Northwestern Law

Hello everyone. For the last three years of law school, I have been visiting this website to gain more information on different LLMs and different schools across the globe. I am graduating in May this year and very interested in pursuing an LLM in Taxation. I know NYU is the best of the best when it comes to tax law but was wondering if anyone has had any experience in Northwestern and job prospects afterwards? Northwestern is also one of the only or very few universities in the US that allows one to do a joint JD together with their LLM and being an Ivy league, I suppose it won't hurt to put down on the c.v??

I have stellar grades on my transcripts, have participated in various moot courts and have a few months of work experience.

Thanks in advance for your advice :-)

Hello everyone. For the last three years of law school, I have been visiting this website to gain more information on different LLMs and different schools across the globe. I am graduating in May this year and very interested in pursuing an LLM in Taxation. I know NYU is the best of the best when it comes to tax law but was wondering if anyone has had any experience in Northwestern and job prospects afterwards? Northwestern is also one of the only or very few universities in the US that allows one to do a joint JD together with their LLM and being an Ivy league, I suppose it won't hurt to put down on the c.v??

I have stellar grades on my transcripts, have participated in various moot courts and have a few months of work experience.

Thanks in advance for your advice :-)

Just a couple of thoughts:

Northwestern is not an Ivy League school!

As far as I know, the LL.M. and JD degrees are not entirely joint programs but one can rather apply for the JD after finishing the LL.M. and save a year of study through accreditation of the LL.M. credits. The joint program is only available for human rights studies and takes four years to complete. If you want to do tax, it doesn't seem to be the way to go. In addition, it would also take four years to complete a JD and add an LL.M. afterwards.

I can't say much about the reputation of US tax law programs but from what I have heard and read, pick NYU if you can.

Just a couple of thoughts:

Northwestern is not an Ivy League school!

As far as I know, the LL.M. and JD degrees are not entirely joint programs but one can rather apply for the JD after finishing the LL.M. and save a year of study through accreditation of the LL.M. credits. The joint program is only available for human rights studies and takes four years to complete. If you want to do tax, it doesn't seem to be the way to go. In addition, it would also take four years to complete a JD and add an LL.M. afterwards.

I can't say much about the reputation of US tax law programs but from what I have heard and read, pick NYU if you can.

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