Lower Priced LLM


Anyone have any thoughts or experiences on some of the less expensive LLM courses, say Maryland or Utah or Kansas?

Anyone have any thoughts or experiences on some of the less expensive LLM courses, say Maryland or Utah or Kansas?

I commented a bit on Maryland here:


Like the others you mentioned, it's a good, second-tier school.

It really depends on what you're after. If you're interested in one of these LLM programs' specializations (Maryland has a good one in Cybersecurity; Utah has one in Environmental and Natural Resources Law - then one of these schools might make sense.

However, these schools will definitely not have the same impact that an LLM from a top-tier US school would have. Nothing shines like NYU or Georgetown on a CV...

I commented a bit on Maryland here:


Like the others you mentioned, it's a good, second-tier school.

It really depends on what you're after. If you're interested in one of these LLM programs' specializations (Maryland has a good one in Cybersecurity; Utah has one in Environmental and Natural Resources Law - then one of these schools might make sense.

However, these schools will definitely not have the same impact that an LLM from a top-tier US school would have. Nothing shines like NYU or Georgetown on a CV...

As per my research on low priced LLM in US solely based on tuition.

1) Baltimore University - 20000$

2) Charlotte in Carolina - 28000$

3) Cincinati University - 30000$

4) Kansas,Lawrence - 29000$

5) Georgia - 40000$

6) Colorado University,Boulder - 25000$

7) Wasburn University,Kansas - 27000$

If the sole purpose of LLM is to gain an exposure to US Laws and give the Bar Exam then any of the cheap programs can be chosen regardless of their ranking as anyways nobody guarantees a job for LLM even from ivy leagues.

As per my research on low priced LLM in US solely based on tuition.

1) Baltimore University - 20000$

2) Charlotte in Carolina - 28000$

3) Cincinati University - 30000$

4) Kansas,Lawrence - 29000$

5) Georgia - 40000$

6) Colorado University,Boulder - 25000$

7) Wasburn University,Kansas - 27000$

If the sole purpose of LLM is to gain an exposure to US Laws and give the Bar Exam then any of the cheap programs can be chosen regardless of their ranking as anyways nobody guarantees a job for LLM even from ivy leagues.

As per my research on low priced LLM in US solely based on tuition.

1) Baltimore University - 20000$

2) Charlotte in Carolina - 28000$

3) Cincinati University - 30000$

4) Kansas,Lawrence - 29000$

5) Georgia - 40000$

6) Colorado University,Boulder - 25000$

7) Wasburn University,Kansas - 27000$

If the sole purpose of LLM is to gain an exposure to US Laws and give the Bar Exam then any of the cheap programs can be chosen regardless of their ranking as anyways nobody guarantees a job for LLM even from ivy leagues.

most LLMs give some fin aid to their students so that a 25 000 $ llm from a no name school has not necessary to be cheaper than a decent llm. If I were you I would not go to a no name llm or go to the cheapest possible one and just party year round because people will believe that you did it anyway if you go to a low rank llm program.

<blockquote>As per my research on low priced LLM in US solely based on tuition.

1) Baltimore University - 20000$

2) Charlotte in Carolina - 28000$

3) Cincinati University - 30000$

4) Kansas,Lawrence - 29000$

5) Georgia - 40000$

6) Colorado University,Boulder - 25000$

7) Wasburn University,Kansas - 27000$

If the sole purpose of LLM is to gain an exposure to US Laws and give the Bar Exam then any of the cheap programs can be chosen regardless of their ranking as anyways nobody guarantees a job for LLM even from ivy leagues.

most LLMs give some fin aid to their students so that a 25 000 $ llm from a no name school has not necessary to be cheaper than a decent llm. If I were you I would not go to a no name llm or go to the cheapest possible one and just party year round because people will believe that you did it anyway if you go to a low rank llm program.

None of the top programs give any financial aid/waiver or scholarship.Even if the do the amount is less than 5%.A top program can get you into 70000$ Debt(minimum) with no guarantee and I have talked to LLM's from ivy leagues and except for 2 people from Columbia everyone was preety much tied down with debt.They have no choice to even extend OPT because they cant afford they stay in US during OPT period.

None of the top programs give any financial aid/waiver or scholarship.Even if the do the amount is less than 5%.A top program can get you into 70000$ Debt(minimum) with no guarantee and I have talked to LLM's from ivy leagues and except for 2 people from Columbia everyone was preety much tied down with debt.They have no choice to even extend OPT because they cant afford they stay in US during OPT period.

that is not true, from what I have heard and seen top programs that are need based give up to 50k in fin aid if you are really in need. Obviously you get less if you are from the EU,Japan,Australia or Canada because you can pay off your debt in your home country with your expected sallary and you get about this amount if you are from Africa, central Asia and really in need etc. However, even if you are somewhere inbetween and are from Kanada but have a low sallary and not much in savings you should still be able to get 30k-ish in fin aid and a decent amount in student loans. 60k program - 30k aid and there you are at the same price as the programs you have listed. Not to mention that NYU offers full tuition waivers... Also one should take into account that there is basically no chance to get a decent external scholarship if you go to "nonameuniversity" while you should have a decent chance if you go to one of the top programs.

From my perspective the choice is between:
High tuition + no name llm (little to no value exept the chance to take the bar)
A little bit higher tuition + top llm
Much higher tuition + decent llm

if you are good enough for a top program you could maybe get a full ride for a decent llm and that is something to consider but in general decent llms are more expensive than top llms because the schools do not have the same financial resources.

anything outside of the top 20-30 llm programs looks for me personally rather negative as I would think that no decent program made you an offer or you got just offers at full price and no scholarships...

that is not true, from what I have heard and seen top programs that are need based give up to 50k in fin aid if you are really in need. Obviously you get less if you are from the EU,Japan,Australia or Canada because you can pay off your debt in your home country with your expected sallary and you get about this amount if you are from Africa, central Asia and really in need etc. However, even if you are somewhere inbetween and are from Kanada but have a low sallary and not much in savings you should still be able to get 30k-ish in fin aid and a decent amount in student loans. 60k program - 30k aid and there you are at the same price as the programs you have listed. Not to mention that NYU offers full tuition waivers... Also one should take into account that there is basically no chance to get a decent external scholarship if you go to "nonameuniversity" while you should have a decent chance if you go to one of the top programs.

From my perspective the choice is between:
High tuition + no name llm (little to no value exept the chance to take the bar)
A little bit higher tuition + top llm
Much higher tuition + decent llm

if you are good enough for a top program you could maybe get a full ride for a decent llm and that is something to consider but in general decent llms are more expensive than top llms because the schools do not have the same financial resources.

anything outside of the top 20-30 llm programs looks for me personally rather negative as I would think that no decent program made you an offer or you got just offers at full price and no scholarships...

I would like to know the people from Asia who have got into top programs with waiver or have spent not more than 50000 USD.I have talked to one top student from NYU-LLM last year who said that he had to pay full tuition.As there are no stats in this regard this is difficult to pinpoint.

I would like to know the people from Asia who have got into top programs with waiver or have spent not more than 50000 USD.I have talked to one top student from NYU-LLM last year who said that he had to pay full tuition.As there are no stats in this regard this is difficult to pinpoint.

I would like to know the people from Asia who have got into top programs with waiver or have spent not more than 50000 USD.I have talked to one top student from NYU-LLM last year who said that he had to pay full tuition.As there are no stats in this regard this is difficult to pinpoint.

nyu is different than many other top programms. Nyu has the worldwide best tax llm but a not so good general llm (they take 400 people, come on, how selective can that be...). And for the general llm they offer full and 50% tuition waivers for the top people and your friend and others that are not as good as those top people pay for those top people to participate in the llm. It is basically the principle :we will atract top HLS,YLS,SLS candidates with full tuition and then take 300+ mediocre people in but because of those top people the program will still have a good reputation...

<blockquote>I would like to know the people from Asia who have got into top programs with waiver or have spent not more than 50000 USD.I have talked to one top student from NYU-LLM last year who said that he had to pay full tuition.As there are no stats in this regard this is difficult to pinpoint.</blockquote>

nyu is different than many other top programms. Nyu has the worldwide best tax llm but a not so good general llm (they take 400 people, come on, how selective can that be...). And for the general llm they offer full and 50% tuition waivers for the top people and your friend and others that are not as good as those top people pay for those top people to participate in the llm. It is basically the principle :we will atract top HLS,YLS,SLS candidates with full tuition and then take 300+ mediocre people in but because of those top people the program will still have a good reputation...
chicken so...

(they take 400 people, come on, how selective can that be...).

Well, it doesn't really depend on the class size but instead on how many applicants apply. According to this page( http://www.law.nyu.edu/graduateadmissions/eligibilityandstandards), NYU says last year it received 2,800 applications for 435 spots (for both the LLM and Executive LLM tax programs, apparently)... That's a selectivity rate of around 15 percent... Which means that they reject 8-9 applicants for every one that they take.

Even if the Executive LLM is a bit more selective, and the general LLM a bit less, it's still quite a hard school to get into.

<blockquote>(they take 400 people, come on, how selective can that be...). </blockquote>
Well, it doesn't really depend on the class size but instead on how many applicants apply. According to this page( http://www.law.nyu.edu/graduateadmissions/eligibilityandstandards), NYU says last year it received 2,800 applications for 435 spots (for both the LLM and Executive LLM tax programs, apparently)... That's a selectivity rate of around 15 percent... Which means that they reject 8-9 applicants for every one that they take.

Even if the Executive LLM is a bit more selective, and the general LLM a bit less, it's still quite a hard school to get into.

This has strayed off topic. The query was regarding colleges that offer a lower priced LLM.
In any event, your analysis of the selectivity of NYU is flawed; of the 2,800 applications they receive, the 435 represents the number that actually go on to enrol and is not necessarily indicative of the number of offers that they make.

This has strayed off topic. The query was regarding colleges that offer a lower priced LLM.
In any event, your analysis of the selectivity of NYU is flawed; of the 2,800 applications they receive, the 435 represents the number that actually go on to enrol and is not necessarily indicative of the number of offers that they make.


I think your question is valid as this was my question before selecting University of Maryland, Frencis Kind Cary School of Law, Baltimore.

As you rightly said that cost is one of the important issue but according to me ranking, faculty, supporting services and location are considerable factors too.

As you might have seen here post by students that UMB School of Law is cheaper than others, but in my case i looked for other reasons as well. which i would like to share with you as follows :-

1- First - Tuition and Living cost is comparatively cheaper as tuition fee costs you less than $ 26,000 if you are eligible for scholarship, which is normally given to students. Yearly Living cost per person can be reduced upto $ 10,000.
2- Ranking- As i know UMB School of law is one of the best law school and ranked nationally in Environment as well as its second oldest college in the US. Not only that program like health, security , international law and Trail and advocacy etc are ranked as well.

3- Third reason is the faculty - This is a fact that law faculty has great exposure as well as they approach students in friendly and students are taught practically.. Which provides students super comfortable environment to learn a lot in order to compete after graduating.

4- Fourth is the location- I know , place is always a main concern for all as it was for me because i wanted to be place, which is closer to D.C and New York. Fortunately Baltimore is best place for the law students because Baltimore is the hub of corporate companies as most companies have their Headquarters in Baltimore.

5- Fifth is the maximum options to apply for CPT,OPT and Jobs.- Due to near location to D.C AND New york. For law students its very convenient location to reach there, where maximum law firms, state Government and Federal offices, Non profit organizations, Multi National and national Companies are in Baltimore and D.C. Even one and half an hour drive is from Baltimore to D.C if students do C.P.T, OPT and work in DC . Additionally the supreme court of the USA is in D.C so it is very useful for law students.

6- Sixth is the supporting system- According to my personal experience, I have been supported a lot by Director of admission Ms. Katrine, course advisor, and office of the International office for every necessary work. Even i have never been given a chance to request them as they are proactive.
7- Finally -City- As we all know that Baltimore is know as charm city , has so many monuments and historical places as well as city is surrounded by ocean and riven . On top of that Baltimore harbor is oldest in the US. This places has lot of things to explore as i have been doing since landing as you may do .

To sum up, i have to say that I am thankful and satisfied because i am selected to attend LLM fall 2015 program.

I would suggest you to grab this opportunity if you are given a chance to study LLM at UMB, school of Law, Baltimore.

Wish you all the best.
Please fell free to call me if you have any question or you may whats me on +1-443-583-6254 at any time .

Kind regards
Student LLM Fall 2015.
E- vishnusolanki@umaryland.edu
UMB, school of law, Baltimore, Maryland,


I think your question is valid as this was my question before selecting University of Maryland, Frencis Kind Cary School of Law, Baltimore.

As you rightly said that cost is one of the important issue but according to me ranking, faculty, supporting services and location are considerable factors too.

As you might have seen here post by students that UMB School of Law is cheaper than others, but in my case i looked for other reasons as well. which i would like to share with you as follows :-

1- First - Tuition and Living cost is comparatively cheaper as tuition fee costs you less than $ 26,000 if you are eligible for scholarship, which is normally given to students. Yearly Living cost per person can be reduced upto $ 10,000.
2- Ranking- As i know UMB School of law is one of the best law school and ranked nationally in Environment as well as its second oldest college in the US. Not only that program like health, security , international law and Trail and advocacy etc are ranked as well.

3- Third reason is the faculty - This is a fact that law faculty has great exposure as well as they approach students in friendly and students are taught practically.. Which provides students super comfortable environment to learn a lot in order to compete after graduating.

4- Fourth is the location- I know , place is always a main concern for all as it was for me because i wanted to be place, which is closer to D.C and New York. Fortunately Baltimore is best place for the law students because Baltimore is the hub of corporate companies as most companies have their Headquarters in Baltimore.

5- Fifth is the maximum options to apply for CPT,OPT and Jobs.- Due to near location to D.C AND New york. For law students its very convenient location to reach there, where maximum law firms, state Government and Federal offices, Non profit organizations, Multi National and national Companies are in Baltimore and D.C. Even one and half an hour drive is from Baltimore to D.C if students do C.P.T, OPT and work in DC . Additionally the supreme court of the USA is in D.C so it is very useful for law students.

6- Sixth is the supporting system- According to my personal experience, I have been supported a lot by Director of admission Ms. Katrine, course advisor, and office of the International office for every necessary work. Even i have never been given a chance to request them as they are proactive.
7- Finally -City- As we all know that Baltimore is know as charm city , has so many monuments and historical places as well as city is surrounded by ocean and riven . On top of that Baltimore harbor is oldest in the US. This places has lot of things to explore as i have been doing since landing as you may do .

To sum up, i have to say that I am thankful and satisfied because i am selected to attend LLM fall 2015 program.

I would suggest you to grab this opportunity if you are given a chance to study LLM at UMB, school of Law, Baltimore.

Wish you all the best.
Please fell free to call me if you have any question or you may whats me on +1-443-583-6254 at any time .

Kind regards
Student LLM Fall 2015.
E- vishnusolanki@umaryland.edu
UMB, school of law, Baltimore, Maryland,

Thank you so much, this is very helpful and useful information. It sounds as though you are going to have a wonderful year. I may contact you to discuss in more detail. Thanks again

Thank you so much, this is very helpful and useful information. It sounds as though you are going to have a wonderful year. I may contact you to discuss in more detail. Thanks again

Sounds great ! Your welcome.


Sounds great ! Your welcome.


Hi Vishnu,

I have more questions and have mailed you.Please check your mail .

Thanks in advance:)

Hi Vishnu,

I have more questions and have mailed you.Please check your mail .

Thanks in advance:)

Hi Vishnu,

I have more questions and have mailed you.Please check your mail .

Thanks in advance:)

Hi Vishnu,

I have more questions and have mailed you.Please check your mail .

Thanks in advance:)

Hi Surthi,
Please check your mail, it is replied!
Take care.

Hi Surthi,
Please check your mail, it is replied!
Take care.

Thanks Vsolanki :) Thanks for your mail and keep in touch :) I might bug you with more queries but its amazing the way you help applicants:) Kudos from LLM Guide group:)

Thanks Vsolanki :) Thanks for your mail and keep in touch :) I might bug you with more queries but its amazing the way you help applicants:) Kudos from LLM Guide group:)


Look at your PM:)


Look at your PM:)

I Thank UMB School of law and Katrine too for allowing me to do so.

Sure, fell free to ping me.


I Thank UMB School of law and Katrine too for allowing me to do so.

Sure, fell free to ping me.

chicken so...

In any event, your analysis of the selectivity of NYU is flawed; of the 2,800 applications they receive, the 435 represents the number that actually go on to enrol and is not necessarily indicative of the number of offers that they make.

Certainly, that's true, but I really doubt that a substantial number of accepted students do not take the offer. I don't know what the exact number is, but it's got to be under 10 percent.

My point was that simply saying that, since the class size is 400 people, this automatically means the school is not selective. On the contrary, other schools, like Georgetown, enroll that many or more. The quality of the learning experience depends more on if the school has the resources (faculty) to adequately support the class.

In any event, your analysis of the selectivity of NYU is flawed; of the 2,800 applications they receive, the 435 represents the number that actually go on to enrol and is not necessarily indicative of the number of offers that they make. </blockquote>
Certainly, that's true, but I really doubt that a substantial number of accepted students do not take the offer. I don't know what the exact number is, but it's got to be under 10 percent.

My point was that simply saying that, since the class size is 400 people, this automatically means the school is not selective. On the contrary, other schools, like Georgetown, enroll that many or more. The quality of the learning experience depends more on if the school has the resources (faculty) to adequately support the class.

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