Harvard Admissions Decisions 2010


There's a strategy to my obsessive fixation this Board: it will give me an indication of whether I haven't gotten in, whereas my email account will only tell me whether I have gotten in.

There's a strategy to my obsessive fixation this Board: it will give me an indication of whether I haven't gotten in, whereas my email account will only tell me whether I have gotten in.


totally agree with you! Live it! LIVE THE TENSION!


totally agree with you! Live it! LIVE THE TENSION!

Also, when am I gonna get my fourth star!!!?

Also, when am I gonna get my fourth star!!!?

togatoga, I think I would like to go drinking with you, seems like it might be quite the crazy time...

togatoga, I think I would like to go drinking with you, seems like it might be quite the crazy time...

Then I suppose, we shud jus let the fate decide, in the meanwhile i should go out fer a drink (considering its almost 9 pm here in new delhi) and will chk again tomm morning, by then i m sure there ll be smthng!!
and fer teh rest, keep up the enthusiasm, keep chkin ur respective mail a/c and keep us all updated..
logging off now.
cheers people and once again best of luck!!!

Then I suppose, we shud jus let the fate decide, in the meanwhile i should go out fer a drink (considering its almost 9 pm here in new delhi) and will chk again tomm morning, by then i m sure there ll be smthng!!
and fer teh rest, keep up the enthusiasm, keep chkin ur respective mail a/c and keep us all updated..
logging off now.
cheers people and once again best of luck!!!

Anyone care to share credentials? I've interested to see how competitive it was this year. Presumably way more than normal.

Anyone care to share credentials? I've interested to see how competitive it was this year. Presumably way more than normal.



I tried calling them again - (HLS obviously assumes callers don't worry about long distance bills because their pre-recorded message spends a good minute or so updating you on today's date and the fact that it is the "only office for HLS graduate programs, etc.". Curiously what it says is that decisions will be made 'later this week' and thereafter everyone gets an email informing them that (i) a decision is made and (ii) they are to log into some website to see what that decision is.

I tried calling them again - (HLS obviously assumes callers don't worry about long distance bills because their pre-recorded message spends a good minute or so updating you on today's date and the fact that it is the "only office for HLS graduate programs, etc.". Curiously what it says is that decisions will be made 'later this week' and thereafter everyone gets an email informing them that (i) a decision is made and (ii) they are to log into some website to see what that decision is.

OMG I will flip out if they don't tell us today!

OMG I will flip out if they don't tell us today!

haha I am so glad I'm in HLS's same hemisphere. :) I wouldn't wanna go to sleep right now!!!

So, if I get fired after dedicating the 100% of my attention to my email and to this board, and I'm rejected by HLS, at least I'll know we'll all see the sun at the same time :)

haha I am so glad I'm in HLS's same hemisphere. :) I wouldn't wanna go to sleep right now!!!

So, if I get fired after dedicating the 100% of my attention to my email and to this board, and I'm rejected by HLS, at least I'll know we'll all see the sun at the same time :)

That hoax was mean...

Ppl, relax, I dont think its gonna be today, but certainly this week. My friend sent an email and they told her that the decission would be issued by friday, so its anytime from now and friday. Hope this helps.

Good luck to everyone.

That hoax was mean...

Ppl, relax, I dont think its gonna be today, but certainly this week. My friend sent an email and they told her that the decission would be issued by friday, so its anytime from now and friday. Hope this helps.

Good luck to everyone.

It was mean! Someone back in early March said that it was going to be today! Seriously, have some humanity! They have to realise what kind of state the applicants are in!

It was mean! Someone back in early March said that it was going to be today! Seriously, have some humanity! They have to realise what kind of state the applicants are in!

Good God, are we supposed to take from this that they will not be released today?! I will have to force some productivity. Can't spend a week in this refresh-haze.

re credentials, mine are probably good but not outstanding - first class LLB from LSE (circa 10% of LSE's LLBs get this, but they don't provide class rank data so I have no idea about that), another year spent at a US university on full scholarship, lots of work exp, research assistantships etc, 2 years full time work experience and the standard array of extracurriculars (lots of sport, big mooting competitions etc).

Probably the most unusual aspects of my application were that a) I am a synchronised swimmer and b) I have more poetry/lit review publications than I do law :S

Good God, are we supposed to take from this that they will not be released today?! I will have to force some productivity. Can't spend a week in this refresh-haze.

re credentials, mine are probably good but not outstanding - first class LLB from LSE (circa 10% of LSE's LLBs get this, but they don't provide class rank data so I have no idea about that), another year spent at a US university on full scholarship, lots of work exp, research assistantships etc, 2 years full time work experience and the standard array of extracurriculars (lots of sport, big mooting competitions etc).

Probably the most unusual aspects of my application were that a) I am a synchronised swimmer and b) I have more poetry/lit review publications than I do law :S


Ok, credentials! Good idea!

I'm from Latin America, Top 15% of my class, two internships at major Law firms, two years of working experience, one of them was a field job (in a post war zone), two academic awards, Legal Clinic, and got two great recommenders :) Concentration I'm applying to: Human Rights.

Ok, credentials! Good idea!

I'm from Latin America, Top 15% of my class, two internships at major Law firms, two years of working experience, one of them was a field job (in a post war zone), two academic awards, Legal Clinic, and got two great recommenders :) Concentration I'm applying to: Human Rights.

Awesome! Those sound good. I'm first class honours too. Top 5% class. In my final year undergrad. Internships in one major firm and one in politics. Law Review. Three publications.

Awesome! Those sound good. I'm first class honours too. Top 5% class. In my final year undergrad. Internships in one major firm and one in politics. Law Review. Three publications.

@ As26, I understand you, as I myself am totally stressed out about this waiting thing. The problem is, the more I read this thread, the more anxious I get. And I think the same goes for virtually everyone else. I guess I'll just follow my own advice and stop checking this thread, then. Luck to you all and hopefully we can meet for a pint of beer at Harvard Sq.

@ As26, I understand you, as I myself am totally stressed out about this waiting thing. The problem is, the more I read this thread, the more anxious I get. And I think the same goes for virtually everyone else. I guess I'll just follow my own advice and stop checking this thread, then. Luck to you all and hopefully we can meet for a pint of beer at Harvard Sq.

Anyone care to share credentials? I've interested to see how competitive it was this year. Presumably way more than normal.

Yes I think its a great idea to share credentials. I think you'll find that mine are most impressive:

- Former representative to the ruling council of my planet, Mon Calamari
- Following several years in slavery, I was liberated and helped to design the B-Wing starfighter
- Led the Rebels' space forces at the Battle of Endor
- Part of the New Republic's provisional government
- I retired several years ago, but came out of retirement to help fight the Yuuzhan Vong

Admittedly I haven't yet succeeded in publishing any poetry or literary reviews.

<blockquote>Anyone care to share credentials? I've interested to see how competitive it was this year. Presumably way more than normal. </blockquote>

Yes I think its a great idea to share credentials. I think you'll find that mine are most impressive:

- Former representative to the ruling council of my planet, Mon Calamari
- Following several years in slavery, I was liberated and helped to design the B-Wing starfighter
- Led the Rebels' space forces at the Battle of Endor
- Part of the New Republic's provisional government
- I retired several years ago, but came out of retirement to help fight the Yuuzhan Vong

Admittedly I haven't yet succeeded in publishing any poetry or literary reviews.


LOL, how are you a rep to your own planet? And how were you a slave if you were a representative?

LOL, how are you a rep to your own planet? And how were you a slave if you were a representative?

Admiral Ackbar, with those credentials I'm surprised they haven't already contacted you to give you a likely letter!

Admiral Ackbar, with those credentials I'm surprised they haven't already contacted you to give you a likely letter!


Thanks for the joke.
Anyone else interested in the Human Rights concentration?


Thanks for the joke.
Anyone else interested in the Human Rights concentration?

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