Interest in the Academic ? Association to be created ?

Arnauld C.

Bitsou and all the others:

I think it sounds really interesting to create a new association/network for young lawyers, but I do not have time to play an active role right now (to much work in my job theses days). I would really appreciate it though if you could give regular updates on your progress with the organization in this board!

I think other board users may be in the same situation and may want to join later, so this may be a good way to stay in contact...

Bitsou and all the others:

I think it sounds really interesting to create a new association/network for young lawyers, but I do not have time to play an active role right now (to much work in my job theses days). I would really appreciate it though if you could give regular updates on your progress with the organization in this board!

I think other board users may be in the same situation and may want to join later, so this may be a good way to stay in contact...

Dear All,
The idea sounds good, but in order to create a respectable and noteworthy organization it should be established some criteria (scope, admission criteria, etc.) differentiate it from other associations. There are already many international young lawyers association all over the world. In Italy, for instance there is ALMA which gathers young lawers who have taken the LLM in some chosen Universties. Anyway, there should be at least one first meeting amongst the persons who want to constitute it and lay down the principles just as well as in any other company (create the articles of association with the relevant contents... ) One should narrow down the fileds of interest of this association as from my point of view it cannot be just the Law...
I am ready to consider your suggestion further.
My personal email:

Dear All,
The idea sounds good, but in order to create a respectable and noteworthy organization it should be established some criteria (scope, admission criteria, etc.) differentiate it from other associations. There are already many international young lawyers association all over the world. In Italy, for instance there is ALMA which gathers young lawers who have taken the LLM in some chosen Universties. Anyway, there should be at least one first meeting amongst the persons who want to constitute it and lay down the principles just as well as in any other company (create the articles of association with the relevant contents... ) One should narrow down the fileds of interest of this association as from my point of view it cannot be just the Law...
I am ready to consider your suggestion further.
My personal email:

Interested too. From Belgium (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Goin' for a LL.M in Canada. Could you please add my e-mail and keep me posted?

Interested too. From Belgium (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Goin' for a LL.M in Canada. Could you please add my e-mail and keep me posted?

I agree - this sounds like a very good idea. Bitsou, please add me to your list -

I agree - this sounds like a very good idea. Bitsou, please add me to your list -
Arnauld C.

Any news here?

Any news here?

Hello Arnauld,

Yes, things are moving step by step. We now have 42 members from different countries (mainly Europe and South America, some Asian as well).

We just adopted our name (International Legal and Academic Society, ILAS), our future website, our statutes, and we are currently electing our 9 Executive Committee Members.

I hope that we'll have a small website by the time everybody moves in the US, so as to try and advertise about it.

On the whole, I'd say that things go very fine :)

Hello Arnauld,

Yes, things are moving step by step. We now have 42 members from different countries (mainly Europe and South America, some Asian as well).

We just adopted our name (International Legal and Academic Society, ILAS), our future website, our statutes, and we are currently electing our 9 Executive Committee Members.

I hope that we'll have a small website by the time everybody moves in the US, so as to try and advertise about it.

On the whole, I'd say that things go very fine :)

Hi, Bitsou. One more for the association.

My name is Marcelo, and I am going to the University of Ottawa (Law & Technology) this Fall.

Also from Brazil.


Hi, Bitsou. One more for the association.

My name is Marcelo, and I am going to the University of Ottawa (Law & Technology) this Fall.

Also from Brazil.


Count me in too!
my email address is vprasan at

Count me in too!
my email address is vprasan at

Hi - I am interested in joining this association? Has it been created? How can I join?

Hi - I am interested in joining this association? Has it been created? How can I join?


Yes, the association exists and there is an existing website at However, while the activities were numerous one year ago, there has been hardly anything going on for the last months as everybody is currently doing his/her LLM and/or has other priorities.

To be honest, I don't know what the future of the association will be. Just let me know in private if you're nevertheless interested.

Kind Regards


Yes, the association exists and there is an existing website at However, while the activities were numerous one year ago, there has been hardly anything going on for the last months as everybody is currently doing his/her LLM and/or has other priorities.

To be honest, I don't know what the future of the association will be. Just let me know in private if you're nevertheless interested.

Kind Regards

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