Heading off to Columbia this fall, and am meant to put in my housing application by Monday. I'm gunning for a studio/efficiency and my first choice is Lenfest. Based on threads (from previous years) on this website and elsewhere on the internet, I gather that Lionsgate might be fine if I get a place on one of the floors higher up, and facing south. I understand also that with Lionsgate I am equally likely to be stuck in a dark shoebox with windows facing the brick wall of the building next door and lots of cockroaches freeloading in the apartment. Is this accurate? Should I be putting down the 400 block/420 W 116th St. as my second and third options (given that I'm opting only for studio/efficiency, and don't want an apartment share) and avoiding Lionsgate? Would be grateful if any current or ex Columbia LL.M students could give me some insights. Thanks!