Help - Dilemma: NYU vs. UChicago vs. Columbia


Hi all,
I would like to know your opinions on my dilemma.

I am in doubt whether to accept admision from Univeristy of Chicago, NYU (corporate law LLM) or Columbia. UChicago rewarded me a partial scholarship, I am still waiting for scholarship decisions from NYU and Columbia.

I am interested in mergers and acquisitions from a tax law and corporate law perspective.

What do you think would be the best option for me?

Hi all,
I would like to know your opinions on my dilemma.

I am in doubt whether to accept admision from Univeristy of Chicago, NYU (corporate law LLM) or Columbia. UChicago rewarded me a partial scholarship, I am still waiting for scholarship decisions from NYU and Columbia.

I am interested in mergers and acquisitions from a tax law and corporate law perspective.

What do you think would be the best option for me?
Inactive User

Hi Miek, I am in your same dilemma and I am just waiting for confirmation of NYU regarding financial aid, which I believe I won't be awarded with anything. I am also corporate lawyer and if NYU doesn't grant me any discount, I will definitely attend Chicago (which granted me a partial scholarship).

Hi Miek, I am in your same dilemma and I am just waiting for confirmation of NYU regarding financial aid, which I believe I won't be awarded with anything. I am also corporate lawyer and if NYU doesn't grant me any discount, I will definitely attend Chicago (which granted me a partial scholarship).

Hi Miek, I am in your same dilemma and I am just waiting for confirmation of NYU regarding financial aid, which I believe I won't be awarded with anything. I am also corporate lawyer and if NYU doesn't grant me any discount, I will definitely attend Chicago (which granted me a partial scholarship).

Hi Jacosi, thank you for responding! I think I will also go with the school that awards me the most financial aid, but I am not a 100% sure yet.
What would you do if NYU gives you a scholarship equal to the scholarship of Chicago?

[quote]Hi Miek, I am in your same dilemma and I am just waiting for confirmation of NYU regarding financial aid, which I believe I won't be awarded with anything. I am also corporate lawyer and if NYU doesn't grant me any discount, I will definitely attend Chicago (which granted me a partial scholarship).[/quote]

Hi Jacosi, thank you for responding! I think I will also go with the school that awards me the most financial aid, but I am not a 100% sure yet.
What would you do if NYU gives you a scholarship equal to the scholarship of Chicago?
Inactive User

With the same conditions, I would choose Chicago as well.

With the same conditions, I would choose Chicago as well.

I am in the same situation right now (minus Columbia) and was admitted to the Legal Theory program at NYU. I really wish NYU would respond with financial aid soon so we can make decisions!

I am in the same situation right now (minus Columbia) and was admitted to the Legal Theory program at NYU. I really wish NYU would respond with financial aid soon so we can make decisions!

I am in the same situation right now (minus Columbia) and was admitted to the Legal Theory program at NYU. I really wish NYU would respond with financial aid soon so we can make decisions!

Where would you go if they offered equal scholarships?

[quote]I am in the same situation right now (minus Columbia) and was admitted to the Legal Theory program at NYU. I really wish NYU would respond with financial aid soon so we can make decisions![/quote]

Where would you go if they offered equal scholarships?
Inactive User

I was admitted to the Traditional program of NYU. I received a 10k scholarship from Chicago, and I understand they grant scholarships just to 30% of the admitted students. Cost of living in Chicago v/s NYC is important and specially about acommodation. Additionally, in US rankings ( Chicago is better ranked than Columbia and NYU.

I was admitted to the Traditional program of NYU. I received a 10k scholarship from Chicago, and I understand they grant scholarships just to 30% of the admitted students. Cost of living in Chicago v/s NYC is important and specially about acommodation. Additionally, in US rankings ( Chicago is better ranked than Columbia and NYU.

True, we should definitely consider cost of living Chicago vs NYC.

I don't think the ranking should matter that much, since the ranking can shift every year and they are 4th, 5th and 6th..
I am still in doubt what would best however since NYU is known for its tax law program, since tax would be at leat half of my degree I am in doubt whether or not to give NYU more consideration.

True, we should definitely consider cost of living Chicago vs NYC.

I don't think the ranking should matter that much, since the ranking can shift every year and they are 4th, 5th and 6th..
I am still in doubt what would best however since NYU is known for its tax law program, since tax would be at leat half of my degree I am in doubt whether or not to give NYU more consideration.

I am in the same situation right now (minus Columbia) and was admitted to the Legal Theory program at NYU. I really wish NYU would respond with financial aid soon so we can make decisions!

Where would you go if they offered equal scholarships?

I think Chicago. I am interested in academia and from my research, Chicago seems like a great training ground for that sort of work.

[quote][quote]I am in the same situation right now (minus Columbia) and was admitted to the Legal Theory program at NYU. I really wish NYU would respond with financial aid soon so we can make decisions![/quote]

Where would you go if they offered equal scholarships?[/quote]

I think Chicago. I am interested in academia and from my research, Chicago seems like a great training ground for that sort of work.

True, we should definitely consider cost of living Chicago vs NYC.

I don't think the ranking should matter that much, since the ranking can shift every year and they are 4th, 5th and 6th..
I am still in doubt what would best however since NYU is known for its tax law program, since tax would be at leat half of my degree I am in doubt whether or not to give NYU more consideration.

Being in the same boat as you, one of the few certainties I've found in the course of my inquiries is that NYU is the best at tax, domestic and international, by teaching and reputation.

M&A, CLS and NYU flip flop, but CLS seems generally better-regarded at Corporation Law.

[quote]True, we should definitely consider cost of living Chicago vs NYC.

I don't think the ranking should matter that much, since the ranking can shift every year and they are 4th, 5th and 6th..
I am still in doubt what would best however since NYU is known for its tax law program, since tax would be at leat half of my degree I am in doubt whether or not to give NYU more consideration. [/quote]

Being in the same boat as you, one of the few certainties I've found in the course of my inquiries is that NYU is the best at tax, domestic and international, by teaching and reputation.

M&A, CLS and NYU flip flop, but CLS seems generally better-regarded at Corporation Law.

Same issue here! I have a $20k scholarship to Chicago, and nothing from NYU or Columbia. Money is a big issue for me but worst comes to worst I’ll get a loan. My only concern about Chicago is that it’s not as well known overseas, eg in the UK. I love the look of NYU but am also concerned about the huge classroom size! Columbia is the most expensive though

Same issue here! I have a $20k scholarship to Chicago, and nothing from NYU or Columbia. Money is a big issue for me but worst comes to worst I’ll get a loan. My only concern about Chicago is that it’s not as well known overseas, eg in the UK. I love the look of NYU but am also concerned about the huge classroom size! Columbia is the most expensive though

Hey! I was wondering what worked out for you guys finally, especially from a job perspective. Did anyone end up attending the University of Chicago? I'm admitted to Chicago as well as Georgetown Tax and am trying to decide between the two. Any help would be appreciated. (I'm open to both M&A & Tax as fields I'd like to pursue)

Hey! I was wondering what worked out for you guys finally, especially from a job perspective. Did anyone end up attending the University of Chicago? I'm admitted to Chicago as well as Georgetown Tax and am trying to decide between the two. Any help would be appreciated. (I'm open to both M&A & Tax as fields I'd like to pursue)

Hey! I was wondering what worked out for you guys finally, especially from a job perspective. Did anyone end up attending the University of Chicago? I'm admitted to Chicago as well as Georgetown Tax and am trying to decide between the two. Any help would be appreciated. (I'm open to both M&A & Tax as fields I'd like to pursue)

Hi! I eventually ended up at UChicago. It has been a great decision. Tax classes here are really good and the program is small, which has a lot of benefits. The ranking difference between Georgetown and UChicago is definitely something to take into account, since potential employers will do so too. Almost everyone of our LL.M. class who was looking for an OPT opportunity has found one (most of them through the network of their former/future employers though). I you have more questions about Chicago, feel free to contact me.

[quote]Hey! I was wondering what worked out for you guys finally, especially from a job perspective. Did anyone end up attending the University of Chicago? I'm admitted to Chicago as well as Georgetown Tax and am trying to decide between the two. Any help would be appreciated. (I'm open to both M&A & Tax as fields I'd like to pursue)[/quote]

Hi! I eventually ended up at UChicago. It has been a great decision. Tax classes here are really good and the program is small, which has a lot of benefits. The ranking difference between Georgetown and UChicago is definitely something to take into account, since potential employers will do so too. Almost everyone of our LL.M. class who was looking for an OPT opportunity has found one (most of them through the network of their former/future employers though). I you have more questions about Chicago, feel free to contact me.

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