, Columbia beats Chicago or at least they are equal... Additionally CLS is better ranked

Not true, Columbia beats Chicago or at least they are equal... Additionally CLS is better ranked

Not true, Columbia beats Chicago or at least they are equal... Additionally CLS is better ranked

I don't agree at all on that point...
Chicago is younger school that is steadily rising (all analysts agree on that point). It's a matter of time until Chicago becomse no. 4 (and maybe even higher after that). Morover, from an acedemic perspective Chicago is far superior to NYC schools. From a hiring perspective it differs from country to country.

<blockquote>Not true, Columbia beats Chicago or at least they are equal... Additionally CLS is better ranked</blockquote>

I don't agree at all on that point...
Chicago is younger school that is steadily rising (all analysts agree on that point). It's a matter of time until Chicago becomse no. 4 (and maybe even higher after that). Morover, from an acedemic perspective Chicago is far superior to NYC schools. From a hiring perspective it differs from country to country.

I think you are not objective at all, since it seems you got admission to Chicago and rejected by CLS.

Anyway, rankings are going to be released tomorrow and we will see....

I think you are not objective at all, since it seems you got admission to Chicago and rejected by CLS.

Anyway, rankings are going to be released tomorrow and we will see....

I think you are not objective at all, since it seems you got admission to Chicago and rejected by CLS.

Anyway, rankings are going to be released tomorrow and we will see....

Lols... thank You for analysing my skills to be objective or not. I appreciate that. As a future lawyer, of course, I must be unable to look at things objectively... Ever considered I'd choose Chicago over Columbia any day? (accepted or not?). Hell, I'd even choose it over Harvard.

<blockquote>I think you are not objective at all, since it seems you got admission to Chicago and rejected by CLS.

Anyway, rankings are going to be released tomorrow and we will see....</blockquote>

Lols... thank You for analysing my skills to be objective or not. I appreciate that. As a future lawyer, of course, I must be unable to look at things objectively... Ever considered I'd choose Chicago over Columbia any day? (accepted or not?). Hell, I'd even choose it over Harvard.

Decline the offer from SLS and turn down the admission with scholarship from NYU. As you said, you will surely be admitted to HLS which will make you be proud of yourself forever in your lifetime legal career! You and your girlfriend will enjoy lobster very much in Boston! Believe me. :P

Decline the offer from SLS and turn down the admission with scholarship from NYU. As you said, you will surely be admitted to HLS which will make you be proud of yourself forever in your lifetime legal career! You and your girlfriend will enjoy lobster very much in Boston! Believe me. :P

Decline the offer from SLS and turn down the admission with scholarship from NYU. As you said, you will surely be admitted to HLS which will make you be proud of yourself forever in your lifetime legal career! You and your girlfriend will enjoy lobster very much in Boston! Believe me. :P

² however... do wait for admissions comming from Harvard :P

<blockquote>Decline the offer from SLS and turn down the admission with scholarship from NYU. As you said, you will surely be admitted to HLS which will make you be proud of yourself forever in your lifetime legal career! You and your girlfriend will enjoy lobster very much in Boston! Believe me. :P</blockquote>

² however... do wait for admissions comming from Harvard :P

I beg to differ. All things being equal, your choice of school should be primarily based on your future plans and not simply on which title will look nicer on the wall. If you are interested in tax or International law then NYU is the place to be. If it's IP and other technology related, it will probably not be a good idea to turn down Stanford. If it is being a corporate lawyer, then yes, Harvard is best. Focus on your goals and don't get carried away by the names.

Good luck!

I beg to differ. All things being equal, your choice of school should be primarily based on your future plans and not simply on which title will look nicer on the wall. If you are interested in tax or International law then NYU is the place to be. If it's IP and other technology related, it will probably not be a good idea to turn down Stanford. If it is being a corporate lawyer, then yes, Harvard is best. Focus on your goals and don't get carried away by the names.

Good luck!

Thanks for all the helpful answers - though I was hoping for some "Take NYU's money, great school, great city, you won't regret it!" kind of answers.

Is Harvard really worth it (besides the name, of course)? Is the education really that superior? Just as NYU, Harvard has rather large LL.M. classes (compared to say Stanford). Will I be a better lawyer having spent a year in Cambridge? I'm not that sure. Do I get a better cultural experience having spent a year in New York? I might. And frankly, an LL.M. is not only about sitting in the library, right?

Sure, also in my country Harvard has this huge brand, but a full-tuition merit scholarship is also considered a significant achievement. And as Vanderbilt scholar, you are said to have special attention from the faculty. A professor already called me and offered to be my counselor during my LL.M. It seems like they really care.

Or am I blinded by all the money NYU is offering? Damn, I'm torn! And NYU's deadline is fast approaching (Mar 18). (Don't get me wrong, I know how privileged I am and what a good decision it is to make.)

By the way, I did not apply to Chicago and Yale - my girlfriend vetoed both (Chicago on the cold winters, Yale on the location). You know, it's the girlfriends who wear the pants... And still, I have not yet been admitted to Harvard. But of course, considering the previous responses, I have to be confident.

Thanks for all the helpful answers - though I was hoping for some "Take NYU's money, great school, great city, you won't regret it!" kind of answers.

Is Harvard really worth it (besides the name, of course)? Is the education really that superior? Just as NYU, Harvard has rather large LL.M. classes (compared to say Stanford). Will I be a better lawyer having spent a year in Cambridge? I'm not that sure. Do I get a better cultural experience having spent a year in New York? I might. And frankly, an LL.M. is not only about sitting in the library, right?

Sure, also in my country Harvard has this huge brand, but a full-tuition merit scholarship is also considered a significant achievement. And as Vanderbilt scholar, you are said to have special attention from the faculty. A professor already called me and offered to be my counselor during my LL.M. It seems like they really care.

Or am I blinded by all the money NYU is offering? Damn, I'm torn! And NYU's deadline is fast approaching (Mar 18). (Don't get me wrong, I know how privileged I am and what a good decision it is to make.)

By the way, I did not apply to Chicago and Yale - my girlfriend vetoed both (Chicago on the cold winters, Yale on the location). You know, it's the girlfriends who wear the pants... And still, I have not yet been admitted to Harvard. But of course, considering the previous responses, I have to be confident.

Sorry to insist, but we still don't know what your plans and interests are!

Moreover, if time is not an issue, you may be able to take both. For example: study for free in NYU, defer Harvard for next year. You will not be the first one doing something like this. Just be aware that Stanford does not grant deferrals, so it's an all or nothing game with them.

EDIT: having lived in NYC, close to Washington square, I can confirm that NYU is, by far, the best in the "living experience" front.

Sorry to insist, but we still don't know what your plans and interests are!

Moreover, if time is not an issue, you may be able to take both. For example: study for free in NYU, defer Harvard for next year. You will not be the first one doing something like this. Just be aware that Stanford does not grant deferrals, so it's an all or nothing game with them.

EDIT: having lived in NYC, close to Washington square, I can confirm that NYU is, by far, the best in the "living experience" front.

Fact 1:
Harvard is a huge name.
Fact 2:
NYC is what most people refer to as "the States"
Fact 3:
NYU offers a great chance to explore NYC.
Fact 4:
Stanford is the name and the expert in what Oldtimer has pointed out, information etc.
Fact 5:
SF has a lovely weather!

The rest seems personal.

Personally I would choose Stanford over the other two.
The partner of my lawfirm chooses NYC and hense NYU since he considers that LLM means just an experience.
I have met many Harvard alumni and I think (no offense to anyone!), it doesnt make you a better lawyer, however, it is a great network (but at the end, if you will be practicing at your home country, what you learn at Harvard does not make huge difference).

What do you expect from your LLM?

Remember that scholarships (exp a full tuition waiver!) is a big plus on your CV and if professors want to work with you already, that means a lot! It means that they could be good reference for the future (having worked closely with them!).

After all, it will be your own experience, make it personal and choose your best!

Try to get a deferral if you cant make your mind up yet :)
and Congrats!!!

Fact 1:
Harvard is a huge name.
Fact 2:
NYC is what most people refer to as "the States"
Fact 3:
NYU offers a great chance to explore NYC.
Fact 4:
Stanford is the name and the expert in what Oldtimer has pointed out, information etc.
Fact 5:
SF has a lovely weather!

The rest seems personal.

Personally I would choose Stanford over the other two.
The partner of my lawfirm chooses NYC and hense NYU since he considers that LLM means just an experience.
I have met many Harvard alumni and I think (no offense to anyone!), it doesnt make you a better lawyer, however, it is a great network (but at the end, if you will be practicing at your home country, what you learn at Harvard does not make huge difference).

What do you expect from your LLM?

Remember that scholarships (exp a full tuition waiver!) is a big plus on your CV and if professors want to work with you already, that means a lot! It means that they could be good reference for the future (having worked closely with them!).

After all, it will be your own experience, make it personal and choose your best!

Try to get a deferral if you cant make your mind up yet :)
and Congrats!!!

Thanks for all the helpful answers - though I was hoping for some "Take NYU's money, great school, great city, you won't regret it!" kind of answers.

Is Harvard really worth it (besides the name, of course)? Is the education really that superior? Just as NYU, Harvard has rather large LL.M. classes (compared to say Stanford). Will I be a better lawyer having spent a year in Cambridge? I'm not that sure. Do I get a better cultural experience having spent a year in New York? I might. And frankly, an LL.M. is not only about sitting in the library, right?

Sure, also in my country Harvard has this huge brand, but a full-tuition merit scholarship is also considered a significant achievement. And as Vanderbilt scholar, you are said to have special attention from the faculty. A professor already called me and offered to be my counselor during my LL.M. It seems like they really care.

Or am I blinded by all the money NYU is offering? Damn, I'm torn! And NYU's deadline is fast approaching (Mar 18). (Don't get me wrong, I know how privileged I am and what a good decision it is to make.)

By the way, I did not apply to Chicago and Yale - my girlfriend vetoed both (Chicago on the cold winters, Yale on the location). You know, it's the girlfriends who wear the pants... And still, I have not yet been admitted to Harvard. But of course, considering the previous responses, I have to be confident.

This is exactly what I had in mind: "Take NYU's money, great school, great city, you won't regret it!"

I disagree with most ppl on the thread..It is just not rational to take the excelent choice you have in your hands and give it up for the mere possibility of getting admitted to harvard, despite all odds in your favour.

If you can wait for a decision from harvard great...postpone making a decision..if you can't. too bad (or too good) take the scholarship..

<blockquote>Thanks for all the helpful answers - though I was hoping for some "Take NYU's money, great school, great city, you won't regret it!" kind of answers.

Is Harvard really worth it (besides the name, of course)? Is the education really that superior? Just as NYU, Harvard has rather large LL.M. classes (compared to say Stanford). Will I be a better lawyer having spent a year in Cambridge? I'm not that sure. Do I get a better cultural experience having spent a year in New York? I might. And frankly, an LL.M. is not only about sitting in the library, right?

Sure, also in my country Harvard has this huge brand, but a full-tuition merit scholarship is also considered a significant achievement. And as Vanderbilt scholar, you are said to have special attention from the faculty. A professor already called me and offered to be my counselor during my LL.M. It seems like they really care.

Or am I blinded by all the money NYU is offering? Damn, I'm torn! And NYU's deadline is fast approaching (Mar 18). (Don't get me wrong, I know how privileged I am and what a good decision it is to make.)

By the way, I did not apply to Chicago and Yale - my girlfriend vetoed both (Chicago on the cold winters, Yale on the location). You know, it's the girlfriends who wear the pants... And still, I have not yet been admitted to Harvard. But of course, considering the previous responses, I have to be confident. </blockquote>

This is exactly what I had in mind: "Take NYU's money, great school, great city, you won't regret it!"

I disagree with most ppl on the thread..It is just not rational to take the excelent choice you have in your hands and give it up for the mere possibility of getting admitted to harvard, despite all odds in your favour.

If you can wait for a decision from harvard great...postpone making a decision..if you can't. too bad (or too good) take the scholarship..

I'm for the money too. Far too much 47k for Harvard's brand...

I'm for the money too. Far too much 47k for Harvard's brand...

It is an incredible amount that we are spending for a one-year program...

That must be what they call marketing :)

It is an incredible amount that we are spending for a one-year program...

That must be what they call marketing :)

It is an incredible amount that we are spending for a one-year program...

That must be what they call marketing :)

Unless somebody else, like NYU, pays for it!!!!

<blockquote>It is an incredible amount that we are spending for a one-year program...

That must be what they call marketing :) </blockquote>

Unless somebody else, like NYU, pays for it!!!!

If you have money issues, I'd say definitely NYU. I know alumni from all the universities you mentioned and I'd say none of them makes you a better lawyer - It's mostly up to you. I find it interesting - to say the least - some people giving advice on the market's views over law schools as a "future lawyer" (i.e., someone who is not yet ON THE MARKET)...
I agree with those who said that a full tuition waiver scholarship is a great plus in your CV, even if Harvard is Harvard as with regard to the name...
In sum, If I had no money issues, I'd pick Harvard, otherwise (eg., if you must choose between going to Harvard and buying an apartment when you get back home), go to NYU. It has a great reputation for those who will eventually go to the market (the legal firm one, I mean).
Of course none of us will make up your mind in one way or another, but I hope my suggestion could be of some help.

If you have money issues, I'd say definitely NYU. I know alumni from all the universities you mentioned and I'd say none of them makes you a better lawyer - It's mostly up to you. I find it interesting - to say the least - some people giving advice on the market's views over law schools as a "future lawyer" (i.e., someone who is not yet ON THE MARKET)...
I agree with those who said that a full tuition waiver scholarship is a great plus in your CV, even if Harvard is Harvard as with regard to the name...
In sum, If I had no money issues, I'd pick Harvard, otherwise (eg., if you must choose between going to Harvard and buying an apartment when you get back home), go to NYU. It has a great reputation for those who will eventually go to the market (the legal firm one, I mean).
Of course none of us will make up your mind in one way or another, but I hope my suggestion could be of some help.

Hi there,

I am one of the lucky ones. So far, I got admitted to every university I applied to (still waiting for Harvard's decision). Among others, I have been admitted to Stanford's "Law, Science and Technology" program, and NYU offered me the Arthur T. Vanderbilt full-tuition scholarship. And honestly, I almost expect that I will also be admitted to Harvard (though not being admitted would make my dilemma much easier...).

I always thought that if NYU offered me one of its substantial scholarships, I would accept in an instant - hey, studying in NYC (my girlfriend will accompany me and would love to live in New York for a year) without having to pay for it! What more could you want?

But now that I am in this situation, I find it difficult to commit to NYU and decline Stanford's excellent small-sized program and the unique reputation of Harvard. Will I regret turning down Stanford (and Harvard)? Is the unparalleled prestige of Harvard and Stanford worth turning down NYU's $ 47k?

Hi, Sam

iv to appologize for not being able to hold back my curiosity. as someone whose credentials have clearly convinced all top us law schools (with harvard to come for sure), would u mind to share some of ur achievements with us?
i'm sensing a burning jealousy , if not about the full tuition scholarship, def about the "my girl friend's accompanying me to live in ny for year" part... : )

<blockquote>Hi there,

I am one of the lucky ones. So far, I got admitted to every university I applied to (still waiting for Harvard's decision). Among others, I have been admitted to Stanford's "Law, Science and Technology" program, and NYU offered me the Arthur T. Vanderbilt full-tuition scholarship. And honestly, I almost expect that I will also be admitted to Harvard (though not being admitted would make my dilemma much easier...).

I always thought that if NYU offered me one of its substantial scholarships, I would accept in an instant - hey, studying in NYC (my girlfriend will accompany me and would love to live in New York for a year) without having to pay for it! What more could you want?

But now that I am in this situation, I find it difficult to commit to NYU and decline Stanford's excellent small-sized program and the unique reputation of Harvard. Will I regret turning down Stanford (and Harvard)? Is the unparalleled prestige of Harvard and Stanford worth turning down NYU's $ 47k? </blockquote>

Hi, Sam

iv to appologize for not being able to hold back my curiosity. as someone whose credentials have clearly convinced all top us law schools (with harvard to come for sure), would u mind to share some of ur achievements with us?
i'm sensing a burning jealousy , if not about the full tuition scholarship, def about the "my girl friend's accompanying me to live in ny for year" part... : )

Ey, I am in the same situation: I have been admitted to Berkeley (no scholarship) and NYU (where I have been offered the Arthur T. Vanderbilt full-tuition scholarship) in the Business Regulation Litigation and Dispute Resolution. I practise Banking law in my country and know that NYC is the finance capital of the world. However I like sunny California very much (as a Spaniard I need sunshine!). I am still waiting answers from Columbia, Harvard and Stanford but, even if I were admitted, I do not foresee any scholarship offers. Woul you guys be so kind to share your thoughts with me?

Ey, I am in the same situation: I have been admitted to Berkeley (no scholarship) and NYU (where I have been offered the Arthur T. Vanderbilt full-tuition scholarship) in the Business Regulation Litigation and Dispute Resolution. I practise Banking law in my country and know that NYC is the finance capital of the world. However I like sunny California very much (as a Spaniard I need sunshine!). I am still waiting answers from Columbia, Harvard and Stanford but, even if I were admitted, I do not foresee any scholarship offers. Woul you guys be so kind to share your thoughts with me?

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