Harvard! Harvard!


Read HLS admission notice on my blackberry at 5:02 am this morning...one day earlier than expected. At least another guy from China received the admission today too, looks like they are living up to their promises on the decision deadline. Good luck to other fellows..

Read HLS admission notice on my blackberry at 5:02 am this morning...one day earlier than expected. At least another guy from China received the admission today too, looks like they are living up to their promises on the decision deadline. Good luck to other fellows..
Pty K

Congratulations :)

I was going to pick Chicago over NYU, LSE & Gtown, but I don't think I'd ever forgive myself for giving up Harvard :)

Congratulations :)

I was going to pick Chicago over NYU, LSE & Gtown, but I don't think I'd ever forgive myself for giving up Harvard :)
Inactive User

Congs guys!! see u in August?? Bk

Congs guys!! see u in August?? Bk

yeah, sure meet u there!

yeah, sure meet u there!

Wondering anyone who gets admitted to both HLS and CLS would choose CLS over HLS...HLS is great but NY is a THE place to go, plus CLS is a great school too. Does anyone here think CLS is way behind HLS or at a comparable level?

Wondering anyone who gets admitted to both HLS and CLS would choose CLS over HLS...HLS is great but NY is a THE place to go, plus CLS is a great school too. Does anyone here think CLS is way behind HLS or at a comparable level?

I am facing the same "problem".
Columbia is great and in my eyes it's 2 strongest points are:
- located in NY
- more practice-oriented teaching

BUT: - Boston is also a great city and for those who will work afterwards in the US they will anyhow live in NY. Moreover NY is only 4 hours from Boston and well, I think this whole NY argument is a little bit overestimated and it is subjective. Personnally I have been living in a big city and i will be happy to be on a more intimate campus

- regarding the courses some of them might be better in Columbia, but some might also be better in Chicago or Penn or Georgetown, it's an endless discussion

All these arguments cannot match the "superargument" for Harvard: it's unique reputation. and let's be honest for a second. Close your eyes and ask yourself where do I want to go?
And you will answer Harvard because it is unique an isn't uniqueness what we are all striving for?
I do not want to underevaluate other schools at all, I think that the education you get is the same, your career opportunities are more determined by your personality and your former activities than by the school of your LLM but still: having the Harvard name on your CV gives you something nobody can take you away anymore.
having said all this I do not pretend that the importance of the harvard brand is justified, but it is a fact.
so, come to harvard!

I am facing the same "problem".
Columbia is great and in my eyes it's 2 strongest points are:
- located in NY
- more practice-oriented teaching

BUT: - Boston is also a great city and for those who will work afterwards in the US they will anyhow live in NY. Moreover NY is only 4 hours from Boston and well, I think this whole NY argument is a little bit overestimated and it is subjective. Personnally I have been living in a big city and i will be happy to be on a more intimate campus

- regarding the courses some of them might be better in Columbia, but some might also be better in Chicago or Penn or Georgetown, it's an endless discussion

All these arguments cannot match the "superargument" for Harvard: it's unique reputation. and let's be honest for a second. Close your eyes and ask yourself where do I want to go?
And you will answer Harvard because it is unique an isn't uniqueness what we are all striving for?
I do not want to underevaluate other schools at all, I think that the education you get is the same, your career opportunities are more determined by your personality and your former activities than by the school of your LLM but still: having the Harvard name on your CV gives you something nobody can take you away anymore.
having said all this I do not pretend that the importance of the harvard brand is justified, but it is a fact.
so, come to harvard!
Inactive User

I agree entirely and i have nothing useful to add=))

I agree entirely and i have nothing useful to add=))
Inactive User

lol, then again maybe i do:)...just remember the title you gave to this thread, and there's your answer=))

lol, then again maybe i do:)...just remember the title you gave to this thread, and there's your answer=))

Harvard is like falling in love

It just happens, you cannot explain it rationnally

You do not believe in it at the beginning

then you doubt (that's your stage now:)

then you will live happily together for the rest of your life (well sometimes this happens...)

Harvard is like falling in love

It just happens, you cannot explain it rationnally

You do not believe in it at the beginning

then you doubt (that's your stage now:)

then you will live happily together for the rest of your life (well sometimes this happens...)
Pty K

do you ever regret it?

do you ever regret it?

thanks a lot guys, advise well taken and No change of mind anymore. see ya there!

thanks a lot guys, advise well taken and No change of mind anymore. see ya there!

no, i believe that you will never regret a true love (even extinguished)

ok, we should go back talking about studies and LLM and jobs...


no, i believe that you will never regret a true love (even extinguished)

ok, we should go back talking about studies and LLM and jobs...

Inactive User

LOL...the best part is its till death do u part...i love that part:)

LOL...the best part is its till death do u part...i love that part:)

dont know u guys but i've already got a job secured here, would return to my current firm :) after graduation, looks like mosta u guys are fresh school graduates, r u?

dont know u guys but i've already got a job secured here, would return to my current firm :) after graduation, looks like mosta u guys are fresh school graduates, r u?
Inactive User

dont know u guys but i've already got a job secured here, would return to my current firm :) after graduation, looks like mosta u guys are fresh school graduates, r u?

in a manner of speaking, yes i am, lol:P

<blockquote>dont know u guys but i've already got a job secured here, would return to my current firm :) after graduation, looks like mosta u guys are fresh school graduates, r u?</blockquote>

in a manner of speaking, yes i am, lol:P

Me too
but i believe that's more of a minority (people on this board are probably not representative because students have more time than people who work)
and average age is around 27/28 i believe

Me too
but i believe that's more of a minority (people on this board are probably not representative because students have more time than people who work)
and average age is around 27/28 i believe
Pty K

I'm also just graduating... have a job I can start on as soon as i finish writing my thesis and various possibilities to be explored when i finish the LLM, so I'm not particularly obsessed with getting a US job.

I'm also just graduating... have a job I can start on as soon as i finish writing my thesis and various possibilities to be explored when i finish the LLM, so I'm not particularly obsessed with getting a US job.

I have been admitted to HLS, however, I accepted the offer from the University of Chicago. I think Chicago is more demanding then HLS (just my point of view) and has a lot of advantages over HLS.
I have already received 3 job offers from law firms in NY. Thus, after graduation I will go and work to NY for 1 or 2 years before returning to my home country.

I have been admitted to HLS, however, I accepted the offer from the University of Chicago. I think Chicago is more demanding then HLS (just my point of view) and has a lot of advantages over HLS.
I have already received 3 job offers from law firms in NY. Thus, after graduation I will go and work to NY for 1 or 2 years before returning to my home country.

Harvard is like falling in love

It just happens, you cannot explain it rationnally

You do not believe in it at the beginning

then you doubt (that's your stage now:)

then you will live happily together for the rest of your life (well sometimes this happens...)

haha, you should publish a love poetry book abt harvard :)

nice to meet you all, I'm from France and I'm originally Chinese. Hope to see you all there in august !

<blockquote>Harvard is like falling in love

It just happens, you cannot explain it rationnally

You do not believe in it at the beginning

then you doubt (that's your stage now:)

then you will live happily together for the rest of your life (well sometimes this happens...)</blockquote>

haha, you should publish a love poetry book abt harvard :)

nice to meet you all, I'm from France and I'm originally Chinese. Hope to see you all there in august !

Hi keyser_soze, I am also a Chinese but from Shanghai, great to know you man! Hope to see u soon in Boston.

Hi keyser_soze, I am also a Chinese but from Shanghai, great to know you man! Hope to see u soon in Boston.

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