Help in GPA Translation

I need to gauge my chances of being accepted in an LLM program in the US. However, our grading system is not the same. Instead of 1.0-4.0 system, we use 50-100. I don't know how my grades will be translated.

My general weighted average (GWA) was not computed by my school's registrar because, according to her, I was a transferee and, as such, I won't be given honors or distinctions at all despite my grades being higher than the valedictorian's.

And so I tried to compute my GWA and it yielded an average of around 83.9+ (which is equivalent to a GPA of 3.0+). However, I discovered that 93 and above are translated to 4.0. I have 5 or 6 subjects with grades of 93 and above.

My question is, how do US schools translate GPAs? Do they consider the average as a whole in translating or do they translate the individual grades first before arriving at the GPA?

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to lend me a hand. I really appreciate it.

I need to gauge my chances of being accepted in an LLM program in the US. However, our grading system is not the same. Instead of 1.0-4.0 system, we use 50-100. I don't know how my grades will be translated.

My general weighted average (GWA) was not computed by my school's registrar because, according to her, I was a transferee and, as such, I won't be given honors or distinctions at all despite my grades being higher than the valedictorian's.

And so I tried to compute my GWA and it yielded an average of around 83.9+ (which is equivalent to a GPA of 3.0+). However, I discovered that 93 and above are translated to 4.0. I have 5 or 6 subjects with grades of 93 and above.

My question is, how do US schools translate GPAs? Do they consider the average as a whole in translating or do they translate the individual grades first before arriving at the GPA?

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to lend me a hand. I really appreciate it.
chicken so...

My feeling is that most schools will just convert the average, and will not look at individual classes. Check with the schools you are interested in, and see what their process is. 

My feeling is that most schools will just convert the average, and will not look at individual classes. Check with the schools you are interested in, and see what their process is. 

What you need is not a GPA translation. The translation of your transcript and certificate will relate the same content you already have in both documents. I mean, if your original transcript or certificate inform your grade as 83.9, the TRANSLATION will inform the same number because a number is just a number. The translation service must reflect clearly and literally the content of your document and not interpret what is behind the words.

What you really need is a CREDENTIAL EVALUATION service provided for companies such as WES, Educational Perspectives, A2Z etc.

It is an expensive service (USD 150 to 200 each transcript). You won't receive a translation of your documents as it is a different service. You will receive a document evaluating the degree you achieved, what is the equivalent of your degree at the country you wish to use the evaluation, your certificate's content and the grade achieved in GPA score format.

The evaluation service will just do what they are supposed to do: EVALUATE your credential achieved (degree and equivalent degree, your college, the grade you achieved etc).

[Edited by Pedroeol on Jul 16, 2020]

What you need is not a GPA translation. The translation of your transcript and certificate will relate the same content you already have in both documents. I mean, if your original transcript or certificate inform your grade as 83.9, the TRANSLATION will inform the same number because a number is just a number. The translation service must reflect clearly and literally the content of your document and not interpret what is behind the words.<br><br>What you really need is a CREDENTIAL EVALUATION service provided for companies such as WES, Educational Perspectives, A2Z etc.<br><br>It is an expensive service (USD 150 to 200 each transcript). You won't receive a translation of your documents as it is a different service. You will receive a document evaluating the degree you achieved, what is the equivalent of your degree at the country you wish to use the evaluation, your certificate's content and the grade achieved in GPA score format.<br><br>The evaluation service will just do what they are supposed to do: EVALUATE your credential achieved (degree and equivalent degree, your college, the grade you achieved etc).<br>

Thank you so much and sorry for replying this late! I got wind with work for the last several months that I foregone my LLM wishes. I went back to these dreams just now, after realizing I could finance my LLM studies. I will apply once I'm already financially stable, but I already found some possible sources of income. Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it.

Thank you so much and sorry for replying this late! I got wind with work for the last several months that I foregone my LLM wishes. I went back to these dreams just now, after realizing I could finance my LLM studies. I will apply once I'm already financially stable, but I already found some possible sources of income. Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it.

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