Duke vs. Cornell


Hi there.

I was admitted to Duke and Cornell and is still waiting for news from others.

Between Duke and Cornell, which is better? It is quite difficult for me to decide between the two. You guys have any comments? Thanks in advance.

Hi there.

I was admitted to Duke and Cornell and is still waiting for news from others.

Between Duke and Cornell, which is better? It is quite difficult for me to decide between the two. You guys have any comments? Thanks in advance.

Me too, could you guys please also share opinion or compare in respest of cost of living?

Me too, could you guys please also share opinion or compare in respest of cost of living?

Congrats to both of you!
I did not really inform myself about Duke and Cornell as I am not applying there, but just from my "guts" I would say go to Duke. Duke is way smaller (very few programs compared to Cornell!) and their reputation is very good too! I mean of course Cornell os in the Ivey Leauge and is a great school too, but I would go for Duke if I were you.
Good luck deciding! ;)

Congrats to both of you!
I did not really inform myself about Duke and Cornell as I am not applying there, but just from my "guts" I would say go to Duke. Duke is way smaller (very few programs compared to Cornell!) and their reputation is very good too! I mean of course Cornell os in the Ivey Leauge and is a great school too, but I would go for Duke if I were you.
Good luck deciding! ;)

Admitted to Duke and also about to give up my spot there, but still interested in hearing some good suggestions to eventually change my mind. so - please - let me know what to do you think on this topic. with regard to Cornell, from which I've yet to hear, has Ivy league appeal, but is really in the middle of nowhere and several hours far from NYC by car...

Admitted to Duke and also about to give up my spot there, but still interested in hearing some good suggestions to eventually change my mind. so - please - let me know what to do you think on this topic. with regard to Cornell, from which I've yet to hear, has Ivy league appeal, but is really in the middle of nowhere and several hours far from NYC by car...

Hi Seanlee,

I've got admission into Cornell and USC so far, but still waiting for Duke and the others. I personally want to go for Ivy league university. Thus, my choice is Cornell if I were you.
Please tell me if your decision is Cornell, we may share any opinions.

Best regard,

Hi Seanlee,

I've got admission into Cornell and USC so far, but still waiting for Duke and the others. I personally want to go for Ivy league university. Thus, my choice is Cornell if I were you.
Please tell me if your decision is Cornell, we may share any opinions.

Best regard,

Hi zuperboyd. I think that both law schools are great, however, I will choose Duke. Below I sumarized the reason why I choose Duke over Penn, and many of that reasons are applicable to Cornell as well

- Duke has better name and reputation in South America.

- It has one of the strongest (or maybe the strongest) alumni network in South America. In part this is because the self Law School (Duke) encourages alumni to join or form networks in their home countries, and is supervising the activities that in every country are made.

- The LLM program is better: Remember that we will going to do an LLM, not a JD. In most universities, LLM students dont have an special treatment, so, basically, nobody care about them; on the other hand in Duke LLM have an special treatment, activities, lunches etc. Besides Yale and Standford that have very small and selective programs, and as someone said in this thread, at Duke LLMs are very well regarded.

- LLM Staff: If you have been selected, then you know how they care about us. They send us a lot of personalized emails and are eager to answer any of ours concerns. For me is very important to not feel adrift in Law School, specially when it comes to find a job, since I dont have any contact with American law firm.

- Better job perspectives (if any) as an LLM at USA

Hi zuperboyd. I think that both law schools are great, however, I will choose Duke. Below I sumarized the reason why I choose Duke over Penn, and many of that reasons are applicable to Cornell as well

- Duke has better name and reputation in South America.

- It has one of the strongest (or maybe the strongest) alumni network in South America. In part this is because the self Law School (Duke) encourages alumni to join or form networks in their home countries, and is supervising the activities that in every country are made.

- The LLM program is better: Remember that we will going to do an LLM, not a JD. In most universities, LLM students don’t have an special treatment, so, basically, nobody care about them; on the other hand in Duke LLM have an special treatment, activities, lunches etc. Besides Yale and Standford that have very small and selective programs, and as someone said in this thread, at Duke LLMs are very well regarded.

- LLM Staff: If you have been selected, then you know how they care about us. They send us a lot of personalized emails and are eager to answer any of ours concerns. For me is very important to not feel “adrift” in Law School, specially when it comes to find a job, since I don’t have any contact with American law firm.

- Better job perspectives (if any) as an LLM at USA


Hi zuperboyd. I think that both law schools are great, however, I will choose Duke. Below I sumarized the reason why I choose Duke over Penn, and many of that reasons are applicable to Cornell as well

- Duke has better name and reputation in South America.

- It has one of the strongest (or maybe the strongest) alumni network in South America. In part this is because the self Law School (Duke) encourages alumni to join or form networks in their home countries, and is supervising the activities that in every country are made.

- The LLM program is better: Remember that we will going to do an LLM, not a JD. In most universities, LLM students dont have an special treatment, so, basically, nobody care about them; on the other hand in Duke LLM have an special treatment, activities, lunches etc. Besides Yale and Standford that have very small and selective programs, and as someone said in this thread, at Duke LLMs are very well regarded.

- LLM Staff: If you have been selected, then you know how they care about us. They send us a lot of personalized emails and are eager to answer any of ours concerns. For me is very important to not feel adrift in Law School, specially when it comes to find a job, since I dont have any contact with American law firm.

- Better job perspectives (if any) as an LLM at USA

Hi sergiom,

I read your post and I found it very enlightning, I also got admitted to Duke and so far I agree with you as to the more personalised character of the Uni. As a matter of fact, they contacted an alumni who is currently a professor in my University and he called me and offered to meet and answer all my questions about Duke. I am a bit concerned with the location of the University, but I am still thinking about accepting their offer, the other offer I got until now is from UPenn....

<blockquote>Hi zuperboyd. I think that both law schools are great, however, I will choose Duke. Below I sumarized the reason why I choose Duke over Penn, and many of that reasons are applicable to Cornell as well

- Duke has better name and reputation in South America.

- It has one of the strongest (or maybe the strongest) alumni network in South America. In part this is because the self Law School (Duke) encourages alumni to join or form networks in their home countries, and is supervising the activities that in every country are made.

- The LLM program is better: Remember that we will going to do an LLM, not a JD. In most universities, LLM students don’t have an special treatment, so, basically, nobody care about them; on the other hand in Duke LLM have an special treatment, activities, lunches etc. Besides Yale and Standford that have very small and selective programs, and as someone said in this thread, at Duke LLMs are very well regarded.

- LLM Staff: If you have been selected, then you know how they care about us. They send us a lot of personalized emails and are eager to answer any of ours concerns. For me is very important to not feel “adrift” in Law School, specially when it comes to find a job, since I don’t have any contact with American law firm.

- Better job perspectives (if any) as an LLM at USA

Hi sergiom,

I read your post and I found it very enlightning, I also got admitted to Duke and so far I agree with you as to the more personalised character of the Uni. As a matter of fact, they contacted an alumni who is currently a professor in my University and he called me and offered to meet and answer all my questions about Duke. I am a bit concerned with the location of the University, but I am still thinking about accepting their offer, the other offer I got until now is from UPenn....

Congrats ipink,

I was contacted with an alumni from my country too, and through him, with other alumni from the Duke's network.

About the location, I think that Durham is great! Is not as expensive as Philadelphia an it has better wheater. In adittion, Duke's offers many activities like parties and sport games against other universities (Duke Blue Devils are among the best sport teams in USA, in fact, they have won many times tha NCAA championship), so I believe that in this item (location) Duke beat Penn too!

Congrats ipink,

I was contacted with an alumni from my country too, and through him, with other alumni from the Duke's network.

About the location, I think that Durham is great! Is not as expensive as Philadelphia an it has better wheater. In adittion, Duke's offers many activities like parties and sport games against other universities (Duke Blue Devils are among the best sport teams in USA, in fact, they have won many times tha NCAA championship), so I believe that in this item (location) Duke beat Penn too!


I surely beleive it is a great location, and all activities and networking opportunities seem fascinating, especially the fact that I will be able to study in an actual campus ( My University was in the city center so I didin't have this). However, what I meant is, it is very far from NY, where I have friends, plus I don't know how easily bored a city peson can get there after a while, do not misunderstand me, I have never been to the US so I don't have a clue, apart from what I have wathed on TV... (Btw, I think the series One Tree Hill is filmed there, and the scenery seems great...!)

I surely beleive it is a great location, and all activities and networking opportunities seem fascinating, especially the fact that I will be able to study in an actual campus ( My University was in the city center so I didin't have this). However, what I meant is, it is very far from NY, where I have friends, plus I don't know how easily bored a city peson can get there after a while, do not misunderstand me, I have never been to the US so I don't have a clue, apart from what I have wathed on TV... (Btw, I think the series One Tree Hill is filmed there, and the scenery seems great...!)

How about the costs?

How about the costs?

How about the costs?

Cornell is for a reason I do not understand much more expensive.
They have the highest tuition in the US, I would guess. At least the LL.M fees are about 50.000$ according to their website. This is even more expensice than Harvard or Yale, although Cornell is based on objective criteria a school comparebale to Duke. Both schools are at the same position in the ranking.
Moreover I heard that Ithaca is very expensive, although it is a very small town where the cat and the dog say goodnight.
The fees in Duke are about 43.000$. Lifing expenses are moderate, you can live in an apartement with a friend (two bedrooms) for 400$ each.

<blockquote>How about the costs? </blockquote>

Cornell is for a reason I do not understand much more expensive.
They have the highest tuition in the US, I would guess. At least the LL.M fees are about 50.000$ according to their website. This is even more expensice than Harvard or Yale, although Cornell is based on objective criteria a school comparebale to Duke. Both schools are at the same position in the ranking.
Moreover I heard that Ithaca is very expensive, although it is a very small town where the cat and the dog say goodnight.
The fees in Duke are about 43.000$. Lifing expenses are moderate, you can live in an apartement with a friend (two bedrooms) for 400$ each.

Hi there.

I was admitted to Duke and Cornell and is still waiting for news from others.

Between Duke and Cornell, which is better? It is quite difficult for me to decide between the two. You guys have any comments? Thanks in advance.

Seanlee (or anyone else who got in too), can you please tell me when is your deadline to answer to Cornell? I am still waiting for them to make a decision on my app and this information might help me! thank you.

<blockquote>Hi there.

I was admitted to Duke and Cornell and is still waiting for news from others.

Between Duke and Cornell, which is better? It is quite difficult for me to decide between the two. You guys have any comments? Thanks in advance.

Seanlee (or anyone else who got in too), can you please tell me when is your deadline to answer to Cornell? I am still waiting for them to make a decision on my app and this information might help me! thank you.

Hi, Gab2009. The deadline is Apr.1.

Hi, Gab2009. The deadline is Apr.1.

Same here. My deadline is April 1, too.

I have not yet decided between Duke and Cornell. I already paid my deposit to Duke and will have to make the final decision soon by the end of March, at the latest....

Same here. My deadline is April 1, too.

I have not yet decided between Duke and Cornell. I already paid my deposit to Duke and will have to make the final decision soon by the end of March, at the latest....

go for cornell. Ivy league is something you must pay for, but sure you'll have good feedback afterwards

go for cornell. Ivy league is something you must pay for, but sure you'll have good feedback afterwards

What the hell is up with the Ivy league shit btw? Can anyone inform me?

Cornell is more expensive than Duke and in my opinion worse.

What the hell is up with the Ivy league shit btw? Can anyone inform me?

Cornell is more expensive than Duke and in my opinion worse.

i don't understand either why cornell is more expensive than any other school.
and i don't think it has anything to do with cornell's ivy league status.
correct me if i'm wrong but i think HLS or CLS's fees are more or less 40000$, although they are ivies.. i don't understand why cornell is 50000$..

i don't understand either why cornell is more expensive than any other school.
and i don't think it has anything to do with cornell's ivy league status.
correct me if i'm wrong but i think HLS or CLS's fees are more or less 40000$, although they are ivies.. i don't understand why cornell is 50000$..

If you turn to Duke, welcome to join us at


If you turn to Duke, welcome to join us at


i don't understand either why cornell is more expensive than any other school.
and i don't think it has anything to do with cornell's ivy league status.
correct me if i'm wrong but i think HLS or CLS's fees are more or less 40000$, although they are ivies.. i don't understand why cornell is 50000$..

As I said, there is no reason why you should pay an amount of 10.000$ in addition to other law schools. Duke, Harvard, Yale have all about the same fee. Cornell is much more expensive, although it is a school which is about as good as Duke. They are comparable, even though Cornell is Ivy and Duke is not. This is really not a criteria. Furthermore the weather is much better in Duke I don't want to build snow men the whole year.

<blockquote>i don't understand either why cornell is more expensive than any other school.
and i don't think it has anything to do with cornell's ivy league status.
correct me if i'm wrong but i think HLS or CLS's fees are more or less 40000$, although they are ivies.. i don't understand why cornell is 50000$.. </blockquote>

As I said, there is no reason why you should pay an amount of 10.000$ in addition to other law schools. Duke, Harvard, Yale have all about the same fee. Cornell is much more expensive, although it is a school which is about as good as Duke. They are comparable, even though Cornell is Ivy and Duke is not. This is really not a criteria. Furthermore the weather is much better in Duke I don't want to build snow men the whole year.

i don't understand either why cornell is more expensive than any other school.
and i don't think it has anything to do with cornell's ivy league status.
correct me if i'm wrong but i think HLS or CLS's fees are more or less 40000$, although they are ivies.. i don't understand why cornell is 50000$..

As I said, there is no reason why you should pay an amount of 10.000$ in addition to other law schools. Duke, Harvard, Yale have all about the same fee. Cornell is much more expensive, although it is a school which is about as good as Duke. They are comparable, even though Cornell is Ivy and Duke is not. This is really not a criteria. Furthermore the weather is much better in Duke I don't want to build snow men the whole year.

Agree! Let's go to Durham together!

<blockquote><blockquote>i don't understand either why cornell is more expensive than any other school.
and i don't think it has anything to do with cornell's ivy league status.
correct me if i'm wrong but i think HLS or CLS's fees are more or less 40000$, although they are ivies.. i don't understand why cornell is 50000$.. </blockquote>

As I said, there is no reason why you should pay an amount of 10.000$ in addition to other law schools. Duke, Harvard, Yale have all about the same fee. Cornell is much more expensive, although it is a school which is about as good as Duke. They are comparable, even though Cornell is Ivy and Duke is not. This is really not a criteria. Furthermore the weather is much better in Duke I don't want to build snow men the whole year.</blockquote>

Agree! Let's go to Durham together!

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